• 连续几盘输给了女同胞玛丽皮尔斯

    Testud lost in straight sets to countrywoman Mary Pierce.


  • 5敏捷看板例子本身没有实现限制制品的数量”、“连续流通拉动式特性

    "Limits WIP", "Continuous Flow" and "Pull" properties are not attained by the Agile Kanban example by itself, shown in Figure 5.


  • 2008年六月率领波尔连续第二次夺得联赛冠军俱乐部史上第三连续获得冠军的记录仍继续。

    In June 2008, he won his second consecutive league title with Porto, the club's third in a row.


  • 7中展示了一段连续时间内,已经成功完成通过自动化测试构建百分率

    Figure 7 shows, for a sequence of days, the percentage of the builds which have successfully completed and passed automated testing.


  • 这份绘有100多张正反两黑白公路出版于1675年,地通过连续线条描绘英格兰威尔士主要公路岔道

    The route atlas, published in 1675, includes 100 double pages of black and white maps laid out in continuous strips depicting the major roads and crossroads across England and Wales.


  • 4表明服务吞吐量并不随着线程增加连续线性增长

    Figure 4 shows that the throughput of a service does not grow continually or linearly as new threads are added.


  • 中场休息下场,对着天空伸出羞辱性的手指提醒菲卡球迷波尔连续四年在联赛独孤求败。

    Before he was ushered off the field at half time, he held four taunting fingers in the air, reminding the Benfica supporters about FC Porto's era of domination of four straight league titles.


  • 摊牌了。本周日阿尔·加夫,波尔0:3输给卡,目送后者连续第二年折桂嘉士伯

    All the CARDS came crashing down this Sunday night for Porto as they fell 3-0 to a Benfica side that won their second consecutive Carlsberg Cup in the Algarve.


  • 艘舰身长419英尺由美国亚拉巴马州莫比尔地区奥斯造船公司设计制造的,它能连续海上航行10.000海里(19.000公里),并且可以不足20英尺的浅海海域航行。

    The 419-foot vessel was built at the Austal shipyard in Mobile, Alabama, has a range of 10,000 nautical miles (19,000 km) and can also operate in water less than 20 feet deep.


  • 努力2所描述处理过程连续统一体右侧移动左侧朝向纯粹敏捷性”。

    Strive to move from the right side of the process continuum depicted in Figure 2 to the left, towards "pure agile."


  • 1 表示的是模型连续体(continuum)建模过程。

    Figure 1 illustrates the modeling cycle as a continuum of models.


  • 按揭贷款仍然有利可的,然而6月去年同期下降3%,并且消费贷款连续两个下滑

    Mortgage lending is still profitable, yet in June it was 3% lower than a year earlier, while net consumer borrowing fell for a second month.


  • 现在有一连续路径通过Flow关系

    This is now a sequential path through the Flow diagram.


  • 3形化地显示了其效果传统程序连续执行循环OpenMP实现则创建多个线程从而并行地执行for

    The effect is shown graphically in Figure 3: a traditional program would execute the loop sequentially, whereas the OpenMP implementation creates threads to parallelize the for block.


  • 、小赵在连续一周得鸡的诱惑下开始通宵加班任务

    Fig5. Xiaozhao stayed overnight for the cracking job after the promise of 7 KFCs in a week.


  • 这个应用程序本身概念原理非常简单的:通过一种非常百叶窗速度连续抓拍然后串联起来形成

    The concept itself is relatively simple: it grabs four photos in succession using a relatively slow shutter speed and then links them together to form a gif-like image.


  • 提出了一种基于预测多级影响法,将该理论应用单机连续空战机动决策系统建模中。

    A multistage influence diagram game based on one-step prediction is put forward for modeling the maneuvering decisions of UCAV in air combat.


  • 本文给出了映射上半连续下半连续闭性间的一些关系

    This paper gives some relation of U. S. C. and L. S. C. of set-valued mappings with closed and open property of image.


  • 应用天线理论中的电流分布首次推导具有连续位相结构的反射式毫米波衍射天线的衍射计算公式

    The far field diffractive pattern calculating formula for diffraction antenna with continuous phase structure is derived by current distribution method in antenna theory for the first time.


  • 利用连续数据分析线利用当前分析线

    Analyze weekly charts using continuous data, and switch to the front month to study daily charts.


  • 然后根据所生成林地、草本裸地连续覆盖,基于专家分类进行土地利用分类

    Then, based on the continuous land surface map of tree, herbaceous and bare, the land use classification was made using expert classifier.


  • 利用计算机编程绘制出扩散连续反应选择性影响

    Using computer programme, the effect element figure of inner diffusion on selectivity of consecutive reaction is drawn.


  • 因此内核内存组织采用物理内存末端方向增长,以中间最大化连续内存。

    Thus, the kernel organizes memory to grow inward from the ends of physical memory, maximizing contiguous memory in the middle.


  • 连续四个赛季老穆不管是在切尔西还是波而主场没有失败

    The Blues boss has not seen any side of his sides, Porto or Chelsea, beaten at home in the league for four seasons.


  • 进口小车品质触点带及系统应用保证连续稳定性大大提高了喷头的使用寿命。

    Imports small frame the high quality contact belt for the ink system application, continuously guarantee the t Stability. Greatly enhanced the life of the nozzle.


  • 六西格玛正确指数加权移动平均应用一个数据连续相关过程

    The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to correctly apply EWMA charts to a process with serial correlation in the data.


  • 进口小车品质触点系统应用保证连续稳定性大大提高了喷头的使用寿命

    Imports small frame and the high quality contact belt and for the ink system application, continuously guarantee the chart Stability. Greatly enhanced the life of the nozzle.


  • 动态连续采集连续处理方法作了研究

    The method of successive acquisition and processing for dynamic image is studied in this paper.


  • 动态连续采集连续处理方法作了研究

    The method of successive acquisition and processing for dynamic image is studied in this paper.


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