• 尽管地震每天都在发生迪生滑坡似的事件不是经常发生。

    Even though earthquakes happen every day, an occurrence like the Madison River landslide does not happen very often.


  • 也有些时候地壳一个断裂发生了,引起如同迪生峡谷发生滑坡

    Sometimes a break in the earth's crust comes about, which starts such a landslide as the which occurred in Madison Canyon.


  • 迪生(先生),愿意娶任静(小姐)为合法妻子共同婚姻生活吗?

    Fu Disheng, do you take this woman, Ren Jing, to be your lawful wedded wife, to live together in the estate of matrimony!


  • 真是想不到,”赫斯渥太太,“年前他们还住迪生大街地下室呢。”

    "Just think of that!" said Mrs. Hurstwood, "and only four years ago they had that basement in Madison Street."


  • 迪生教授文化人类学家,现在于香港科技大学人文学部任教,也是该校华南研究中心主任

    Prof. LIU Tik-sang is a cultural anthropologist teaching in the Division of Humanities and the Director of the South China Research Center at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.


  • 迪生上游条支流处,一整座山开始移动之后它崩塌下来深深的山谷上百万岩石大树般阻挡住大河

    In one part of the upper reaches of the Madison river, a whole mountain began shifting, then came crashing down to fill the deep valley and dam the great river with millions of tons rock and trees.


  • 特里希一生可用她的一首名曲标题来概括。

    The title of one of Dietrich's best-known songs could serve as the leitmotif for her life.


  • 气了。”辛迪

    "I'm too mad at her," Cindy thought.


  • 现在的气,因为明白为什么不能得到温迪

    He was angry with her now for not seeing why she could not have Wendy.


  • 迪知道她应该告诉斯通夫人笔记本在她手里,但是她仍然生安娜的气。

    Cindy knew she should tell Mrs. Stone that she had the notebook, but she was still mad at Anna.


  • 梅金森一直被认为是马乔里·斯卡迪诺夫人的继承者,她经营着企鹅公司母公司——生公司。

    Makinson has long been mentioned as a successor to Dame Marjorie Scardino, who runs Pearson, Penguin's parent company.


  • 尽管阿迪一生中大部分时间也许树上渡过的,但森林地面上时,骨盆适合直立行走的。

    Though Ardi would have spent much of her time in the trees, her pelvis was adapted to walking upright when she came down to the forest floor.


  • 迪安一生绝大部分时间里很少泰坦尼克号爱好者接触,也很少谈到这场灾难。

    For most of her life Dean had no contact with Titanic enthusiasts and rarely spoke about the disaster.


  • 神奇剧情将珊迪作为一名交换又带回来然而他们开始在一起时的那种兴高采烈害怕再也不能相见的感觉,渐渐地成为过去那些浪漫时光的缩影

    The magic of plot contrivance brings her back as an exchange studentbut their early exuberance and her fears about never seeing him again epitomize the fleeting joys of passing romance.


  • 山逊提及永久性标志指的乔迪纹身纪念山逊一生的愿望。

    The permanent mark Samson referred to was Jody's desire to get a tattoo to honor his life.


  • 故事本身简单,讲的是哈佛毕业生了解到卡拉因大陆(南极洲附近)一个叫艾兰迪尔小国文化后发生的故事。

    The story itself is simple, following a Harvard graduates as he learns about the culture of Islandia, a small nation on the Karain continent (near Antarctica).


  • 一个世纪以前美国几乎全民范围内普及了高中教育,正如经济学家克劳迪娅·戈尔丁劳伦斯·卡茨所说,一茬茬毕业生引领美国走向经济繁荣

    Nearly a century ago, the U.S. made high school nearly universal, and the crop of graduates led the nation to economic prosperity, economists Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz have written.


  • 其中的明星人员大卫·温伯格一个很有前途的26岁哲学博士研究生,不经意间一些笑话,见到伍迪立即得到了伍迪的好评

    The star was David Weinberger, a brilliant 26-year-old PhD student in philosophy, who submitted some jokes out of the blue and won instant praise from Woody.


  • 乔治·华盛顿大学人类学专业位积极进取本科生伊利莎白·尼斯迪克塞缪尔·绍尔近期学校一个项目中研究了“文化现象

    As two enterprising anthropology undergraduates at George Washington University, Elizabeth Nistico and Samuel Schall tackled the phenomenon of sugar daddy culture for a recent school project.


  • 麦迪科特先生:“我们力劝那些很想偷看礼物人收起他们的好奇心抵制住诱惑要不然不但惊喜被破坏了,还会心生内疚很可能会使你的圣诞节得索然无味。”

    "We'd definitely urge anyone who's curious to try and resist temptation as the spoilt surprise and feelings of guilt are likely to take the fun out of Xmas day," Mr Maddicott said.


  • 年后又收到来自一张短笺,说班级第二的成绩从高中毕业,她一生最好老师

    Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy. He then wrote that he had finished high school, second in his class, and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life.


  • 鲍勃·迪伦于1988年入选摇滚名人最新专辑一生相随》将于下月28日发行。

    Dylan, whose latest album "Together Through Life" is due out on April 28, was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988.


  • 伊丽莎白·格拉迪斯·米尔维娜·迪安1912年2月2日出生伦敦一生大部分时间都是在英国海边小镇南安普顿度过的,这里是泰坦尼克号

    Born in London on Feb. 2, 1912, Elizabeth Gladys "Millvina" Dean spent most of her life in the English seaside town of Southampton, Titanic's home port.


  • 宾夕法尼亚州长迪克·索恩·伯勒上任68遭遇一生最大危机

    Pennsylvania Governor Dick Thornburgh had been in office a mere 68 days when he came face-to-face with the biggest crisis of his professional life.


  • 总共有14个人,但没有布拉那样享受他们的工作。” 布拉迪的朋友是实习生阿隆·奥托(Aaron Otto)说道

    "I don'tthink anyone enjoyed their workthere were 14 of us — as much as Brady, "said Aaron Otto, a friend and fellow intern.


  • 上世纪70年代佐治亚大学生物学专业研究生马克迪丽娅欧文斯突然产生了在遥远非洲重新安家冲动。

    In the early nineteen-seventies, Mark and Delia Owens, two graduate students in biology at the University of Georgia, were seized by the idea of resettling in remotest Africa.


  • 上世纪70年代佐治亚大学生物学专业研究生马克迪丽娅欧文斯突然产生了在遥远非洲重新安家冲动。

    In the early nineteen-seventies, Mark and Delia Owens, two graduate students in biology at the University of Georgia, were seized by the idea of resettling in remotest Africa.


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