• SAP多种语言下工作。 可每一个进程登录语言选项选择

    SAP systems are available in several languages. Use the language input field to select the logon language for each session.


  • 对象生成进程实例特定数据比如进程名称当前活动、当前登录用户以及当前实例ID

    The object can generate process instance specific data, such as process name, current activity, current logged in user, and the current instance ID.


  • 检查系统日志中的重要消息比如失败登录尝试出现问题守护进程

    Watch syslog for important messages, such as failed login attempts and daemons with errors.


  • 登录LPAR搜索失控的进程

    Log in to the LPARs and search for runaway processes.


  • 登录进程(比如pam)绑定用户默认会话keyring直到创建另一个会话为止。

    Login processes such as PAM will bind to the user-default session keyring until another session is created.


  • 这种控制台有可能允许登录到系统,因为已经一个登录进程Shell将会代替正在运行

    The console is more likely to allow you to log in, because there will already be a login process (which will be replaced with your shell) running.


  • 现在读取inittab文件执行所有应该执行的进程系统准备好进行登录

    Now that the inittab file has been read and all the proper processes have been executed, the system is at a login waiting for you!


  • 使用SSH开放源码版本 (OpenSSH) 时,登录进程无法打开EFS密钥存储密钥装载内核

    With the open source version of SSH (OpenSSH), the login process fails to open the EFS keystore and load the keys in the kernel.


  • 但是登录进程将使用Linux用户安全上下文选择SELinux用户

    The login process, however, uses the Linux username to choose an SELinux user for your security context.


  • 登录进程完成后Subject应该包含资源适配器相关信息

    Once the login process has completed, this Subject should contain the relevant information for the resource adapter.


  • 输出结果中显示了3个进程,分别是:ssh登录进程产生了一个bashShell后者启动ps命令

    The output shows three running processes: an SSH login, which spawned a bash shell, which launched the ps command itself.


  • 用户登录计算机(如果使用命令启动产品进程)服务面板中的Log OnUser设置(如果使用服务启动产品进程)。

    This user logs into the machine (if using the command line to start the product process) or the log On user setting in the services panel (if the product processes have started using the services).


  • HostSettings用于识别允许使用哪种登录方法,允许运行哪些进程不管登录方法什么,等等

    Use Host Settings to identify which login methods are allowed, which processes are allowed no matter which login method is used, and so on.


  • Ubuntu新的登录系统使不同用户进程间的切换变得非常容易

    Ubuntu's new login manager makes switching between sessions super easy.


  • 这些密钥存储用密码技术保护密钥存储库中,成功登录用户密钥装载内核内核进程关联起来

    These keys are stored in cryptographically protected key store and upon successful login, the user's keys are loaded into the kernel and associated with the kernel processes.


  • 这些密钥存储采用密码保护密钥存储库中,成功登录之后,会用户密钥加载内核中,建立进程凭据关联

    These keys are stored in a cryptographically protected key store and upon successful login, and the user's keys are loaded into the kernel and associated with the process credentials.


  • 进程需要访问ContentManager服务器线程可以中获得一个已经连接登录数据存储对象,并在使用完这个对象返回池中。

    Within a process, threads which need to access the Content Manager server can obtain connected and logged-on datastore objects from a pool, returning them to the pool when they are done.


  • 例如如果希望允许通过sshtelnet登录特定用户访问保护,那么需要登录进程前面添加|authenticator |,如清单2

    For example, if you want to allow certain users to access guard points only if the users log in via SSH and Telnet, add | authenticator | in front of the login processes as shown in Listing 2.


  • rusers工具网络其他主机中的 rusersd守护进程发送广播,以便返回当前登录用户信息 清单6

    The rusers tool sends a broadcast over the network for the rusersd daemon on the other hosts to return the information about the users currently logged in, as seen here in Listing 6.


  • 可能希望定义登录过程发送电子邮件甚至终止进程某些操作

    You will probably want to define some action to log the process, send ane-mail or even kill the process.


  • 一旦登录计算机上,可以登录互联网网站软件程序需要密码PIN自动化进程

    Once logged onto a computer you can automate the log on process for Internet web sites or software programs that require passwords and PINs.


  • 所谓强行掉线”,搜索强行关闭用户电脑正在运行游戏进程迫使玩家重新登录游戏。

    Alleged "drop a line forcibly", those who point to is the game course that in it can be searched and shutting user computer forcibly, running, force a player to log onto game afresh.


  • 一个用户登录会话,会话死亡相关所有进程

    When a user logs out from a session, all processes associated with that session are killed.


  • 运行进程用户不是登录用户时,才需要选项

    This option is required only if the process is running as a user other than the logged on user.


  • 一个用户进程用户登录时,我确保用户先开始守护

    I'm writing a user daemon and when the user logs on, I want to make sure that the user is the one who started the daemon.


  • 一个用户进程用户登录时,我确保用户先开始守护

    I'm writing a user daemon and when the user logs on, I want to make sure that the user is the one who started the daemon.


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