• 认为特别因为她虽然只是一个老妇人,警察聪明

    I think she is very special because she is just an old lady but she is even smarter than the policemen.


  • 但是可能知道拥有犯罪硕士学位国际警察部队出国学习了部队负责处理世界各地犯罪活动。

    However, you may not know that he also holds a master's degree in criminology and studied abroad for a year with the international police force which deals with crimes around the world.


  • 炸弹炸毁了警察严重毁坏了一座教堂

    The bomb destroyed a police station and badly damaged a church.


  • 已经证据表明自己的时候逮捕他,坎布里奇警察行为愚蠢透顶,”奥巴马

    "The Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home, " he said.


  • 并且他们警察逮捕危险,原因是他们的载客没有签证

    And there is also the risk of being arrested by the police for transporting people without visas.


  • 他们不是简单地解决一个案例罪犯刑,他们领导团队中包括检察官辩护律师警察治疗职业培训顾问个案工作人员

    Rather than simply resolving a case and sentencing the offender, they preside over teams that include prosecutors and defence lawyers, police, treatment and job-training counsellors and case workers.


  • 警察过来检查了身份证发现一个37岁的捣蛋鬼,而且因为一系列偷盗行为正在被通缉

    When the police turned up, they checked his ID and discovered he’d been a naughty 37-year-old boy and was wanted for a string of robberies.


  • 图斯希望调整目前奢侈的孩童福利制度打算缩减农民牧师警察记者娇贵群体税收减免政策。

    Mr Tusk wants to rejig the wasteful child-benefit system. And he plans to trim the huge tax perks enjoyed by such pampered groups as peasant farmers, priests, policemen and journalists.


  • 武装分子袭击了一警察巡查员

    Boko Haram gunmen also shot a police inspector.


  • 网站宣称德·格林改变了之前警察的说法,没有具体的内容。

    The website also claims that Nordegren has changed the story she initially gave to police, but says it cannot be more specific.


  • IPCC有两名伦敦警察为对此前袭击调查是否充分受到调查。

    The IPCC also announced that two Metropolitan police officers are under investigation over whether the assault was investigated properly.


  • 为了躲避警察隐秘杀手绝望发现自己深爱妻子实际上活着

    Trying to escape the police and a shadowy group of killers, he is also desperate to find out if his beloved wife is actually still alive.


  • 随后就遭到警察毒打只是第一次(头上留着瓶子过后的伤疤),而且被捕了,也是他三次被捕中的第一次。

    The police beat him up afterwards, the first of several beatings (he would show the scars on his head, where bottles had been broken on him), and arrested him, the first of three arrests.


  • Trame”(“密谋”)与众不同的文学盛事,因为警察防爆破小组在场演讲者使用的是装甲汽车安排了数名保安足够的火力以平息一场骚乱。

    WITH a police bomb squad present, armour-plated cars for many speakers, platoons of bodyguards and enough firearms to quell an insurrection, “Trame” (“Plots”) was an unusual literary festival.


  • 爆炸的气流炸伤了4个市民一个为了保证庆祝新年安全,正在对进入Chaparhar地区的过往车辆进行安全检查警察

    The blast also wounded four civilians and a policeman at the security post set up to search cars entering Chaparhar district for the new year celebrations, he said.


  • 在格林里,Nick出场就是个超男式的人物,不仅是个警察Giuntoli饰演,成了同类题材里英俊中的只,电视执行似乎从未意识到这已经司空见惯得几近乏味了

    Here, Nick starts out as an alpha male, who’s not only a cop, but as played by Giuntoli, is one of those generically handsome guys who TV execs don’t seem to realize are numbingly bland.


  • 布什赞扬热火队球员所社会工作他对热火队阿隆索·莫宁成立基金会、“闪电”韦德做慈善工作、以及奥尼尔迈阿密海滩担任兼职警察表示了称赞。

    Bush lauded the Heat's work in the community, citing Alonzo Mourning's foundation, Dwyane Wade's charitable work , and O'Neal's part-time job as a police officer in Miami Beach.


  • 警方表示,在被逮捕时候詹姆斯满身酒味,眼里布满血丝带去迈阿密沙滩警察之后拒绝配合调查

    Police said James smelled of alcohol and had bloodshot eyes when arrested, and that she refused to cooperate after being taken to the Miami Beach police station.


  • 走访了警察一个消防站,向救援人员致敬

    He also visited a police station and a fire station, paying tribute to rescue workers.


  • 中心阿富汗国家警察英国士兵联合经营招募者学习警务技术军事机能接受一些文化和算术课程。

    The centre is run by the Afghan national police and British soldiers, and recruits learn policing techniques, military skills and receive lessons in literacy and numeracy.


  • 现场警察他们发现伍兹晕过去了流了血妻子艾琳·诺德格林·伍兹照顾着。

    Police attending the scene said they found a dazed and bleeding Woods being tended to by his wife, Elin Nordegren Woods.


  • 同时,它警察强调了“视”——就是扭过头从肩膀过去——的重要性,警告他们“骑在自行车上时”不要试图逮捕嫌疑犯

    Police are advised of the need to "rear scan" — look over their shoulderand warned not to attempt to apprehend suspects while still "engaged with the cycle".


  • 警察表示这辆大约周前美国的康涅狄格州交易成功的,这次的交易并没有正规手续。

    It was sold by the vehicle's registered owner in Connecticut about three weeks ago without official paperwork changing hands, police said earlier.


  • 询问居民缠住他们骚扰警察安抚儿子雇了一个无用律师

    She questions people, badgers them, harasses police, comforts her son, hires a worthless lawyer.


  • 警察赶到时候,这位妇女失去了意识,腰上别着一瓶伏特加

    When the officers arrived, she had lost consciousness with a bottle of vodka tucked into her waistband.


  • 伦敦警察负责人,鉴于首都执法力量已经捉襟见肘,伦敦警察队负责人召集所有志愿警员报到上班。

    The head of London's Metropolitan Police has called for all Specials -- volunteer police officers -- to report for duty, as the capital's law enforcement resources are stretched thin.


  • 伦敦警察负责人,鉴于首都执法力量已经捉襟见肘,伦敦警察队负责人召集所有志愿警员报到上班。

    The head of London's Metropolitan Police has called for all Specials -- volunteer police officers -- to report for duty, as the capital's law enforcement resources are stretched thin.


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