• 设法办公室

    He managed to wheedle his way into the offices.


  • 孩小心地将它土地挖了出来。

    The boy dug it out carefully with its root and some soil.


  • 朵花病得很厉害——几乎要死了,所以吉姆小心翼翼地把它挖了出来,土,什么都挖了出来。

    The flower was very sick—almost dying, so Jim carefully dug up the flower, with roots, soil and everything.


  • 这件上衣多少钱?

    How much will this coat cost, including material and tailoring?


  • (原文乱码,此句为猜)现在今天草坪兼花园技巧时间。

    Now, today s lawn &garden tip.


  • 先知祭司亵渎的,就是殿看见他们。这是耶和华说的。

    For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in my house have I found their wickedness, saith the LORD.


  • 其中一些具体另外一些很平淡无奇,员工也可能忘记员工看到底是怎么回事了。

    Some of these are quite specific, while others are so mundane that older workers might forget to show new employees what occurs.


  • 由于他们掌握的技能实在有限可以想象他们“”的情景,这正是他们通常用来探索世界的方式。

    With a rather limited repertoire, you can expect infants to exercise the "grab and gum" schema quite often as they explore the world.


  • 茶叶回去茶叶,一起收起来,使性地又坐在椅子上。前额蹙起红红的嘴唇撅起,一个小孩哭似的

    She flung the tea back, spoon and all, and resumed her chair in a pet; her forehead corrugated, and her red under lip pushed out, like a child's ready to cry.


  • 你们人,就必有你们的。并且用十足的升斗,,上尖下流的,倒在你们怀里

    Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom.


  • 虽有其中,主耶和华说,指着我的永生起誓,他们女都不能得救,只能自己得救仍然荒凉

    Though these three men were in it, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters; they only shall be delivered, but the land shall be desolate.


  • 有挪亚但以理,约其中,主耶和华说,指着我的永生起誓,他们都不能救,只能因他们自己性命

    Though Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter; they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness.


  • 蒲辣秃柳儿高兴迅速树上

    Boulatruelle, with the rapidity of joy, dropped rather than descended from the tree.


  • 路上遇见鸟窝树上地上,里头有或有鸟伏在蛋上,不可雏一并取去

    If you come across a bird's nest beside the road, either in a tree or on the ground, and the mother is sitting on the young or on the eggs, do not take the mother with the young.


  • 参与已至年中的圆桌谈判谈判,他必须不依不饶的骗,让世行40个捐助国重注资金

    He will arrive in the middle of a year-long, roundtable negotiation, in which he must coax and cajole 40 of the bank's donor governments to refill its coffers.


  • 了哪,以色列众人绳子,将河里,甚至石头剩下

    Moreover, if he be gotten into a city, then shall all Israel bring ropes to that city, and we will draw it into the river, until there be not one small stone found there.


  • 波说。公园管理者未必兴趣去保持野生东西食性——甚至隔离和小路边的长的东西都懒得管。

    Public park managers aren't necessarily interested in preserving the edibility of the wild things that grow there — don't even start on whatever might grow in a median or alley.


  • 五座美国博物馆骗地归还艺术品,而他们宣称这些物品是当初通过非正规渠道获得的。

    Five American museums have been cajoled into returning works that they claim to have acquired in good faith.


  • 那日众人祭而欢乐因为使他们大大欢乐妇女孩童都欢乐,甚至耶路撒冷中的欢声听到远处

    Also that day they offered great sacrifices, and rejoiced: for God had made them rejoice with great joy: the wives also and the children rejoiced: so that the joy of Jerusalem was heard even afar off.


  • 安全这样配件出现故障

    There were also hitches in the supply of smaller parts such as fasteners.


  • 因为急,刀剑器械没有

    I haven't brought my sword or any other weapon, because the king's business was urgent.


  • 而归越发增添很多。

    And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.


  • 就是为了开玩笑他们玛丽衣服鞋的整个游泳池结果他们发现,玛丽根本不会游泳

    Just for laughs they tossed Mary in the swimming pool with all her clothes on. Then they found out she didn't know how to swim.


  • 科学家发现坎塔布年龄以下的独居小熊通常冬眠

    Female Cantabrian bears with babies and independent young bears under the age of two do not usually hibernate, scientists have found.


  • 甚至“蛋挞”名字有着古老渊源——“蛋挞”来源于”(crust法语词“crouste”格鲁诺尔曼语词“crustarde”,“crustarde”意思酥皮的蔬菜、水果肉馅饼

    Even the name has an ancient pedigree - it is derived from both the old French word for crust (crouste), and the Anglo-Normancrustarde’, which meant a tart or pie with a crust.


  • 几年求地叫不要蓝色眼影成功地说服改涂黄褐色的眼影。

    A few years ago she begged and pleaded with me to stop wearing blue 5 eye shadow and was successful in 6 presenting 7 autumn blends to my eyes.


  • 几年求地叫不要蓝色眼影成功地说服改涂黄褐色的眼影。

    A few years ago she begged and pleaded with me to stop wearing blue 5 eye shadow and was successful in 6 presenting 7 autumn blends to my eyes.


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