• 法案除了对华尔街美国公司进行救助,对其它没什么作用。

    This bill does nothing but bail out Wall Street and large corporate America.


  • 通过这项税收筹集资金用于今后必要的情况下对银行进行救助

    Funds raised by such a levy would have been set aside for future bank bailouts if necessary.


  • 糟糕的是,这次经济危机表明如果不对他们进行救助,将导致整个系统的倒塌。

    Worse, the crisis has shown that if they are not rescued they can topple the entire system.


  • 征税很大一部分来自于外国公司英国纳税人并不需要他们进行救助

    Much of it was raised from foreign firms which British taxpayers would never have to bail out.


  • 开展救灾准备工作;自然灾害突发事件中伤病人员其他受害者进行救助

    to make preparations for disaster relief; in cases of natural calamities and emergencies, to offer relief and assistance to the sick, the injured and other victims;


  • 糟糕的是,这次经济?砻?如果不对他们进行救助,将导致整个系统的倒塌。

    Worse, the crisishasshown that if they are not rescued they can topple the entire system.


  • 同时还指出,他需要批准7000亿美金银行救助更多资金来对银行进行救助

    And he suggested that he will need more money to bail out banks than the $700 billion already authorised.


  • 以色列警察乘着军车沿街巡逻,以色列的救护车告知不要冒险巴勒斯坦区域进行救助

    Israeli gendarmes cruise past in military vehicles, but Israeli ambulances have sometimes been told not to venture into Palestinian areas to answer emergency calls.


  • 海难救助报酬,是救助海上或者与海相通的可水域遇险船舶进行救助取得报酬。

    Salvage reward means the payment the salvation will obtain if he saves the vessels in distress on navigable waters.


  • 50年代解决旧社会遗留下来失业问题为主重点是众多失业工人失业知识分子进行救助

    In 1950s, the main employment task was to solve the unemployment left behind by old society, which focused on helping the large number of unemployed workers and intellectuals.


  • 创立制度目的为了鼓励人们冒着风险遇难船舶货物或人命进行救助维护海上航行安全

    This system purports to encourage people to salvage vessels, cargoes on board and lives in the perils of the sea so that the safety of navigation can be maintained.


  • 最为重要巴西实施了一社会救助计划,这项计划正在改变着世界各国贫困人口进行救助的模式。

    But a major part of Brazil's achievement is due to a single social program that is now transforming how countries all over the world help their poor.


  • 所以,认为突尼斯需要150万人准备但是仍然必须相当的人进行救助届时我们会提供相应的帮助。

    So I don't think Tunisia needs to get ready for 1.5 million, but I think they need to get ready for a significant number, and we are here to help.


  • 这个计划规定要救助计划进行严格监督,禁止那些失败公司的主管们获得过高的酬金

    The plan would include strong oversight of the bailout program and ban excessive compensation for executives at failing firms.


  • 世界粮食计划署进行紧急会谈以便决定如果短期没有新的捐助应暂停哪种救助

    The World Food Programme is holding crisis talks to decide what aid to halt if new donations do not arrive in the short term.


  • 五月一伙以色列突击队开往加沙载有名也门国家议会成员救助进行了索命追魂击,并在返乡受到了英雄般的礼遇。

    Three of the country’s members of parliament were on the aid flotilla to Gaza that was lethally raided by Israeli commandos at the end of May. They were later given a hero’s welcome home.


  • 许多以往可以用来进行灾害救助地方——包括中心医院——现在他们自己成了灾区

    A lot of the places that could have been used for disaster relief - including the central hospital, such as it was - are now themselves disaster areas.


  • 周六在有关投票支持援助银行,也就是不良资产救助计划会议上,他进行演讲的时候,众人则高呼TARP,TARP,TARP!”

    Others chanted "TARP! TARP!TARP!" during one of his convention speeches Saturday, a reference to hisvote for the bank bailout, the Troubled Assets Relief Program.


  • 一些餐厅或许担心社会诉讼:仓促进行合适救助或许导致诉讼

    Some restaurateurs may worry about the litigiousness of our society, that rushing in to help might result in a lawsuit if the assistance is not rendered properly.


  • 救助海啸灾民方面需要进行同样深思。

    The same might be asked of the operation to get help to the tsunami victims.


  • 至今已经有4500家医院受害婴儿进行过治疗,8000名医务工作者偏远地区救助这些生病的婴儿。

    So far a total of 4, 500 hospitals have examined poisoned babies, and another 8, 000 medical staff have been sent to the country's rural areas to help sick babies.


  • 至今已经有4500家医院受害婴儿进行过治疗,8000名医务工作者偏远地区救助这些生病的婴儿。

    So far a total of 4,500 hospitals have examined poisoned babies, and another 8,000 medical staff have been sent to the country's rural areas to help sick babies.


  • 因为电话信号几乎完全瘫痪(很显然地需要应用宽带进行紧急救助)所以互联网作用彰显无遗。

    Though phone signals were mostly dead (apparently to leave bandwidth for emergency services), the Internet functioned.


  • 同时欧盟委员会正在推行结束检查成员国预算经济计划遵守救助方案的国家进行惩罚。

    The European Commission, meanwhile, is pressing ahead with plans for close monitoring of members' budgets and economies, with punishments for those that do not follow its therapy.


  • 希望通过对欧债救助计划进行公投,来寻求希腊人民支持结果随即遭致欧洲各国的骂声连连,称其傻瓜叛徒。

    Seeking the backing of the Greek people in a referendum, he was immediately condemned in the capitals of Europe as a fool or a traitor.


  • 所有的结果如此鼓舞人心的同时,联合会知道长效解决方案只能对当地居民进行动物救助培训

    And, while early results are encouraging, the coalition knows that a long-lasting solution is only possible through continued animal welfare education.


  • 第二方案中EFSF基金设立专项救助基金”,这部分基金其他投资人包括主权财富基金进行注资。

    Under the second scheme, the EFSF would create a set of special-purpose vehicles financed by other investors, including sovereign-wealth funds.


  • 第二方案中EFSF基金设立专项救助基金”,这部分基金其他投资人包括主权财富基金进行注资。

    Under the second scheme, the EFSF would create a set of special-purpose vehicles financed by other investors, including sovereign-wealth funds.


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