• 对于护士警察理发师服务生来说还有什么脱掉制服容易使人们看不出其职业身份方法呢?

    What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to lose professional identity than to step out of uniform?


  • 是怎么知道还有个孩子失踪的?

    How did the police officers know a child was still missing?


  • ,“秘密警察突然闯入带走我们电脑还有文件。”

    Secret police stormed in and took away our computer and documents,” he says.


  • 警察过来骚扰时,家庭还有狗狗们酷热车里呆了一个小时

    My family and dogs sat in a hot car for over an hour while the police harassed me.


  • 在附近找到了一队来自纽约警察消防队员,告诉他们还有幸存者

    She found a crew of New York City cops and firefighters nearby and told them there were survivors.


  • 外面到处武装警察屋顶还有狙击手

    Armed police are everywhere and there are snipers on the roof.


  • 一些警察已经巡逻任务上被换了下来转而吉他钢琴还有英语

    Some of the officers have been pulled off patrol duty to teach guitar and piano classes and English.


  • 警官们下某人,他们将填写一张表格包括时间拦阻地点还有为什么警察会怀疑

    When officers make a stop, they are required to fill out a form, including the time and location of the stop and why police were suspicious.


  • 一位英国高级警察消息人士排除还有其他人参与可能性不过他表示他们相信他们已经逮捕主要同谋者

    A senior British police source did not rule out the possibility that other people had been involved, but said they believed they had arrested the main conspirators.


  • 英国一个十几岁的青少年在伦敦被捕还有其他嫌疑犯警察拘留在荷兰。

    In Britain, a teenager was arrested in London, while four other suspects were detained by police in the Netherlands.


  • 秘密警察二十分钟后就来或许还有二十五分钟来考虑这事!

    They're at the end of the street. You have twenty minutes, perhaps twenty-five.


  • 以前警察过电话,但是还有很多情况,我本该警察打电话,打。

    Surely I have called the police before, but there are a lot of situations in which I probably should call the cops, but I wouldn't.


  • 警察阻止了一起上海附近一家机械厂员工发起的抗议活动,还有位于广东省一个本田零部件供应商也举行了罢工

    Police broke up a protest by employees at a machinery factory near Shanghai, and workers downed tools at a Honda car-parts supplier in Guangdong province.


  • 警察准备详细调查所有闭路电视路像监视摄像机不光商店还有事件发生地整个城镇中心的监视摄像机。

    The cops are going to want to scan all the footage from CCTV or surveillance cameras not just outside the store, but in the whole town center where the event took place.


  • 而且里约热内卢还有另一个大敌退休休假警察遭解职的官员现在组织民兵,他们控制贫民窟数量贩毒帮派一样

    And Rio has another big enemy: militias run by retired and off-duty police and fire officers now control as many favelas as the drug gangs.


  • 很多人自制武器——金属棒,垒球对抗列队警察还有一些人对抢劫兴趣。

    Many lined up with makeshift weapons including metal bars and baseball bats to confront the line of police, but others seemed more interested in looting.


  • 过度拥挤不是折磨拉格道路唯一问题还有——车辆破坏的坑洞,工作交通灯劫车贿赂交通警察以及洪水淹没的道路很普遍

    Overcrowding is not the only problem afflicting Lagos's roads, howevervehicle-wrecking potholes, few working traffic lights, carjacking, corrupt traffic police, and flooded roads are also common.


  • 本月全美国有至少14名警察因公殉职-受到枪击但幸免于难还有更多

    Nationwide, at least 14 police officers have been killed in the line of duty this month - and many more have survived gunshots.


  • 约为曼哈顿两倍,有2000名海军陆战队士兵,还有700名阿富汗士兵300名常规警察

    In the main zone, roughly twice the size of Manhattan, 2, 000 marines are backed up by 700 Afghan soldiers and 300 regular police.


  • 宴会现场还有贴身男侍从,以及指挥现场交通警察豪华轿车于当晚八点左右开始陆续抵达

    An army of valets were on hand, as were eight police officers to direct the stream of limousines that began arriving around 8 p.m.


  • 约为曼哈顿两倍,有2000名的海军陆战队士兵,还有700名阿富汗士兵300名常规警察

    In the main zone, roughly twice the size of Manhattan, 2,000 marines are backed up by 700 Afghan soldiers and 300 regular police.


  • 现年37岁的郭德纲拥有块面团似的脸,还有近乎被全了的光头。 正因了那些用以讽刺警察官僚名流们的相声段子广受欢迎,成为人们心目中的英雄

    Mr. Guo, a doughy-faced 37-year-old with a closely shaved head, is seen as a people’s hero for his populist humor, which skewers the police, bureaucrats and celebrities.


  • 大多数的是被逮捕期间犯罪嫌疑人(警察丝毫不努力使他们丧失行为能力);还有16无辜的旁观者

    Most were suspects shot dead during arrest (there seems to have been little attempt to incapacitate them); 16 were innocent bystanders.


  • 最终游艇警察一起归去,还有安娜父亲(似乎不太乐意仅因孩子失踪这样无关痛痒的事通知离开自己岗位)。

    Eventually the yacht returns with the police and Anna's father (who seems unhappy to be called away from his responsibilities for something insignificant like the disappearance of a child).


  • 然而还有一个群体说服就是强大英国警察协会

    But there is a group that has yet to be convinced: the powerful Association of Chief Police Officers.


  • 接下来备受煎熬的六个星期里除了警察,贝琪和希拉里还有认为可以完全信任新闻秘书罗伯茨,当然,还有之外没有知道这件事。

    For the next six miserable weeks, no one outside the state police knew, except Betsey, Hillary, and, I believe, my completely trustworthy press secretary, Joan Roberts. And me.


  • 接下来备受煎熬的六个星期里除了警察,贝琪和希拉里还有认为可以完全信任新闻秘书罗伯茨,当然,还有之外没有知道这件事。

    For the next six miserable weeks, no one outside the state police knew, except Betsey, Hillary, and, I believe, my completely trustworthy press secretary, Joan Roberts. And me.


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