• ——迪达拉艺术就是爆炸

    Art is a blast.


  • 奥利弗·斯通制片的电影《棕榈》由达纳·德拉尼、吉姆·贝鲁西安吉·金森联袂主演。

    Produced by Oliver Stone, "Wild Palms" costars Dana Delaney, Jim Belushi and Angie Dickinson.


  • ·莫伊拉·安吉拉·达琳。”自豪地回答

    "Wendy Moira Angela Darling," she replied with some satisfaction.


  • 埃米尔·阿卜杜勒·拉扎克·阿尔·祖拜是济加尔文物调查员,也是哈姆达尼的继任者。 祖拜甚至燃气开车新近发生劫掠地方。

    Mr. Hamdani’s successor as antiquities inspector for the province, Amir Abdul Razak al-Zubaidi, said he did not even have the budget to pay for gas to drive to the sites of new looting.


  • 来自加州大学圣迭戈分校的卡克•穆拉里达兰世界银行万可太实•桑德拉拉曼,印度安德拉邦的300所国立学校试验了这个想法

    Two researchers, Karthik Muralidharan of the University of California at San Diego and Venkatesh Sundararaman of the World Bank, tested that idea in 300 state-run schools in Andhra Pradesh in India.


  • 维京开始突袭英格兰东北部时斯法恩修道士们着卡斯伯特遗骨逃离了他们岛上家园他们一直流浪直到达拉找到了避难所

    When the Vikings began raiding the North-East of England, the monks of Lindisfarne fled their island home with Cuthbert's bones and wandered until they found sanctuary in Durham.


  • 一位达·布莱尔美丽女性华盛顿特区的元老级人物,而玛丽·拉斯克著名医疗慈善机构——拉斯克基金会创始人

    C. doyenne, was contacted by another important mover named Mary Lasker, founder of the Lasker Foundation, a prestigious medical charity.


  • 通用电气发言人德尔·拉图尔(DeidreLatour)公司很多问题IOC进行了讨论,达富尔问题只是其中之一

    GE spokeswoman Deidre Latour said the company spoke to the IOC on a variety of issues, of which the Darfur issue was just one.


  • 如今查尔斯希尔达·罗(Charles and HildaRoddey)化学工程副教授迈克尔·斯特拉诺(MichaelStrano)和研究团队可以模仿这一过程

    That process has now been imitated by Michael Strano, the Charles and Hilda Roddey Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, and his team of graduate students and researchers.


  • 配音麦克·梅尔斯,·墨菲卡梅隆·茨,安东尼奥·班德拉斯朱丽·安德鲁斯贾斯汀·汀布莱克,乔·汉姆,保罗·卡特尼,艾米·塞达里斯,玛雅·鲁道夫

    Starring (voices): Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Antonio Banderas, Julie Andrews, Justin Timberlake, Jon Hamm, Paul McCartney, Amy Sedaris and Maya Rudolph


  • 人们认为这退役最后一世界杯了,他将·席勒、弗拉拉夫·兹穆达和马拉多纳一起,出场21被写进世界杯记录册

    He was supposed to be playing in his last World Cup but joined Uwe Seeler, Wladislav Zmuda and Maradona in the record books in the tournament with 21 games before his exit.


  • 麦达纳正在·佩雷兹训练,佩雷兹先前训练过莫拉·雷斯的职业对手,马可·安东尼奥·巴雷拉

    Maidana is now being trained by Rudy Perez, who previously trained Morales' career rival, Marco Antonio Barrera.


  • 得知格特尔斯利用种瘟疫爆发控制默里恩星区后,达拉反抗

    When she learned that Getelles had used an outbreak of the Death Seed plague to gain control of the Meridian sector, Daala threw in her lot with the forces that opposed him.


  • 导师,海沙拉夫定以及后来筛海阿卜杜拉达吉斯坦尼哺育村民的结果。

    This was how Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Madani, Shaykh Sharafuddin, and later Shaykh 'Abdullah ad-Daghestani raised the people of the village.


  • 对于今晚表现得不错,外界拉的批评过于苛刻了。他们肯定受影响,他们应该被尊重

    With regards to Dida, tonight he did well and I'm sorry that there are criticisms towards him and Gilardino, both must feel the affection and respect of everyone.


  • 博内拉讨论了事件:“犯了错误但是明白了。”

    Bonera then discussed the recent episode involving Dida: "I think he made a mistake, but he realised that."


  • 和马鲁达共事时间要比德罗巴年,他们儒尼尼奥亚拉组成的中场组合帮助里昂成为欧洲顶级球队之一

    Michael Essien played with Malouda for a season longer than Drogba, the two forming a midfield along with Juninho and Mahamadou Diarra that helped turn Lyon into one of the top sides in Europe.


  • 米拉·内洛—尽管周日联赛面对桑普多利亚但是对于冠军联赛败给布鲁日依然耿耿于怀

    MILANELLO - Despite having to face Sampdoria on Sunday in the league, Dida still has not come to terms with the defeat to Club Brugge in the Champions league.


  • 斯托拉里冬季转会窗梅西纳转会来的,因为卡拉奇受伤病困扰,才得以周日利沃诺队的比赛中首发出场。

    The goalkeeper was signed from Messina in January and made his first appearance for his new club in the match with Livorno on Sunday, as both Nelson Dida and Zeljko Kalac were out injured.


  • 因扎吉之后有一次近距离射门科波拉扑出。达也经受了次考验,倒地挡出对手的一次低射

    Inzaghi was once again denied by Coppola from close-range while Dida had to get down smartly to smother a low cross.


  • 遗憾今天斯托拉里受伤了,背部有伤,不过同时表现满意

    I'm sorry for what happened today to Marco Storari, he had a back problem, but at the same time I'm happy for Dida's performance.


  • 他们和卡罗尔·奇尼、达米恩·达夫肖恩·赖特-菲利浦斯、格雷米、拉善纳·亚拉这些没有世界杯任务球员先会合。

    They were joined by Carlo Cudicini, Damien Duff, Shaun Wright-Phillips, Gérémi and Lassana Diarra, none of whom had been involved in the World Cup.


  • 作为嘉宾,克劳卡汀娜佩戴铂金长方形钻石项链,中央则镶嵌了一颗重达66克拉椭圆形钻石,创作于1955年。

    Claudia Cardinale attending the event is wearing a platinum necklace all in baguette diamonds with a central oval diamonds of 66 cts, 1955.


  • 作为嘉宾,克劳卡汀娜佩戴铂金长方形钻石项链,中央则镶嵌了一颗重达66克拉椭圆形钻石,创作于1955年。

    Claudia Cardinale attending the event is wearing a platinum necklace all in baguette diamonds with a central oval diamonds of 66 cts, 1955.


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