• 对此中国代表确认农产品进口政策商业考虑基础

    In response, the representative of China confirmed that China would base import policies for agriculture on commercial considerations only.


  • 中国“优进优出” 中实施更加积极进口政策今后进口商品的数量还更多

    China will adopt a more proactive import policy and place greater emphasis on the quality of imports and exports. And China will only buy more from the world to meet its growing domestic demands.


  • 沙特阿拉伯当局已经农业发展作为其政策核心纲领减少该国进口依赖

    The Saudi authorities have made agricultural development a central plank of policy to make the country less dependent on imports.


  • 许多发达国家例如美国欧盟国家,重新考虑他们能源政策极大缩减石油进口

    Many developed countries, such as the US and countries in the European Union, reconsidered their energy policy and significantly decreased their imports of oil.


  • 因此企图通过上述手段扩大国内生产政策,最终只是成功取得增加进口以及扩大国外生产的效果。

    As a result attempts to boost production at home by this means only succeeded in increasing imports and boosting production abroad.


  • 因此有人认为,尽管美国进口19%,中国盯住政策挫伤了区域货币广泛调整的积极性。

    Thus although China accounts for only 19% of America's imports, its peg, it is argued, frustrates a broader realignment of currencies in the region.


  • 中国全新税收政策精明的,减少燃油使用量、削减进口让利本地汽车制造企业可以提高空气质量

    China's new tax is canny. It cuts fuel use, reduces imports, benefits local carmakers and may help to improve air quality.


  • 欧盟政策改变后,只要进口零部件数值没有超过总量的70%,衣服其他孟加拉国(以及其他最不发达国家)生产的制成品都是免税的。

    This allows clothes and other finished goods made in Bangladesh (and other least-developed countries) to come in duty-free as long as the value of their imported components does not exceed 70%.


  • 自创了一些“招数”“机关”,使人不由联想到当今东亚颇具扩张性的出口鼓励政策比如允许拿外国进口关税补贴本国出口商的出口关税等措施。

    It also invented some of the tricks and contrivances now associated with East Asia's aggressive export promotion, such as allowing exporters to reclaim duties paid on imported inputs.


  • 人类健康服务中心下属总监察办公室六月份声明,机构正不定时规范进口海鲜召回政策

    The Office of the Inspector General in its parent department, Health and Human Services, said in June that the agency is performing erratically in policing recalls of imported foods.


  • 正如国际粮食政策研究所(IFPRI)的樊胜根(音译)指出的那样,这些人口超级大国并不大量进口粮食。

    But, as Shenggen Fan of IFPRI points out, these giants do not import much food.


  • 的确,提问者均未涉及诸如胡士泰命运、[gm 66nd]中国去留决定进口取代政策显示在中国经营前景暗淡调查结果这些问题。

    Indeed, none touched on the fate of Mr. Hu, on [gm99nd] Inc. 's decisions in China, on import-substitution policies or on surveys that have shown a bleak attitude toward doing business in China.


  • 尽管英国国家党青睐日本风格移民控制政策喜欢日本学校填鸭式教育,但是他们却强烈反感进口日本汽车摩托车。

    (the BNP likes Japanese-style immigration controls and rote learning in schools, but strongly dislikes the import of Japanese cars and motorcycles).


  • 中国国家粮食政策问题方面长期存在争论:国家政策呼吁要有95%的粮食实现自足鉴于进口潜力,这项政策过于保守了。

    There has long been debate in China over whether the country’s grain policy, which calls for 95% selfsufficiency, is too conservative given the potential for imports.


  • 汇率政策起到补贴进口的作用。

    The currency policy ACTS as a subsidy and an import tax.


  • 美国政策制定者需要找到增加国内储蓄方法缩减联邦财政赤字减少美国消费者严重依赖信贷的消费方式,抑制石油进口

    US policymakers will need to find ways to increase domestic savings, shrink the federal deficit, reduce the heavy reliance of American consumers on credit and curb oil imports.


  • 这种骑虎难下局面造成今天美国既是世界最大违禁药品进口,又是世界最大的糟糕毒品政策出口国

    As a result of this utter failure to think, the United States today is both the world's largest importer of illicit drugs and the world's largest exporter of bad drug policy.


  • 欧洲预算大部分支出根据共同农业政策用于农产品补助,而大部分收入来自关税农业进口税收

    Most of the spending went on farm subsidies under the common agricultural policy (CAP); much of the revenue came from customs duties and farm-import levies.


  • 如果我们建立鼓励私营部门抓住机遇政策美国就会落伍,同时变成能源技术进口

    If we do not develop the policies that encourage the private sector to seize the opportunity, the United States will fall behind and increasingly become an importer of these new energy technologies.


  • 法国农业补贴政策方面表现灵活坚持市场价格管制欧共体特惠制(进口农产品相比,优先选择欧盟农产品)方面则应“毫不妥协”。

    France, he said, should be "flexible" over subsidies, but "unbending" in its demands for more regulation of market prices and for "community preference" (ie, favouring EU produce over imports).


  • 中国行动有利于美国消费者进口低价品质产品由于中国的积极政策

    China's actions will benefit US consumers who will import low priced, higher quality products due to China's activist policies.


  • 布鲁塞尔华盛顿批评者呼吁德国调整财政政策刺激内需增加进口

    Critics in Brussels and Washington have called for Germany to reframe its fiscal policy and stimulate domestic demand to increase imports.


  • 因而寻求低估他们货币故意政策国际金融市场上的国家通常瞄准农业进口

    Thus, countries that pursue deliberate policies of undervaluing their currency in international financial markets are not usually targeting agricultural imports.


  • 普鲁士FrederickI采取制约进口商品政策1704年巧克力征税

    The policy of restricting the importation of foreign produce leads Frederick I of Prussia to impose a tax on chocolate in 1704.


  • 中国银行新的更为灵活贷款政策使数千家国内企业能够借用外汇进口设备人民币偿还

    The Bank of China has also said that new and more flexible load policies will enable "thousands" of domestic enterprises to borrow foreign exchange to import equipment and repay in Renminbi.


  • 根据新的政策在网上购买零售商品不再属于个人邮政物品属于进口物品将会加上关税、进口增值税消费税

    According to the new rules, retail goods purchased online will no longer be treated as personal postal articles but as imported goods, which carry tariffs, import VAT and consumption tax.


  • 传统上人们更多地关注那些限制进口政策因为它们一直被广泛使用

    Traditionally, people pay more attention to those restrictions on the import policy, as they have been widely used.


  • 传统上人们更多地关注那些限制进口政策因为它们一直被广泛使用

    Traditionally, people pay more attention to those restrictions on the import policy, as they have been widely used.


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