• 世界上最高栋建筑阿联酋迪拜的哈利法塔沙特阿拉伯麦加的麦加皇家钟楼

    The two tallest buildings in the world are the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, UAE and the Makkah Royal Clock Tower in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.


  • 一消息震惊全球信贷市场也使得分析家质疑迪拜——这个阿联酋人口密度第一大城市,是否能力还清债务。

    The statement rocked credit markets around the world and prompted analysts to question whether Dubai, the most populous of the United Arab Emirates, will be able to meet its obligations.


  • 迪拜所有阿联酋航空公司表示修建世界最高旅馆容纳海湾国家阿联酋日益增长观光客

    Dubai -owned airline Emirates said it would build one of the world's tallest hotels to cater for growing Numbers of tourists to the Gulf Arab emirate.


  • 他们猜测迪拜邻居阿布扎比这个拥有阿联酋90%石油阿拉伯联合酋长国富有的成员不会自己麻烦缠身兄弟见死不救

    They guessed that Dubai's neighbour, Abu Dhabi, the wealthiest member of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), with over 90% of its oil, could not let its troubled cousin fail.


  • 周四由于影响,阿联酋航空公司被迫取消了往返迪拜英国之间10个班次航班。

    Emirates airline canceled 10 roundtrip flights between Dubai and Britain on Thursday because of the ash cloud.


  • 阿联酋许多男子例如迪拜男性数量三分之一)选择与外国人结婚,因为花销只当地女孩四分之一

    In the United Arab Emirates many males (a third of Dubai men, for example) wed foreigners, at a quarter of the price of marrying a local girl.


  • 今日早晨,尽管阿联酋统治家族努力消除恐慌迪拜财务危机还是全球股票商品期货大跌

    The Dubai financial crisis continued to send shares and commodities falling around the world this morning, despite efforts by the emirate's ruling family to calm the panic.


  • 之前消息称,引领阿联酋大幅增长国有集团企业迪拜国际要求延期6个月偿还一些债务

    This followed the news that Dubai Worldthe government-owned conglomerate that has led the dramatic growth in the Emirate – has asked to defer repaying some debts for six months.


  • 起到海湾度假,几乎每个人都会想起迪拜——这可以理解阿联酋海湾地区最有人气旅游目的地

    Talk about a holiday in the Gulf and everyone thinks of Dubaiunderstandably so, for the Emirate is by far the most popular destination in the region.


  • 阿联酋银行业季度早期公布的结果表现积极尽管人们担心迪拜世界重建导致贷款损失

    Early second-quarter results from United Arab Emirates Banks have been positive, despite fears that the Dubai World restructuring would cause loan losses.


  • 它们前往美国英国墨西哥以及远在中东阿联酋迪拜当地海关人员官员展示自己的“独门绝技”。

    They will travel throughout the United States, United Kingdom, Mexico and even visit Dubai in the Middle East to showcase their talents to customs agents and other officials.


  • 上海还没有哪建筑高度上接近阿联酋迪拜,这座超级建筑尚未完工,高度就已经达到了688

    None of the Shanghai structures gets close in height to a tower in the United Arab Emirates called Burj Dubai that even amid construction has already stretched to 688 meters.


  • 一些国家可能利用阿联酋的退出作为反对这个地区的迪拜声明的资本。

    Some may quietly exploit the UAE’s pullout as ammunition against Dubai’s claims in this regard.


  • 不过最近阿联酋迪拜阿布扎比考察发现远离好莱坞世界头倒还很油水可捞。

    But there's a celebrity feeding frenzy half a world away from Hollywood, as I found out on a recent trip to Abu Dhabi and Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.


  • 但是隐去加拿大区域寻找军事基地原因——去年阿联酋把加迪拜基地中了出来。

    Left unsaid, however, was the reason Canada was looking for a new military base in the region to begin with: the United Arab Emirates (UAE) booted the country out of its old base in Dubai last year.


  • 毕美娜准备阿联酋迪拜设立办事处加快当地市场信息的反应能力,以此作基地打入整个中东市场。

    Bi Meina said she plans to set up the United Arab Emirates of Dubai, the Office of the Office to speed up the local market responsiveness, as a base for the entire Middle East into the market.


  • 迪拜阿联酋七个酋长国之一,拥有人工修建“棕榈岛”以及位于沙漠中的室内滑雪场,让其名噪一时。

    Dubai, one of seven members of the United Arab Emirates, gained a reputation for excess with the creation of man-made islands shaped like palms and an indoor ski slope in the desert.


  • 阿联酋迪拜曾经巴基斯坦核项目主任阿卜杜勒卡迪尔汗掌控下黑市中心伊朗借此首次开始秘密浓缩活动)。

    Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, was once the hub of Pakistan’s Abdul Qadeer Khan black market (which first got Iran started in secret uranium enrichment).


  • 迪拜国际是否拖欠800亿美元的债务不清楚,如果拖欠,或者银行业造成沉重打击,或者会得到阿联酋紧急援助。

    It is still unclear whether Dubai World will default on its $80bn debts, which would be a major blow to the banking sector, or be bailed out by the United Arab Emirates.


  • 位于阿联酋贸易中心在建的“迪拜”的开发商星期六称:高512.1迪拜塔是世界上最高建筑

    BurjDubai a tower under construction in the United Arab Emirates 'trade hub became the tallest building in the world on Saturday, measuring 512.1 metres, its developer said.


  • 7日,原定飞往迪拜阿联酋客机因收到恐怖威胁起飞15分钟即迫降孟买

    A Dubai-bound United Arab Emirates passenger flight was grounded in Mumbai Sunday, just 15 minutes after it took off, following a terror threat.


  • 这些逮捕行动迪拜阿联酋警方合作进行打击乞讨活动一部分。

    Those arrests were part of a campaign carried out by the municipality in cooperation with the emirate's police to combat begging in Dubai.


  • 这些逮捕行动迪拜阿联酋警方合作进行打击乞讨活动一部分。

    Those arrests were part of a campaign carried out by the municipality in cooperation with the emirate's police to combat begging in Dubai.


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