• 仍然着的药物使高聚迪诺太多

    Rixx …still loves the drugs, and loves making high-poly dinos too. Rixx …


  • 迪诺斯·查普曼报道,摆脱亏损他说:“我们使再次只是艺术。”

    Dinos Chapman is reported to have shrugged off the loss, saying, "We will just make it again... it is only art."


  • 这是在阿根廷能得到的最高级别的保护。”塞巴蒂安·迪·马蒂诺说。

    "That is the highest level of protection that can be given in Argentina," says Sebastian Di Martino.


  • 两个最近文件伦敦经济学院迪米特里沃亚诺保罗伍利撰写)支持威廉姆的意见。

    Support for Mr Williams's case comes from two new papers* by DimitriVayanos and Paul Woolley at the London School of Economics.


  • 给尼古拉•格拉纳迪诺这位法国人放弃待遇优厚银行家职,转而成为一位谦虚牛津大学教授。

    She used to be married to Nicolas Granatino, a Frenchman who dumped a lucrative career as a banker to become a humble Ox for d don.


  • 转向艾尔·戈尔他正坐在身后常坐的位子上。我向他说明了遇到的麻烦迪法诺普洛解决

    I turned to Al Gore, who was sitting in his customary seat behind me, explained the problem, and asked him to get George Stephanopoulos to fix it.


  • 乔治.迪法诺普洛星期三来到州长官邸,希拉里继续我们服务,担任白宫的公共关系沟通主任

    When George Stephanopoulos came over to the mansion on Wednesday, Hillary and I asked him to continue being our communications director in the White House.


  • 格雷·穆加贝86的总统老公年龄相差41岁过去5年间,她一直与津巴布韦央行行长吉迪恩·戈诺给丈夫绿帽戴。

    Grace Mugabe - who is 41 years younger than her 86-year-old husband - has spent the past 5 years cuckolding him with Gideon Gono, head of the country's central bank.


  • 大约同一段时间,《时代》杂志刊登了幅封面照片。照片上,坐在桌前,为白水事件而苦恼乔治迪法诺普洛身后凝视

    About the same time, time magazine ran a cover photograph purporting to show George Stephanopoulos peering over my shoulder as I sat at my desk fretting over Whitewater.


  • 一方面,梅西却已经可以球王贝利马拉多纳-法诺一高低。

    Messi on the other hand could be legitimately compared to Pele, Diego Maradona and Alfredo Di Stefano.


  • 看到迪法诺普洛突然发火,紧张地笑了笑也许再任命一名检察官几率是一半对一半。

    He laughed nervously at George’s outburst and said maybe the chances of a second prosecutor were only fifty-fifty.


  • 哈迪快餐,奎滋克拉尔,音速快餐汉堡等等都是使用散养鸡蛋大型餐饮连锁

    Hardee's, Quiznos, Golden Corral, Sonic and Burger King are just some of the major restaurant chains that use cage-free eggs.


  • 拉斐拉马萨父母以及巴西医生迪诺·奥特曼一起飞往布达佩

    Rafaela was joined by Massa's parents and, alongside his Brazilian doctor, Dino Altman, they flew to Budapest.


  • 那天夜里,米基·坎特、布鲁·林赛、詹姆·卡维尔保罗。贝加拉乔治迪法诺普洛、还有希拉里曼彻天天汽车旅馆一个房间里开会。

    That night Mickey Kantor, Bruce Lindsey, James Carville, Paul Begala, George Stephanopoulos, Hillary, and I met in one of our rooms at the Days Inn Motel in Manchester.


  • 因为保罗。贝加拉妻子安娜即将生下他们第一个孩子不能小石城做全职工作所以只好不情愿地乔治迪法诺普洛竞选专机调了出去。

    Because Paul Begala's wife, Diane, was expecting their first child, he couldn't come to Little Rock full-time, so reluctantly, I gave up George Stephanopoulos from the campaign plane.


  • 艾马诺利迪分析人士认为如果欧盟解决了欧元区债务问题,欧盟就可以这个经历得到加强

    If the eu resolves its eurozone debt problems, analysts like Emmanouilidis believe the block could emerge strengthened from the experience.


  • 迪法诺普洛认为一个糟糕透顶主意因为那样会弄得尽人皆知

    Stephanopoulos thought that was a terrible idea because of all the publicity it would generate.


  • 法诺出生阿根廷,1953年加盟皇马,球队征战510,踢进418

    Born in Argentina, Stefano joined the club in 1953, having scored 418 goals in 510 games.


  • 对于诺克索莱奇托来说,他们监狱里已经渡过时光,谈不上所谓的公正;对梅雷迪一家来说,他们至今仍然知道盖德是否参与了谋杀,如果不是,那么究竟是杀害了梅雷迪思,对于他们一家也还谈不上公正。

    Not for Knox and Sollecito, who've spent four years in jail, nor Meredith Kercher's family who still don't know if Rudy Guede had an accomplice or not, and if so, who it might have been.


  • 乔治·迪法诺普洛要离职

    George Stephanopoulos was leaving, too.


  • 乔治迪法诺普洛拉姆·伊曼纽尔的辛勤努力下,我们邀请到了2500多人出席仪式。

    We had invited more than 2, 500 people to the event, which George Stephanopoulos and Rahm Emanuel had labored over.


  • 传言加利亚尼打电话给 弗洛伦蒂诺 ·佩雷询问 迪亚拉,利诺奥马尔 ·蒂索内费尔南多父亲经纪人 ),米兰可能儿子签约。

    Rumours are that Adriano Galliani has phoned Florentino Perez for Lassana Diarra (26), but according to Lino Omar Tissone, the father and agent of Fernando, Milan could be making his move for his son.


  • Lifetime频道近期头条一部有关阿曼达·诺的影片,这个美国学生因涉嫌2007年“梅·科彻”谋杀案,意大利入狱

    The channel made headlines recently by airing a film about Amanda Knox, the US student jailed in Italy for the 2007 killing of Meredith Kercher.


  • 如今查尔希尔达·罗迪(Charles and HildaRoddey)化学工程副教授迈克尔·特拉诺(MichaelStrano)和研究团队可以模仿这一过程

    That process has now been imitated by Michael Strano, the Charles and Hilda Roddey Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, and his team of graduate students and researchers.


  • 希腊热门度假岛屿米克·诺国际游客们不仅可以欣赏到基克拉迪式的建筑未受污染的海滩,而且享受到异常丰富的夜生活

    International travelers love the Cycladic architecture, unspoiled beaches, and vivid nightlife of Greece's most popular island, Mykonos.


  • 阿根廷VS墨西哥:其中之一就是糟糕的判罚---阿根廷3-1胜墨西哥的比赛中,阿根廷前锋特维的首例进球一个越位球。 裁判特凡诺艾罗尔迪他却漏过了。

    Argentina vs. Mexico: One of the worst calls -- a missed offside by Stefano Ayroldi on Argentine Carlos Tevez's first goal in a 3-1 win.


  • 蒂法诺。解释了为什么足球运动员需要谦卑并承认那样明智的。感到齐达内接近他自己

    Di Stefano, who was explaining why footballers need humility, admitted that style wise he felt Zidane was the closest to himself.


  • 足球传奇人物法诺承认齐达内最初回忆球员-除了比较快的。

    Footballing legend Alfredo di Stefano has admitted that Zinedine Zidane is the player most reminiscent of him in his prime - except that he was a little quicker.


  • 他们良好的状态使得切诺迪成为该月最佳教练,而常青树科则拿走最佳球员

    That flying start earns Carlo Ancelotti the Barclays Manager of the Month award with the evergreen Paul Scholes capturing the Barclays Player of the Month award.


  • 时装秀活动中,世界著名摄影师马里奥“特·蒂诺的镜头前,这位年纪轻轻的小模特穿着相搭查理”弗兰一道摆出各种姿势

    In the campaign, shot by world famous photographer Mario Testino, the young model poses alongside Edie and Charlie France, who wear matching coats.


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