• 传统功能测试中,一个步骤需要大量人力手工完成而且有些测试需要经验丰富的人员保证结果可靠性

    In the traditional functional testing, every step requires a large amount of manpower to complete manually and some tests also need experienced experts to ensure the reliability of the results.


  • 他们需要掌握数据库概念具有DBA经验以便设计解决方案能够理解目标数据库之间蕴涵关系。

    They also need to have knowledge of database concepts or DBA experience in order to understand the implications for the source and target database when designing this solution.


  • 根据最近经验除了invokedynamic之外需要稍微做一些行为上的扩展(methodhandlesautonomousmethods)。

    Based on recent experience, what's needed beyond invokedynamic is probably some sort of lightweight behavioral extension (method handles, autonomous methods, etc.).


  • 我会这些当然我们在前进需要学习我们已经成功失败丰富经验,我们现有的知识已经足够我们立即开始实施了。

    To those I would say, of course, we will learn more as we go along, but there is already strong evidence on what works and what does not. We know enough for implementation now.


  • 这项工作不仅需要水准交流写作技能还需要充足经验

    They require a high level of communication and writing skills plus plenty of experience.


  • 除了一点解决任务分配问题还需要存在特定经验互补性的经验知识

    Beyond this point, solution of the task assignment problem requires empirical knowledge of the specific empirical complementarities that exist.


  • 如果用户电脑操作网络经验有要求,需要包括经验较少经验较多的用户。

    If you are likely to have users with a range of Web or computer experience, try to include both less experienced and more experienced users.


  • 当然根据经验知道痊愈还需要采取多管齐下的办法因此我也知道有什么其它因素帮助斯科特彻底康复

    I know from experience, though, that healing requires a multi-pronged approach so I also wanted to know what else helped Scott with his recovery.


  • 现在英国人打开了眼界,为了从此经验中受益,英国人需要知道为什么国王的演讲》如此成功

    We've now learned different, but to benefit from this lesson, there's something we need to know. Just why has The King's Speech been such a success?


  • 为了支持这种事后教育父母们不仅需要足够强硬后果发生,同样需要兑现这种教育方式,让孩子这种方式吸取经验教训。

    To support this after-the-fact instruction, parents not only need to act tough enough to let consequences happen, they need to honor learning in this way.


  • 回去告诉为了在下一个荒野安全战斗需要更多经验

    Turn back! I can tell that you need more experience to fight safely in the next wilderness.


  • 我们需要为一些Android平台开源项目开发者支付报酬,不断的改善这个平台,这样我们就可以提供更好安全经验

    We get to pay developers of open source projects on the Android platform as well, to work on improving it so we can deliver a better and more secure experience.


  • 需要练习如何描述自己工作经验如何强调某些技能

    You'll also need to decide how to present your work experience and which skills to emphasize.


  • 一个好的老师需要不仅仅经验需要爱心

    A good teacher calls for more than experience; he also needs passion.


  • 网络优化工作一项技术含量较高日常维护工作,要求优化人员不仅精深理论知识需要丰富的网络维护实践经验

    Network optimization is a high-tech the daily maintenance, optimization of personnel required theoretical knowledge is not only deep, but also rich practical experience in network maintenance.


  • 还需要再多一经验资格。

    I need another year of experience before I'm eligible.


  • 我国有必要借鉴美国立法经验赋予我国存款保险机构以代位受偿优先权,但需要我国现行的商业银行法破产法》相协调

    Before granting the subrogation of priority of claim to Chinese deposit insurance agencies, we need to harmonize this new system with the "Commercial Bank Law" and the "Bankruptcy Law" of China.


  • 需要了解信息虽然有必要的,不是一个替代经验

    You also need to understand that although information is necessary, it is not a replacement for experience.


  • 如果选择带给平安喜悦一个则会带来混乱与灾难,只要有过切身经验的人,哪还需要更多劝说

    No one who learns from experience that one choice brings peace and joy while another brings chaos and disaster needs additional convincing.


  • 目前本文缺乏可供借鉴成熟经验因此技术实现上具有一定难度达到成熟需要不断的探索研究

    Because it still lacks the matured experience as reference in this thesis at present, it has some difficulty in applying the technique, and it needs more exploration and study to reach maturation.


  • 可是想从湖里采集样本需要工程学技能经验精良程度方面冲破极限

    But reaching the lake and taking samples involves a mission that pushes the boundaries of engineering skill and ingenuity.


  • 我们应用DPP-4抑制剂治疗历史仅有几年需要更多的关于这类药物的研究证据根据个人经验类药物非常出色

    We have only DPP-4 inhibitors for a couple of years and we are still waiting for more evidence but in my personal experience, it is pretty good.


  • 需要具有销售经验,具有流利英语德语口语书写能力。

    Experience in sales, excellent spoken and written English or German is a must.


  • 首先声明一下,本文那些已经相当3D方面的经验还需要一点方向指引的人而写的。

    First off, this is for those people are reasonably experienced with 3d but need a little direction.


  • 我们需要更好理解规则,比赛是否足够精彩今年我们还需要收集更多关于轮胎的信息,也需要积累战术方面经验

    We need to understand better the rules, if the show is good enough or not, we need to have more experience with the tyres and the strategies this year.


  • 我们需要更好理解规则,比赛是否足够精彩今年我们还需要收集更多关于轮胎的信息,也需要积累战术方面经验

    We need to understand better the rules, if the show is good enough or not, we need to have more experience with the tyres and the strategies this year.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定