• 这样口袋这些鸡蛋

    Don't hit your pocket like that! Oh! Look at those eggs!


  • 然后像我这样皮球。

    Bounce the ball like this.


  • 你们大家快照,这样家里朋友们可以看到你们。

    Let me take a snapshot of you guys, so friends back home can see you.


  • 他们安排当地人算是上层阶级本地精英,竞当地收税这样罗马总是获得最高竞价

    They would have local people, sort of higher class and local elites bid for the right to collect local taxes, and so the Romans would take the highest bid.


  • 现在顿饭这样普通事物无数张照片的唯一明显成本就是硬盘空间和与你用餐的同伴耐性

    Now, the only apparent cost of taking infinite photos of something as common as a meal is the space on your hard drive and your dining companion's patience.


  • 第一黑猩猩杠杆时第二只黑猩猩就会受到痛苦电击这样第一只黑猩猩就进退两难了。

    When the first chimpanzee hits the lever, the second chimpanzee gets a painful electric shock, putting the first chimpanzee in a horrible dilemma.


  • 相机他们的,这样他们就能留住一些回忆了。

    I provide them all with cameras so they can capture their own memories.


  • 这样系统银行经理人脑袋决策更加客观

    That makes the process less subjective than the say-so of a bank manager.


  • 公认慢人一之后,报纸出版商开始读者他们在线内容转移这样他们的客户总的来说没有实质的背叛。

    After an admittedly delayed start, the papers are now getting better at helping their readers to move to their online offerings, so their customers as a whole are not actually defecting.


  • 鉴于过广告经历而且镜头也表现十分自如,所以很多制片人愿意摄广告,这样我就又有了更多广告的经验镜头前的自信。

    Since I already had experience and I loved being in front of the cameras, the producers were always inclined to cast me, and that of course kept giving me even more confidence and experience.


  • 这样桌面变得丰富多彩起来,可以展示的照片工作无聊玩一玩。

    This is a great way to add variety to your desktop, show off somepictures you’ve taken, or just mess around with while you’re bored atwork.


  • 乘客抱歉没想到一下吓成这样

    The passenger apologized and said, I didn't realize that a little tap would scare you so much.


  • 如果摄影作为每天一项计划中的活动或许会有些帮助这样有在有时间的时候不会变得懒惰然后说“明天”。

    It may help to make photography a scheduled part of every day, so you know you have the time and won't be tempted to get lazy and say, "I'll do it tomorrow."


  • 如果不是电子游戏关系,估计没有这样一部过时的影片

    It's a movie so old-fashioned that if it didn't have a video game tie-in, no one would think to make it anymore.


  • 它们就是组连续听到的是这样的,大脑希望听到这样组织方式那么这里还有另外种三一组的形式。

    I think they were just a succession of dings but I'm hearing itmy mind wants to hear this organization So there's another organization here of units of three.


  • 小部分课程我们知道你们是否可以根据其他信息,辨认出这或者子,所以不要担心哪怕这样做了。

    Some people are going and in this course we would know whether you're hearing duple or triple based on some other information so don't worry about if you're doing.


  • 辛迪:先给东西张照片,照片上传到网上附上物品的简要说明联系方式,这样你的东西按照卖的方式在这里出售了

    Cindy: Take some pictures of the thing you want to sell, then upload it onto line with a brief description about it and leave your connecting number. Then your stuff will be sold by auction.


  • 如果移动着去接高飞时,最好把球进画面,这样我们可以看到这个手所专注主体

    Or, if you're shooting the outfielder circling under a fly ball, try to capture the ball in the same picture so that we see the subject of the fielder's concentration.


  • 自己一定觉得自己必须这样一部电影因为如果没有艾德·伍德这样电影人存在不会有现在的波顿。

    Burton must have felt he had to make this picture because without filmmakers like Ed Wood, Burton himself would have never existed.


  • 魔术师约翰逊迈克·乔丹这样球员运动用品广告片,身价都有几百万美元,这种风潮一直持续到现在。

    Players like Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan were worth millions of dollars in commercial advertising spots for athletic equipment manufacturers, a trend which continues to this day.


  • 当然小调的,人声将会进入低音这样基本缓慢地行进,但在那下面还用了一个三连音的节奏细分

    Of course, it's in minor and the voices will come in, but the bass is going, sort of plodding along in a basic duple but with a triple subdivision underneath of that.


  • 准确来说,商业,就是我们需要的”,在为美国运通电视广告同时这样说道

    “The word ‘commercialis exactly what we want, ” said the maestro, who also starred in TV ads for American Express.


  • “在一个人人都骂脏话环境工作简直是在地狱,《嗜血判官》就是在这样的环境中的”,他说“得到这个奖就做梦一样,感谢了。”

    "It's really a hell of a thing to go to work in a place where everybody gives a damn. That's really the case with Dexter, " Hall said.


  • 优雅鸭子之一至少这样认为的,长一时间北方长尾的鸟类清单里面。

    One of the most elegant duck species, at least in my opinion, the northern pintail has been on my birding "wish list" for quite some time.


  • 那时候,不是每个孩子都能像现在的孩子这样拿着手机到处

    Not every kid had a camera the way they do now, on their phone.


  • 说,如果没有把拉过来当制片人,我肯定这样电影

    I never would have made this movie this way, I'm certain, had he not been a producer.


  • 第一黑猩猩杠杆时第二只黑猩猩就会受到痛苦电击这样第一只黑猩猩就进退两难了。

    Now, when the first chimpanzee hits the lever the second chimpanzee gets a painful electric shock, putting the first chimpanzee in a horrible dilemma.


  • 所以他们安排当地人算是上层阶级本地精英,当地收税这样罗马总是获得最高竞价

    So they would have local, sort of higher class, local elites, would bid for the right to collect local taxes, and so the Romans would take the highest bid.


  • 希拉里给了一张我们三个我宣布参加竞选时照片,上面题写着这样一句话:“切尔西第二生日比尔的第二次机会。”

    Hillary gave me a picture of the three of us at the event, with the inscription Chelsea’s second birthday, Bill’s second chance.


  • 这样一部电影却需要技巧。

    But making such a movie is tricky.


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