• 我们银行业推行保密制度一样,大家为啥我们个国家允许事发生。

    It's like our banking secrecy, you know, everyone is asking why we allow that.


  • 应该意大利银行业大规模重组一年

    This should be the year of a big shake-out in Italian banking.


  • 许多银行准备设立网上分行互联网办事处意味着人们能够通过家庭电脑处理大部分银行

    Many banks are preparing online branches or Internet offices, which means that people will be able to take care of much of their banking business through their home computers.


  • 事实很多家庭而不是企业拥有太多债务不能脱身,标志了以前的银行业危机不同

    The fact that households, not businesses, have so much debt to unwind is something that marks this episode out from many previous banking crises.


  • 交易标志着英国零售银行业声名狼藉品牌之一终于找到了归宿

    The sale signals the end for one of the most notorious brands in British high-street banking.


  • 那些正在策划银行业管制办法的人来说,何尝不是一句箴言呢。

    That is not a bad motto for those devising a new set of banking regulations.


  • 美联储货币市场买入面临赎回的有资产背景的商业票据,相当于美联储扩大贷款范畴银行业

    The Fed will also extend loans to Banks to buy asset-backed commercial paper from money-market funds that face redemptions.


  • 债权市场担忧同时也袭击意大利股票市场,让意大利银行业主要国债持有者受到了特别重大的打击。

    The concern over bonds infected the stock market where Italian Banks, leading holders of their country's debt, were particularly badly hit.


  • 房价节节攀升提供了支撑,也降低了房贷风险导致银行业崩盘几率

    This helps to sustain rising house prices while reducing the chances of a leverage-fuelled banking collapse.


  • 如今已充斥着摩天大楼其中就包括英国第一高楼全球银行业提供巨型交易场地和宏伟的办公场所

    Now it sprouts skyscrapers, including Britain's tallest, that provide palatial premises for global Banks with giant trading floors.


  • 错误不是制造次级债券也不是华尔街贪婪文化而是决定国内市场不断扩张,试图国际银行业占得上风

    That was not the creation of subprime debt, nor the culture of excess on Wall Street, but the decision to grow bigger in their home market rather than try to dominate global banking.


  • 提醒自己,在那台用于网上银行业电脑上用来保护系统安全工具必须尽可能的安全(而且还要有效)。

    That made me think about the tools I use to secure the computer I use for online banking, which has to be as secure as possible (and practical).


  • 有前景可能推动私人银行业需要资本较少

    More promising may be a push into private banking, which needs less capital.


  • 一个公平传统银行模式有效的,意味着没有当地存款基础扎根当地的认知态度的西方公司不受欢迎的。

    A fairly traditional banking business model has worked. That means Western firms without big local deposit bases and serious intentions to grow deep local roots will be less welcome.


  • 萧条期间银行业的援助动作过于拖沓,后来证明致命的——对如今英国来说是一个教训,本周,美国已经采取行动。

    During the Great Depression a protracted delay in aiding Banks proved fatal - a lesson Britain and now, this week, the United States have taken on.


  • 主意主要优势在于促使银行业被迫增加资产价值监管者会在麻烦扩散之前迅速介入

    The idea's main strength is that it creates a trigger for action. Banks are forced to raise equity, and regulators to intervene quickly, before trouble spreads.


  • 私有领域解决银行业危机的方式,就是强大的金融机构并购弱小机构,需要有富裕银行

    Private-sector solutions to banking crises, in which strong institutions buy the weak, demand well-heeled banks.


  • 并不容易缓慢增长经济还是在一个成熟产业例如银行业

    That's not easy in a slow-growth economy or in a mature industry like banking.


  • 意大利其他国家法国银行业有着更大风险敞口,对此债券交易员心知肚明意味着瘟疫迅速传播核心欧元国家(4)。

    The exposure of French Banks to Italy and to other countries that have been in bond traders' sights for longer implies that contagion would quickly spread to the euro's core (see chart 4).


  • 根据一名同事研究看起来适用于曾经参加的2000届银行业分析师班级

    It looks to have worked out for a colleague's banking analyst class of 2000 too, according to research he did.


  • 促使西方国家俄罗斯银行业采取制裁措施。

    That prompted Western financial sanctions on Russia's Banks and oil firms.


  • 尽管如此去年秋季银行业危机生机,眼下的骗补风暴愈演愈烈,最初赎罪情绪是“小荷才露尖尖角”,现在已经愈演愈烈,同样也给了他机会。

    Still, like the banking crisis which gave him a bounce last autumn, the expenses furore and the liminal feeling it has reinforced offer him a shot at redemption.


  • 曾经亲切地称为3-3-3纽约银行业存款3%的利率放贷加3%,然后下午3下班(高尔夫球)。

    This sounds like the kindly-addressed 3-3-3 system of New York banking, that is, offering 3% interest rate for the bank deposit, another 3% when lending, and off-duty at 3 o 'clock (to play golf).


  • 名为颠倒世界III”的雕塑对于席卷银行业变革浪潮一个贴切暗喻

    The sculpture, which is called "Turning the World Upside Down III", is a fitting metaphor for the changes sweeping the banking industry.


  • 如今35过去了仍然没有离开投资银行业,并且还供职于最初入行时公司——巴克莱(Barclays),雷曼兄弟破产后,巴克莱收购了北美资产算是一个令人意外的奇迹。

    Today, 35 years later, I am still an investment banker, surprisingly at a legacy of the same firm at which I startedBarclays [Barclays bought the North American assets of Lehman out of bankruptcy].


  • 爱尔兰首相此前表示没有国内陷入困境的银行业申请任何援助导致欧元受压于不确定性。

    The Irish Prime Minister has stated that he has not asked for any bailout money for his crippled banking system, thus keeping the Euro on its back foot amidst uncertainty.


  • 爱尔兰首相此前表示没有国内陷入困境的银行业申请任何援助导致欧元受压于不确定性。

    The Irish Prime Minister has stated that he has not asked for any bailout money for his crippled banking system, thus keeping the Euro on its back foot amidst uncertainty.


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