• 这些使用使名发明者再次立足商界

    The royalties enabled the inventor to re-establish himself in business.


  • 这些使用筛网过滤杂质。

    These use carbon or mesh to catch impurities.


  • 1uml使用案例描绘了这些使用案例

    Figure 1 depicts these use cases in the UML use case diagram.


  • 这些使用的硬盘何而来

    Where did the reused hard disks come from?


  • 下一步调用这些使用JNDIejb访问数据库

    The next step is to call these EJBs using JNDI to access the database.


  • 因此对于这些使用依赖的方式来说没有形式化东西

    Therefore, there is no formalism for what these use dependencies mean yet.


  • 然后会问这些使用这种方法什么才是Agile

    Then I ask those who are using such methods what they mean by Agile.


  • 这些使用消息传递框架组件称为participant

    The components that use the messaging framework are called participants.


  • 这些使用条款形成创建无数微细血管的基础扩大核心业务框架

    These rules of engagement form the basis for creating myriad micro-channels and a framework for extending the core business.


  • 这些使用xsd定义行业标准数据类型可能会成为定义新的Web服务接口理想选择

    These industry standard data types defined using XSDs can be ideal for defining new Web services interfaces.


  • 业务场景通过一些常见使用模式实现,这些使用模式则可以有限的架构模式来实现

    Business scenarios are realized through common usage patterns that can be implemented using a small set of architectural patterns.


  • 此外对于故障排除场景这些使用Cognos数据库清理脚本步骤,可用于所支持大多数数据库

    Also, for troubleshooting scenarios, the steps for using Cognos database clean up scripts are described for most of the supported databases.


  • 有些代码我们必须开发遵循规范的;有些代码是我们必须开发以启用这些使用 1.2 的应用程序。

    There's code that we have to develop to adhere to the specs, and there's code that we have to develop to enable these applications that are using 1.2.


  • 例如系统设计师可以创建一个内部接口利用第三方记帐代码但是这些使用记帐代码的公开接口

    For example, system designers could create an internal interface package to utilize third-party billing code but only expose interfaces to those packages that use the billing code.


  • 对于Jscript代理生成代理所在的目录发出下面这些使用Jscript.NET编译器命令

    For JScript proxies, issue the following commands that use the JScript.NET compiler from the directory that you generated the proxies in.


  • 一家电影公司布景师从杂志电影上裁剪复制内容制作心情日志”从来没有寻求许可也没有这些使用提供任何补偿

    A film company whose set-designer clips and copies from magazines and movies to produce a "mood book" never secures permission nor offers compensation for these USES.


  • 更为关键功能支持GoogleApps账户模式使得我们这些使用Google管理不同域名的用户更为高效

    The real killer feature is that it supports multiple Google Apps accounts, which will make those of us who use Google to manage various domains much more productive.


  • 杀害健保体系?”接着解释:“但是各位,我们这些使用卫生系统为此支付费用甚至连战斗人员不算。”

    Then she moves in for the kill: “Yet you and I, the people who use the health system and who pay for all of it, are not even combatants.”


  • Ruby拥有这些使用闭包相同列表操作方法不清楚collect()、map()inject()多久出现一次。

    Ruby has these same list-manipulation methods that use closure blocks, and I was struck by how often collect(), map(), and inject() appear.


  • 这些使用Notes . jar简单示例IBMLotusNotesV 8中的其他技术足够支持开始构建自己组件了。

    These simple examples of using the Notes.jar library and other techniques in IBM Lotus Notes V8 should be enough to get you started building your own components.


  • 在查看这些使用SOAPConnect forLotusScript代码实现细节之前,先介绍一下包含的样本数据库目的和结构。

    Before I review the code and implementation details of how to use SOAPConnect for LotusScript, let's review the purpose and structure of the included sample database.


  • 除了一些食用油巧克力调味品这些使用了纳米材料产品大部分并非食品本身只是和食品有所关联,并且会参与到食品的储藏制备过程中——比如说砧板

    Other than some cooking oil and chocolate flavoring, most of the products so far are not food but food-related, and involve food storage or preparation — items such as cutting boards.


  • DominoWebAccess页面通过这些使用设计元素标准Web技术拼合在一起的,设计元素位于服务器Notes数据库Forms6 . nsf中

    Domino Web Access pages are pieced together from these standard Web technologies using design elements that reside in a Notes database, Forms6.nsf, on the server.


  • 虽然试验样本太小了,以至于无法从统计上给出显著有意义的定论,但是Dickson博士这些使用CogPit专有的自适应式自动驾驶仪任务那些没有用这些装备的任务相比,遇到的危险多了。

    Although the sample was too small to be statistically significant, the missions that used the CogPit's adaptive-autopilot feature suffered less damage than those that did not, says Dr Dickson.


  • 意欲含糊笼统地使用这些词汇

    I intend to use these terms in a deliberately nonspecific and all-embracing way.


  • 我们使用这些设施收取象征性费用

    We charge only a token fee for use of the facilities.


  • 使用这些化学品可能失火危险

    Use of these chemicals may present a fire risk.


  • 这些军官使用种族歧视性语言而受到惩罚。

    The officers were disciplined for using racist language.


  • 这些系统变得更小而且使用更低电压

    The systems are getting smaller and using lower voltages.


  • 这些词语互换着使用

    These terms are used interchangeably.


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