• 迪亚•科马罗马尼亚体操明星,也是1976年加拿大蒙特利尔夏季奥运会明星。 1976年7月18日,蒙特利尔奥运会的赛场,14岁的用自己完美的表现征服了场上的所有裁判,赢得了10的满分,成为奥运会体操比赛的第一个满分,也是体操比赛历史上的第一个满分。

    Romania's Nadia Comaneci was the star of the Montreal Olympics in 1976 when she became the first gymnast in Olympic history to be awarded the perfect score of 10.0.


  • A组比赛开始前,法国队主帅多梅剥夺了埃弗拉队长袖标迪亚成为新任队长,为这戏剧化天写下注脚。

    On a day of drama Raymond Domenech stripped Patrice Evra of the captaincy and handed the armband to Alou Diarra instead.


  • 帕格里亚说:“如果伐木公司谈一谈,他们分钟将你嘲笑如果你搬出“维多利亚的秘密”、欧迪办公(OfficeDepot史泰博(Staples),一切就都两样了。”

    If you want to talk to the logging company they will laugh you out of the room in two minutes,” says Mr Paglia, “but if you bring Victoria’s Secret, Office Depot, or Staples, everything changes.”


  • 传言加利亚尼打电话给 弗洛伦蒂诺 ·佩雷斯询问 迪亚拉,利诺奥马尔 ·蒂索费尔南多父亲经纪人 ),米兰可能儿子签约。

    Rumours are that Adriano Galliani has phoned Florentino Perez for Lassana Diarra (26), but according to Lino Omar Tissone, the father and agent of Fernando, Milan could be making his move for his son.


  • 其他迪亚人一样,道尔泰最初设计战斗机器人有机生物暗示迪亚按照自己形象建造机器人

    Like his fellow Neimoidians, Daultay was initially designed to resemble an organic version of the battle droid, suggesting that the Neimoidians built the droids in their own image.


  • 其他迪亚人一样,多德最初被设计战斗机器人有机生命暗示迪亚自己的形象设计了那些机器人。

    Like the other Neimoidians, Dod was first designed to resemble an organic version of the battle droids, suggesting that the Neimoidians crafted the droids in their own image.


  • 衍生宇宙材料之前暗示绝地一直不知道达斯·摩尔名字不过被捕迪亚入侵纳布期间知道的名字。

    Expanded Universe lore had previously suggested that the Jedi never knew Darth Maul's name, but the captured Neimoidians would have known it during the Naboo invasion.


  • 达西了下窗外突然问道,“看看到底啊?”辆马车飞驰入院子,上面坐着伊丽莎白妹妹迪亚维克汉姆。

    Suddenly, Darcy looks out the window cries out, "Who on earth is this?" A carriage hurries onto the grounds, carrying Lydia Bennet Wickham, Elizabeth's sister.


  • 莫伊·迪亚人把财富看得很重,因而也会穿炫耀财富服饰

    Neimoidians place great value on wealth, and dress to display their riches accordingly.


  • 莫伊·迪亚人没有使用数字生成,而是由演员戴着精心制作电动木偶面具扮演。面具脸部表情动作镜头外的无线电遥控完成。

    Rather than employ digital creations, the Neimoidians were actors wearing elaborate animatronic masks. The facial movements of the masks were radio-controlled from off-camera.


  • 虽然莫伊迪亚人平时性格懦弱,但一涉及财政问题他们变得非常大胆咄咄逼人。

    While Neimoidians are generally a cowardly lot, in financial issues, they can be bold and aggressive.


  • “埃迪·库斯级”运输机夸特系统工程公司建造,用来在大气层执行和“领事级”太空巡洋舰相同的任务,但后者却是科雷利亚工程公司的产品。

    Built by Kuat Systems Engineering, the Eddicus-class shuttle was created as a atmospheric answer to the Consular-class space cruiser from Corellian Engineering Corporation.


  • 虽然莫伊迪亚人把莫伊迪亚称为,但他们祖先可以追溯到古老的杜罗人的太空旅行文明

    Though they call Neimoidia home, Neimoidians can trace their ancestry to the ancient Duros spacefaring culture.


  • 乌迪斯的亚昆塔平齐缺阵同米兰的联赛。亚昆塔上有伤,平齐则由于膝关节肿胀

    Vincenzo Iaquinta and Giampiero Pinzi will not play at Milan due to injury. Iaquinta has a foot problem while Pinzi is suffering with a swollen knee.


  • 经历了迪·斯的又一个完美赛季亚昆塔于这个夏天来到老妇人。

    Vincenzo Iaquinta arrived at the Old Lady this summer following another excellent season with Udinese.


  • 相较而言,文琴佐。亚昆塔则有可能离开都灵城,有消息名前迪·斯前锋已经接近加盟罗马了。

    Vincenzo Iaquinta looks more likely to leave Turin rather than the Frenchman and reports claim the former Udinese man is close to a Roma move.


  • 罗马签署苏莱迪亚穆特告诉球迷渴望俱乐部成为图拉姆这样的人物!

    Roma's new signing Souleymane Diamoutene tells the fans he aspires to be like Lilian Thuram at the club.


  • 迪·前锋亚昆塔上赛季出场次数并不规则,因此消息因为缺少上场的机会而感到灰心。

    Former Udinese hitman Iaquinta played irregularly last term and there were reports that he was frustrated by his lack of games.


  • 我们卡利亚里的阿斯托里,在利沃诺普雷蒂科都灵阿巴特热那亚-詹纳罗

    We are meeting various clubs and by next Friday a decision will be taken. We have Astori at Cagliari, Preticone at Livorno, Abate with Torino and Di Gennaro at Genoa.


  • 拉涅利的尤文图斯也缺少了、泽比亚,特别是德维德还能依靠则盖德尔。皮耶罗,后着本赛季打进了13个进球了,亚昆塔帕拉迪诺坐在替补席上。

    Ranieri had to do without Zanetti, Zebina, and especially Nedved, but could count on the good form of Trezeguet and Del Piero, who's scored 13 goals. Iaquinta and Palladino started from the bench.


  • 至于伤员阿比亚蒂詹纳罗还有库·洛夫斯基以及能够在暂歇期之后重回队中。

    As for the injured players, I think Abbiati, Di Gennaro, Jankulovski and Bonera will return after the break.


  • 迪亚比目前正随多梅球队南非备战世界杯他希望自己在比赛中发挥重要作用

    The former Auxerre star is preparing for the World Cup finals in South Africa with Raymond Domenech's side and hopes he can play a significant part in Les Bleus' Group A campaign.


  • 塞迪基帝国高级祭司

    The former High Priest of the Holy Zeteginean Empire.


  • 米拉·洛—尽管周日联赛面对桑普多利亚但是迪达对于冠军联赛败给布鲁日依然耿耿于怀

    MILANELLO - Despite having to face Sampdoria on Sunday in the league, Dida still has not come to terms with the defeat to Club Brugge in the Champions league.


  • 如果米兰成功晋级冠军联赛小组赛阶段那么他们可能目标转移马德里竞技托雷斯亚昆塔身上。

    If the Rossoneri qualify for the Champions League group stage then they will most probably move to sign Fernando Torres of Atletico Madrid or Udinese's Vincenzo Iaquinta.


  • 如果夸利亚雷拉可以加盟尤文图斯的话,追寻文琴佐。亚昆塔足迹后者年前离开了斯,来到都灵城

    If Il Quaglia were to move to Juventus he would follow in the footprints of Vincenzo Iaquinta, who left Udine for Turin just one year ago.


  • 首要目标名外籍前锋如果罗马最终没有引进他的话,他们寻求引进前锋迪。纳塔莱夸利亚雷拉中的名。

    The target number one is so an external striker, Should failed the effort for the romanian footballer, Roma would observe one of Udinese strikers Di Natale and Quagliarella.


  • 亚昆塔去年夏天迪·加盟尤文,不过度过一个令人泄气赛季在队中他成了特雷泽盖皮耶罗的替补。

    Iaquinta signed for Juve from Udinese last summer but he has had a frustrating season, playing second fiddle to the prolific David Trezeguet and Alessandro Del Piero.


  • 哥伦比亚中卫赞帕塔在过去12个月中是迪·斯后防线中的基石只有22岁使拥有一个光明未来

    Colombian centre back Zapata has been a rock at the back for Udinese over the past 12 months, and at just 22 he is set for a big future in the game.


  • 罗马主教练卢西亚诺。斯帕莱蒂非常欣赏亚昆塔,他们两人合作曾非常成功

    Roma coach Luciano Spalletti is a huge admirer of Iaquinta, having successfully coached him at Udinese in the past.


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