• 不论是知识时间金钱没有浪费食物不高兴了,食物用来吃的。

    Nothing makes me more unhappy than seeing food go to waste. Whether it's knowledge, time, or money... food should be eaten, or Shared with someone who needs it.


  • 不仅节省金钱节省了时间

    It not only saved money, but also saved time.


  • 金钱方面存在严重问题

    He still has a serious problem with money.


  • 现在偏爱金钱财产收入重大开销现金流转喜欢沙发垫子搜寻零钱

    Now you're into money, possessions, earnings, major expenditures, cash flow and searching for loose change under sofa cushions.


  • 最近研究发现社会世界金融世界之间的鸿沟。两项研究显示了金钱如何令人惊异方式影响我们思维和行为的。

    This chasm between our social and financial worlds has been explored in two recent studies that uncover fascinating ways in which money affects our thoughts and behaviour.


  • 确切地说,共和党分析报告并不伪造成本构成,使用三卡欺骗术金钱消失

    To be sure, the Republican analysis doesn't rely entirely on spurious attributions of cost - t also relies on using three-card monte tricks to make money disappear.


  • 不仅花费大量金钱提升设施、聘请良师,花费许多心思,寻找职业培训的最佳方式遍访西方国家

    It has not only spent a lot of money on new facilities and better teachers but also put a great deal of thought into it, scouring the West for best practice in vocational training.


  • 答案不仅取决于金钱多少,取决于我们感受周围世界方式

    In the answer lie not just billions of dollars, but the way we experience the world around us.


  • 西方我们主要熟悉研究体系其中包括金钱人才科学研究的产出年复一年大体上停留在原来的水平上。

    In the west, we are largely familiar with research systems in which money, people and output stay roughly the same from year to year.


  • 如果他们除了登上新闻图片之外别的,他们也不用花费太多时间金钱精力去品牌化自己他们品牌不言自明的。

    If they would do more than show up for press photos, they wouldn't have to spend so much time, money and effort branding themselves... their brand would be self-evident.


  • 他们认为金钱奖励可以用来改善公众公益部门

    They also argue that monetary rewards can be used to improve the public and voluntary sectors.


  • 这个定义充分表达成本概念成本单单得到东西而花费金钱包括为了得到这件东西,放弃的价值

    Thisdefinition captures the idea that the cost of something is not just its monetary cost butalso the value of what you didn't get.


  • 彭凯平补充道受访者满意满意选项中两极分化比较明显,且大多数人将金钱作为衡量幸福与否重要标准,都值得引起注意

    Peng added, the fact that the respondents clearly spilt on "content" and "discontent" calls for attention, as well as that most respondents see money as an outstanding measure of happiness.


  • 如果手机公司金钱的话可能构成贿赂

    There may also be bribery if cell phone companies were somehow given money.


  • 知道有些因此上当受骗,不仅损失金钱经历恐惧烦恼不安

    I know someone who was scammed in this way, and apart from the lost funds, it was a very scary, unpleasant and unsettling experience.


  • 研究者希望看看这样效应是否存在真实世界考虑时间金钱是否影响了人们真实的行为表现。

    But Mogilner wanted to test the effect in the real world, seeing how people actually spent their time.


  • 光有金钱人力远远不够

    Money, Manpower May Not Be enough.


  • 我们只是需要谈谈敏感的问题如何金钱公众利益之间抉择并且夹杂了一些冠冕堂皇的理由

    We just need to talk about the most subtle problem that how to choose between the money and the profit of the public and with some high-sounding reasons.


  • 为此银行家决定孩子正确的金钱管理的同时,他们年轻

    For this reason, bankers have decided to teach children proper money management while they are still young.


  • 生活品质只限于金钱包括其他事情己所有感到满足

    Quality of life doesn't necessarily refer to money only, but to other things like feeling content with what you have.


  • 这个过程中节省自己时间金钱

    In the process, you're also saving yourself time and money.


  • 不要因为自己年轻健康金钱等到了,明白金钱健康。

    Not because he was still young, with a healthy enchant to money, wait for old age, they would understand but not be exchanged for money health.


  • 他们从不认为自己贫穷长大因为我们总是努力捐赠一些食物金钱或者衣物那些比我们过得拮据人。

    They never thought they were poor growing up because we always managed to give a little bit of food, money, or clothes to the "poor."


  • 这些基本现实也许意味着经理们不能再像过去那样依赖金钱刺激激励员工

    These hard bottom-line realities may also mean that managers can't rely as much as they might have in the past on using financial incentives to drive employee engagement.


  • 这个假设加入一个健身房分享一下不但可以节省金钱,健身房,而且获得大部分来自的健身房!

    In this post, assuming that you have joined a gym, let me share with how you not only can save money in gym, but also get the most from your gym!


  • 但是actuallymhe家里已经将近60,他可以节省金钱每一反过来为什么

    But actuallymhe still lives in the house he has lived in for almost 60 years and he saves money at every turn, Why?


  • 但是actuallymhe家里已经将近60,他可以节省金钱每一反过来为什么

    But actuallymhe still lives in the house he has lived in for almost 60 years and he saves money at every turn, Why?


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