• 有些认为根火柴连点不吉利

    Many people believe that lighting cigarettes for three persons from one match will bring bad luck.


  • 配着标题的挺小的图片真的需要十下翻十么?

    Do you really need me to load 10 pages to see 10 medium-sized pictures with small captions?


  • 动漫连点成线剧情:观看我们朋友们揭示隐藏物件的独一无二特征-猜猜什么吗?

    Watch as our friends reveal unique characteristics of the hidden object - can you guess what it is?


  • 城市公园更新策略包括线统筹规划长期规划、适时更新方法整合改良分区控制等。

    City Park update strategies include even the points into lines, overall planning and long-term planning, timely updates, methods have improved, zoning control.


  • 您将只需要简单sPen的按钮连点两下即可轻易开启——就可以马上笔记储存或者于稍候在进行编辑。

    Simply press the s Pen button and double tap — you can make a note, save it and pull it up easily later.


  • 儿呀,”呜咽道,“晚饭可怎么办这个又冷又饿又累的可怜动物没有吃的招待你——面包屑都没有!”

    'Rat,' he moaned, 'how about your supper, you poor, cold, hungry, weary animal? I've nothing to give you-nothing-not a crumb!'


  • 流程包括外业全站仪测绘展业用复合线测量面积绘制地籍表格、线编辑编辑、区编辑保存工程文件工作环节,并就工作中应注意的相关问题作了说明

    The process include showing the point measured by Total Station, linking the point in interior job, measuring the area, drawing the excel, editing the line , point, area and saving the project file.


  • 三个

    He threw three sixes in a row.


  • 结果都不感兴趣,看。

    I was so uninterested in the result that I didn't even bother to look at it.


  • 他们有些东西都不能有一人甚至水都不能

    Some of them couldn't eat a thing. One couldn't even drink.


  • 如果这样做了,你可能不到,而且它们苦了,不能吃。

    If you do you'll likely not get even th' pips, an' them's too bitter to eat.


  • 视觉化对象归纳数学规律能力这样的问题一些优秀的诗人哲学家都无法解答,又如何能让一个人找到那些问题的答案呢?这一并不明朗。

    It's not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.


  • 一个精瘦的健美运动员脂肪没有

    A lean hardbody has not even one ounce of fat.


  • 是,一般均衡情景需要侵权补充一,在这样的情景下侵权行为都不可能发生。

    To his point that tort law would not be needed in general equilibrium, I would add that torts themselves could not be committed in such a situation.


  • 转圈并且开始头朝跳水着陆一样进去但是没有着陆[简易机场也没有],”

    "I saw it turn and start heading down like it was diving to come in for a landing, but there's no landing [strip]," he said.


  • 显示计算机屏幕上它们中的大部分随机的朝不同的方向移动

    A series of dots appears on a computer screen, most of which are moving in random directions.


  • :一个程序流程定义明确3很多类型正如一个方法调用一个方法的返回,都可以是一个正常的返回或者抛出一个异常

    A join point is "a well-defined point in the program flow." 3 There are many types of join points, such as a method call or a method return, which can be either a normal return or a thrown exception.


  • 动态调整大小能力选择使用传统RAM磁盘可以操作系统有好得整体性能灵活性

    This, along with its dynamic resizing abilities, allow for much better overall OS performance and flexibility than the alternative of using a traditional RAM disk.


  • 曾经流行,但是它缺“什么甚至如今小孩都喜欢看看笔出来图片里搞什么。

    This was popular once, even now children like to connect dots and see what kind of the picture will they got.


  • GDP原意只是衡量一个国家生产货物服务价值甚至无法准确反映。

    GDP was designed to measure only the value of goods and services produced in a country, and it does not even do that precisely.


  • 其实她也不能确定

    But even that isn't certain, she says.


  • 通货紧缩那时不可想象的,媒体很少提及这一

    Deflation was not only unthinkable but rarely mentioned in the press.


  • 重要的了自己喜欢做的为自己的生活赋予前进的目标可不希望孩子这一都不敢去做。

    Instead, what matters is doing something that you enjoy and that gives you a sense of purpose — and I don't want my children to be deterred from doing just that.


  • 今年飓风期间最大挑战那些被迫居住员工保持联系

    The biggest challenge during this year's spate of hurricanes has been keeping in touch with employees forced to flee to new locations.


  • 再者回到第一问题上,似乎达尔文进化论简单的结合改变不支持。

    Furthermore, returning to the first question, it seems that even humble binding-site conversions are typically beyond the reach of Darwinian evolution.


  • 我们近亲黑猩猩来说,我们遗传密码相似专家感到惊奇

    For Chimpanzees, our closest relatives, the similarities in our genetic code has surprised even the experts.


  • 觉得自己仍然发烧现在她觉得甚至最小行动都呼吸急促。

    She felt a little better but she was still having fevers, and now she felt short of breath with even minimal effort.


  • 觉得自己仍然发烧现在她觉得甚至最小行动都呼吸急促。

    She felt a little better but she was still having fevers, and now she felt short of breath with even minimal effort.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定