• 此外西城汽车站至仪征汽车站之间77号城际公交车运行时间为05:50至18:30。可以选择方便方式

    Besides, intercity bus No.77 runs between the West Bus Station and Yizheng Bus Station from 05:50 to 18:30. You can choose the most convenient way.


  • 西雅图车站不可思议地选择坐在普通塑料座椅上没有去坐气派的橡木长椅

    At the station in Seattle I had inexplicably opted to sit in ordinary plastic seats rather than sets of regal, oak-carved benches.


  • 我们故意选择车站只有一个街区同时也有公共汽车路线。公共汽车的路线在近在咫尺的地方。

    We purposely picked a home that was a block away from the train stop and has bus lines that are within feet of our front door.


  • 建筑事务所somHOK参与了早车站扩建项目但是本次项目将会由库选择开发商方面的设计师负责。

    Architecture firms SOM and HOK have both been associated with previous expansion plans, but Cuomo's selected developer will name its own architect for the project.


  • 网站也提供了其他选择旷工理由”中包括像这样难以服人借口:“今天得晚点来,因为我必须到车站去接叔叔。”

    Alternatively its "top ten bunk off ideas" included such improbable excuses as: "I will be late for work today because I have to pick my uncle up from the train station."


  • 基于就在车站旁边价格十分合理的缘故,我们选择它。

    We picked this hotel for it's proximity to the train station, and the price was right as well.


  • 地铁车站造价差异主要反映围护结构类型选择上。

    The cost difference of metro stations is reflected mainly in the type selection of the building enclosure.


  • 车站信号联锁设计着重研究了站场形状模拟和其后的进选择、进路联锁的设计过程。

    The article focuses on the design for emulating station yard, route selection and route interlocking entrances.


  • 铁路车站道岔选择咽喉区布置不仅运营效果影响很大而且桥隧工程一样更改

    The selection of switch and throat arrangement has great impact on the operation efficiency and is unchangeable like bridge and tunnel engineering.


  • 运用菜单技术图形选择所需基本图形单元拼凑车站信号平面图

    A number of basic figure cells are chose from the graphic warehouse through the use of menu technique and scrabble up a whole of the graph of the station signal.


  • 本期《生存汉语将会选择车站作为会话场景帮助解决车站可能遇到各种问题

    In this issue of Survival Chinese, we will choose the train station as the conversation scene to help you solve the problems which you might be facing when you are at the railway station.


  • 选择先进旅行选择例如迅速旅行,最少车站避免产品并且迅速显示返回旅行细节

    Select advanced journey options such as quickest journey, fewest stops, avoid lines and quickly display return journey details.


  • 进一步的行动线圈地面上响亮车站) ,选择恶化

    The further up the coil from ground, the louder the stations are (to a point) but the selectivity gets worse.


  • 童年时候巴蒂经历次令终生难忘选择5时候,他的父母带到了台。

    When the Nuo Badi childhood experience that he will never forget a choice, it is in his 5 years old when his parents brought him to the station platform.


  • after公共场所:在车站剧院教室商店地铁场所保持镇静就地选择躲藏然后听从指挥有序撤离

    In public place: in places and so on station, theater, classroom, store, subway, must maintain calm, chooses hides place, then obeys the direction, the order evacuation.


  • 西雅图车站不可思议地选择坐在普通塑料座椅上没有去坐更气派橡木长椅。

    At the station in Seattle I had inexplicably opted to sit in ordinary plastic seats rather than sets of regal, oak -carved benches.


  • 酒店南面大海,东靠栈桥车站中山路商业街区,西邻八大峡风景区和黄岛轮渡码头,最佳旅居选择

    The Hotel faces pier and beach to the north is railway station and shopping center to the west is the Huangdao Ferry Eight-Gorge scenery. It is the best Hotel for you to choose when come to Qingdao.


  • 网站也提供了其他选择旷工理由”中包括像这样难以服人借口:“今天得晚点来,因为我必须到车站去接叔叔。”

    Alternatively, its "Top Ten Bunk Off Ideas" included such improbable excuses as: "I will be late for work today because I have to pick my uncle up from the train station."


  • 通过城市轨道交通地下车站公共系统模式分析提出了不同类型车站公共区排烟风机选择方法

    By analyzing the smoke extraction system of public zone of underground station in the urban rail transit, we proposed some methods of choosing exhausting smoke...


  • 通过城市轨道交通地下车站公共系统模式分析提出了不同类型车站公共区排烟风机选择方法

    By analyzing the smoke extraction system of public zone of underground station in the urban rail transit, we proposed some methods of choosing exhausting smoke...


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