• 这个城市实施严格的军事管制。

    The city remains firmly under martial law.


  • 我们拍了一些这个城市照片

    We took some photos of the city.


  • 凝视着这个城市夜晚壮美

    She gazed down upon the nighttime splendour of the city.


  • 这个城市五星级宾馆太多了。

    The city has a superfluity of five-star hotels.


  • 这个城市计划重新建设这一地区

    The city has plans to redevelop the site.


  • 这个城市充满喜庆的节日气氛

    The town has a festive holiday atmosphere.


  • 这个城市下单订购188辆公交车

    The city is going to place an order for a hundred and eighty-eight buses.


  • 展览会使这个城市名扬四方。

    The exhibition has helped put the city on the map.


  • 这个城市位于内陆公里处

    The town lies a few kilometres inland.


  • 体育场这个城市骄傲

    The new sports stadium is the pride of the town.


  • 最好徒步考察这个城市

    The city is best explored on foot.


  • 这个城市犯罪率使得潜在的投资者望而却步

    The city's crime rate is a serious turn-off to potential investors.


  • 这个城市也许开始沉闷活力激情

    The city might be grim at first, but there is a vibrancy and excitement.


  • 这个城市问题正在席卷全国这场危机征兆

    The city's problems are symptomatic of the crisis that is spreading throughout the country.


  • 那位作曲家许多造访过这个城市杰出人物之一。

    The composer was one of many illustrious visitors to the town.


  • 这个城市人们担心警方没有调查中取得一丁点进展。

    There was concern in the city that police were making little headway in the investigation.


  • 切尔这个城市曾经是60年代所有美国文化一个缩影

    Kitchell says the city was a microcosm of all American culture during the '60s.


  • 这个城市机场能见度下降到了使航空运输陷入停顿状态。

    Visibility at the city's airport came down to zero, bringing air traffic to a standstill.


  • 这个城市工人居住老城区正在进行改造,以供较高阶层人士居住。

    Old working-class areas of the city are being gentrified.


  • 这个城市整个局势充满危险

    The whole situation in the city is charged with danger.


  • 上海爱上这个城市

    The instant I arrived in ShanghaiI fell in love with this city.


  • 这个城市就业状况正在改善

    The state of employment in this city is improving.


  • 这个城市应该封闭那些隧道

    The city should seal off those tunnels.


  • 渥太华这个城市似乎很宁静

    The city of Ottawa sounds quiet.


  • 这个城市城乡巧妙结合。

    The city is a happy blending of town and country.


  • 这个城市人口逐年递减

    There has been a progressive decrease in population every year in this city.


  • 每年这个时候这个城市炎热

    The city is very hot this time of the year.


  • 山上可以饱览这个城市景色。

    Standing on a mountain, you can have a good sight of this city.


  • 这个城市经历多次兴衰。

    The city has been through many vicissitudes.


  • 这个城市我来说陌生

    The city is quite strange to me.


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