• 程序执行时,10连接一次中用随机参数反复执行相同事务

    When the program executes, the same transaction with random parameters is executed over and over in each of the 10 connections.


  • 研究者可以10的16次方分之一精度反复核对时间,这证明这样原子钟可以通过电学光学电路连接起来。

    The two researchers were able to cross-check the time to an accuracy of one in 1016, an exercise proving that such clocks can be interlinked over electronic and optical circuits.


  • 添加新的后台系统(例如连接Documentum查询SQLServer)或创建新的Portlet时,要反复进行新的压力测试

    As you add new backend systems (for example, connect to Documentum or query SQLServer) or create new portlets, do a new stress testing iteration.


  • 虽然确定所需连接个数不是准确科学,但是通过反复实验应用程序监视,您可以找到可能找到的最佳

    While determining the number of connections needed is not an exact science, through trial and error and application monitoring the best possible value can be found.


  • 这种故障始于承受反复拉紧部位机翼机身连接处。

    This begins in parts that are subjected to repeated strains, such as where the wings join the fuselage.


  • 字符串反复连接没有使用字符串缓冲

    Are strings being repeatedly concatenated without string buffers?


  • 执行main (String)方法一个简单例子不同的String数组生成一些测试,并反复运行连接

    A simple example for main (String ) method executions would be to rerun the join point with different String arrays to generate a number of tests.


  • IE7天真连接算法要求浏览器循环过程中反复越来越大的字符串拷贝分配内存

    IE7's naive concatenation algorithm requires that the browser repeatedly copy and allocate memory for larger and larger strings each time through the loop.


  • 获得一个成功连接连接协商可能反复交换多个握手消息

    Connection negotiation may be iterative and several handshake messages may be exchanged before a successful connection is obtained.


  • 算法能够删除掉余的连接甚至节点通过网络学习步长的动态调整避免了算法收敛速度过慢和反复震荡问题。

    The algorithm can remove redundant link even nodes on the network, through the network learning step dynamic adjustment to avoid convergence speed of.


  • 保持有效连接经常用来避免反复连接网络服务器

    Keep-Alive connections are often used to avoid the overhead of repeatedly connecting to the web server.


  • 完成6个不同形式抗连接连接钢管混凝土边框剪力组合节点反复荷载下的抗震性能试验

    Systemic experimental research on 6 different composite connections between concrete filled steel tube columns and shear wall under low cycle reversed loading have been done.


  • 随着不断反复运动注意连接的神经线坚韧起来,他把猴子手指扳动了几百之后,它们联系一起形成不可阻挡的通路了。

    With repeated movement, he noted that the thread of connection strengthened, and after he'd moved the animal's finger hundreds of times they bound together to form an irresistible pathway.


  • 通过反复测试,所设计能源监控系统连接各种外设长期上电状态下能够保持良好稳定运行效果。

    By repeated testing, the design system above keeps the steady running on the conditions of connecting the external equipments and supplying power longtime.


  • 本文通过6个试件,对桁架混凝土核心筒之间采用单剪板连接时节点预埋件不同构造方案进行了低周反复加载试验研究

    Cyclic loading tests of 6 specimens were carried out to investigate the performance of different details of embedded anchors for the single-plate connection between steel trusses and concrete walls.


  • 试验研究基础上钢梁混凝土高强螺栓连接节点反复荷载作用节点域的内力进行分析。

    On the basis of experiment research, the internal force of high strength bolt joint area of steel beams and concrete walls within steel profiled bar was analyzed under the low period cyclic load.


  • 结论反复癫痫发作会诱导CX32异常表达CX32缝隙连接参与了癫痫形成点燃过程,缝隙连接阻滞剂生胃酮较明确的抗癫痫作用

    CONCLUSION the increases of the expression of CX32 might be associated with epilepsy kindling and gap junction blocker. Carbenoxolone plays a certain protective role on seizure development.


  • 楼板钢梁构成的组合梁框架核心连接起来迫使其协同工作,在组合梁产生反复力作用。

    The steel frame and core tube are connected by composite beams to work together, and repeated axial forces would be created within the composite beams.


  • 反复调整反复试验,直到确认达到满意首先传动轴安装上,将主离合器拉杆连接

    Repeated trial and error to adjust until the confirmation to achieve the most satisfaction First, install the drive shaft, Will connect the main clutch lever.


  • 反复调整反复试验,直到确认达到满意首先传动轴安装上,将主离合器拉杆连接

    Repeated trial and error to adjust until the confirmation to achieve the most satisfaction First, install the drive shaft, Will connect the main clutch lever.


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