• 巴厘岛中心一家木雕作坊,老板马德·布迪尔萨手下有75名工匠大多数 人在上班时间都在大块木头边 打瞌睡。

    At a wood-carving workshop in the central Bali, owner Made Budiarsa said most of his 75 craftsmen often sleep around huge chunks of log during working hours.


  • 迪纳位于加布里埃尔丘陵地带

    Pasadena lies in the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains.


  • 认为家庭装不够的,于是,加布里埃尔·加门迪亚不得不又去一个包含四种额外配料的套餐。

    I suggested a family-size pizza was not enough, and Gabriel Garmendia had to pay for a combo with four extra ingredients.


  • 伊莱要了四个一奶昔只要三个说:一个家庭装的皮饼恐怕不够于是,加布里埃尔·加门迪亚不得不又去了一个份一组的拼盘

    Eli had four milk shakes in a row, and I only three, but I also suggested a family-size pizza was not enough, and Gabriel Garmendia had to pay for a combo with four extra ingredients.


  • 老友蒙迪扎巴尔葬礼之后罗森博格曾请求伸出援手发誓“要不惜一切代价找出杀害父女的凶手。”

    Mendizábal, the longtime friend, says that after the funeral Rosenberg asked him for help, vowing to “go all the way to find out who killed the Musas.


  • 出自伊迪斯·维尔马丁·罗斯小说《真正的夏洛特》。

    Instead it came in the book the Real Charlotte by Edith Somerville and Martin Ross.


  • 路上》使克鲁亚克朋友尼尔·成为青年文化的英雄

    On the Road transformed Kerouac's friend Neal Cassady into a youth-culture hero.


  • 罗森博格告诉蒙迪扎巴尔,阿莱霍斯打电话给警告他停止调查父女谋杀案否则同样事情也会落到他头上。

    Rosenberg told Mendizábal that Alejos had called him and warned him to stop investigating the Musas' murders, or else the same thing might happen to him.


  • 随便舒梅切尔范德通纳或鲁尼、罗布森或维迪奇,弗格森一直更换麾下战将,不断地改造着球队目标从未游移。

    Take your pick: Peter Schmeichel or Edwin van der Sar, Eric Cantona or Wayne Rooney, Bryan Robson or Nemanja Vidic, Ferguson has constantly reinvented his side, changing the pieces but never the goal.


  • 引起争议琼斯牧师的助手密西根州的迪尔受欢迎

    The message of controversial Pastor Terry Jones, and his associate Wayne Sapp, was not welcome in the town of Dearborn, Michigan.


  • 一个原因社团重要复仇工具——迪尔赫迪军0607年间已经收复

    One reason is that the community's main instrument of vengeance in '06 and '07Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Armyhas been tamed.


  • 你们小说一开始,描绘尼尔卡语言

    So, you see the kind of language that Neal represents at the very beginning of the novel.


  • 顺着公路往远一点走另一个脏兮兮的地方叫作迪阿亚尔(Wadi al-Saial)的,据说包括孩子才只有50个人

    Farther down the road, another scruffy settlement called Wadi al-Saial was said to have only about 50 people, children included.


  • 铜牌获得者分别是打败巴西选手埃迪南希-席尔瓦韩国选手郑敬美,以及一个“有”击败西班牙选手丝特-圣米格尔的法国选手斯特凡妮-波马。

    Winning bronze were the Republic of Korea's Jeong Gyeong-mi, who pinned Brazil's Edinanci Silva, and Stephanie Possamai of France, with a waza ari over Spain's Esther San Miguel.


  • 长期以来,家庭暴力归寻求避难理由斗争一直是围绕另一位叫做罗迪·艾尔瓦拉多(Rody Alvarado)的危地马拉妇女展开的。穆洛一直是这位妇女的代理律师。

    The struggle to have domestic violence categorised as grounds for asylum has long centred on another women, Rody Alvarado from Guatemala, who has been represented by Musalo.


  • 下一要参加波士顿附近洛克斯贝里举行的草坪聚会。 这次聚会的组织者34岁奇尔·默迪衣服上钉着一粒纽扣,上面写着:“热情的年轻妇女欣赏奥巴马。”

    Next stop was a lawn party in the Boston neighborhood of Roxbury, whose organizer, Sachielle Samedi, 34, wore a button that said "Hot Chicks Dig Obama."


  • 维迪亚看到试图帮助一些村民握着的竞技状态,获得加尔出来医院

    Vidya sees and tries to help him but some villager hold her back and get Sagar out and take him to the hospital.


  • 他们回家加尔好转时,维迪亚正要离开(因为许诺)加尔出来告诉大家,维迪亚救过

    They take her home and Sagar gets better, Vidya was just about to leave (as she had promised) when Sagar comes out and tells everyone that Vidya saved his life.


  • 而且季风移动今天经过比卡内尔,迪,贾巴尔普尔,赖布尔低压中心

    And, the southward moved axis of monsoon trough today passes through Bikaner, Deesa, Jabalpur, Raipur, Center of low pressure area.


  • 接受房间里回来,他他不爱很多然后决定他们阿姨使加尔迪亚密切的维迪亚应该怀孕了维迪亚这样做

    He has also accepted her back in his room and he says that he does love her a lot, their aunty then decides to make Sagar and Vidya closer that Vidya should say she is pregnant and Vidya does so.


  • 后面加尔以为维迪亚看到同样衣服

    Sagar from behind thought it was Vidya seeing the same clothes.


  • 知道因为小时候杀死加尔维迪亚,她已经爸爸监狱里

    He knew since he was little that she had killed Sagar and Vidya and that she had put his dad in jail.


  • 试图,她的阴谋如何杀死加尔维迪亚真理

    He tries to make her say the truth about how her plot to kill Sagar and VIdya.


  • 苛刻所以策划告诉大家,他维迪亚作出计划杀死加尔使财产资金可以自己的。

    Harsh had been planning this and so he tells everyone that he and Vidya had made a plan to kill Sagar so that his property and money can be their own.


  • 然而,维迪亚面前去,所以加尔思维在转弯命中

    However, Vidya goes in front of him and so Sagar, thinking fast, makes a turn and hits a tree.


  • 加尔慢慢接受维迪亚最好朋友打电话给

    Slowly Sagar accepts Vidya and calls her his best friend.


  • 整个一天维迪亚任何东西庙里加尔祈祷

    During the whole day, Vidya does not eat or drink anything and she went to the temple to do a prayer for Sagar.


  • 整个一天维迪亚任何东西庙里加尔祈祷

    During the whole day, Vidya does not eat or drink anything and she went to the temple to do a prayer for Sagar.


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