• 这次一定不会上当受骗了。

    She wouldn't be fobbed off this time.


  • 次她注意到盒子的一端有一个钩子,盒子底部有几个字:挂在向阳的窗户上。

    This time she noticed a hook at one end, and there were several words on the bottom of the box: Hang on a sunny window.


  • 如果愿意的话。”温迪这次还是抬着的。

    "If you wish to," said Wendy, keeping her head erect this time.


  • 这次计划全部自己

    And this time she's planning to buy it with her own cash.


  • 这次知道不会得到答案的。

    But this time she knew she would get no answer.


  • 这次依然是马车进入城市的。

    Again she caught a ride in a wagon to get through the gate into the city.


  • 这次必须面对没法躲在母亲身后了。

    Now she would have to face him, and not hide behind her mother.


  • 这次极力抑制的冲动是否妈妈去过电话了。

    This time the urge she resisted was to ask if he'd called his mother yet.


  • 这次只关注了部手机恰好知道号码的那部。

    But it turns out that she has two mobile phones, and was monitoring the one whose number I didn't know.


  • 上朝看了一眼,而后傻笑,这次气息在月夜向上升腾。

    She glances up at me and smirks, this time exhaling her breath upward into the moonlight.


  • 这次带上一个朋友一起去临考,朋友告诉不用担心考试

    This time she brought a friend along. Right before the test, her friend assured her there was nothing to worry about.


  • 2006年关于即将卸任报道是言过其辞,如果这次留下来可能被迫让步

    Reports of her imminent removal proved exaggerated in 2006. But if she stays this time she may be forced into an important concession.


  • 了第二遍,喜喜欢衬衫这次掀起了衬衫的下边,看见了的肚子。

    She asked again if I liked her blouse and this time she flipped up the bottom of it and showed me her stomach.


  • 看到我女朋友紧握的手时,眼睛的颜色恢复蓝色接着又像往常一样了笑树林,只是这次她自己右手了指,那儿出现了另外一个女孩的身影,们向彼此走去,互相拥抱,手拉着手回头看了看我们,微笑并消失了。

    Her eyes were now blue again as she pointed to our hand holding. Then she smiled and turned and walked back into the woods.


  • 。”重复说这次语气较前坚决

    'No,' she repeated, her voice firmer this time.


  • 为了这次会议,准备所有最新统计资料

    She had armed herself for the meeting with all the latest statistics.


  • 这次考试成绩还

    She only did moderately well in the exam.


  • 这次经历没有使受到不良影响

    She suffered no ill effects from the experience.


  • 急切期待这次聚会。

    She was looking forward to the meeting enormously.


  • 指责对手幕后操纵了这次选举。

    She accused her opponents of rigging the vote.


  • 这次比赛中获胜未来事业发展的良好开端

    Winning the competition was the opening she needed for her career.


  • 往常一样垄断这次谈话

    As usual, she completely monopolized the conversation.


  • 推荐说巴黎举行这次会议理想地点

    She suggested Paris as a good place for the conference.


  • 这次相遇什么都没接下来掩饰中也保持着沉默寡言,可认为弥尔顿明显在这里找到某种威胁的东西。

    She says nothing after this encounter, remaining silent or speechless for the rest of the mask, but Milton clearly finds, I think, something threatening here.


  • 母亲这次事故儿子一辈子都不敢去看火车了。

    His mother said the accident has put her son off train-spotting for life.


  • 坚决反对丈夫进行这次旅行。

    She was adamantly opposed to her husband taking this trip.


  • 这次打击让显得苍老

    The shock has aged her.


  • 这次经历使得心灰意懒

    The experience left her emotionally drained.


  • 这次提升标志事业上的转折点

    The promotion marked a turning point in her career.


  • 其中一个拜尔女朋友帮助策划这次拙劣的入室盗窃充当望风者

    One of them, Bayer's girlfriend, helped plan the botched burglary and acted as a lookout.


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