• ·尼克必须小心谨慎,避免军事战略家也常犯经典错误:好高骛远,马失前蹄。

    Ewanick must take care to avoid the classic mistake of many military strategists, fighting the last war instead of the current one.


  • 前年出现重大失误,航班在一天气一次次搁浅,使乘客们气恼分,不得不离开执行总裁的职位。

    The previous year he had ceased to be chief executive after blunders had left angry passengers stranded during a spell of bad weather.


  • 而设定目标1600美国人进行预防注射,到10月底以前可用的剂量比这个指标还少多,那时鼻子抽泣的孩子都很快传播疾病了。

    The aim is to inoculate as many as 160 million Americans, but far fewer doses may be ready by the end of October, by which time sniffling children may well be quickly spreading the disease.


  • 大约甚至公寓没有俄国老兵(的需求)让位于这场估计耗资三十亿卢布(合9400美元)的展示活动,耗费的资金有一半为了修补在活动中受损路面

    That some 100,000 Russian war veterans do not even have flats took second place to a show that cost an estimated 3 billion roubles ($94m), half of it for patching up the road surfaces it damaged.


  • 专栏中令人印象尤为深刻的甚至掌握全州大约380联邦纳税代码

    This column is even more impressed by her mastery of the 3.8m or so words of the ludicrous federal tax code.


  • 扒手偷了,汽车三地抛锚那天似乎不顺利

    With my money picked and my car breaking down again and again, everything seemed to be going wrong that day.


  • 成千希腊各地赶来观看古代奥运会已婚女性观众的资格都没有

    Thousands of people gathered from all parts of Greece to watch the ancient Olympic Games, but no married woman was admitted even as a spectator.


  • 千真真皮换挡把头可调的方向机都是如此。

    No, its real leather, as is the covering on the shift knob and tilt-adjustable steering wheel.


  • 目瞪口呆,惊恐状,一句话不出来。

    He was too stunned and shocked to be able to say a word.


  • 成千不再投入劳力市场甚至后备军不是

    Millions of people will never join the labor market, not even as a reserve army.


  • 大地震动了,仿佛马奔腾, 千夫怒吼。

    The very earth trembled as with the tramps of horses and murmur of angry men .


  • 大地震动了,宛若马齐喑,千夫怒吼。

    The very earth trembled as with the tramps of horses and murmur of angry men.


  • 联邦存款保险公司每人10元存款保险不再限于仅给与银行信用合作社

    Even the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's $100,000 guarantee is no longer exclusively available to banks and S&Ls.


  • 星期三的道琼斯平均指数略低于2点,但是预计年终再次回升,在年底前增添胜利氛围,这种氛围鼓舞投资者进入新的一年

    The average fell short Wednesday, but is expected to rally again before year's end, capping off an end-of-year winning streak that has investors encouraged heading into the New Year.


  • 一阵迅速传递嘟哝声飞快传了过来,有如安托区边缘直牵酒店门口串鞭炮突然爆炸。

    As if a train of powder laid from the outermost bound of the Saint Antoine Quarter to the wine-shop door, had been suddenly fired, a fast-spreading murmur came rushing along.


  • 如果我们能与相互依存,那么,甚至微细的意念语言行为都会影响整个宇宙

    If we are interdependent with everything and everyone, even our smallest, least significant thought, word, and action have real consequences throughout the universe.


  • 然而,作为专业投资人经常碰到一些陌生人上述几点他们一项都没有做到,就来向我申请高达100美元创业资金这种事总是让我惊讶不已。

    Yet, I'm continually amazed at how often I am approached as a professional investor by strangers asking for a million dollars to fund an idea, without hitting even one of the above points.


  • 十二因缘”串的关系若没有了,就好像晴空一样,好像

    When all these connected twelve conditioned causes cease to exist, it is like a clear sky for ten thousand miles; it is also like a bright moon appearing as a reflection on clear water.


  • 一群人们寻求定制物品条项链7.5美元眼睛都不会一下。

    This group is looking for custom-made baubles and won't blink at spending $75,000 on a necklace.


  • 一会儿幻化大珠小珠落玉盘的曲调,如今入耳的又是千点,密集型砸落地面的震动心弦

    For a while, and magically change into a jade plate pearls tunes, now the object is points, points on the surface of the ground hit a series of labor-intensive, vibration chord.


  • 一会儿幻化大珠小珠落玉盘的曲调,如今入耳的又是千点,密集型砸落地面的震动心弦

    For a while, and magically change into a jade plate pearls tunes, now the object is points, points on the surface of the ground hit a series of labor-intensive, vibration chord.


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