• 发言人称:“访谈中,罗琳谈及名利压力看法透露了想要继续创作一部哈利·波特意愿。”

    Rowling spoke about coping with fame, pressure and she "shares her thoughts on the possibility of ever writing another Harry Potter book in the future," Scholastic said in a statement.


  • 好莱坞热衷于电影制片公司所谓的“预售”电影——故事情节脱胎本书(哈利·波特》)某种玩具(如《变形金刚》)。

    It has also become keen on what the studios call "pre-sold" films-stories based on a book (like Harry Potter) or a toy (like Transformers).


  • 事实上一幕紧张有趣的讨价场景中,答应帮助哈利拜托困境前狠狠敲了他一竹竿

    In fact, in a tense and funny negotiation scene, he only agrees to help Harry out in exchange for a steep price.


  • 这位现实生活中的哈利·波特书里面角色一样脑袋额头上疤(不是泥巴……),而且呢,他哈利·波特系列电影中的主角丹尼尔同龄。 果然无巧不成书

    The real Harry Potter also has a scar on his forehead like the book character, and is the same age as Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who plays Potter in the movies.


  • 主要股东表示,劳埃德集团处于一状况很大程度是因为做出了收购哈利法克斯银行决定。他表示,布兰克埃里克当中人,或者两者承受相当压力

    A leading shareholder said Lloyds was "largely in this position because of the decision to buy HBOS", adding: "One or both [of Blank and Daniels] is going to come under quite a lot of pressure."


  • 套书创造了无数哈利·波特随身用品其中包括糖果蛋糕魔法斗篷玩具等

    The books have also inspired countless Potter paraphernaliaincluding candycakescapes and toys.


  • 新闻集团28家被评为不透明公司之一这些公司包括诸如哈利伯顿沃尔玛这样人欢迎的怪物公司以及亚马逊伯克希尔•哈撒韦公司、谷歌耐克和迪斯尼这样的新贵公司。

    News Corp is one of 28 companies rated "opaque", along with popular bogeymen such as Halliburton and walmart-and fashionable firms such as Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, Google, Nike and Walt Disney.


  • 这位现实生活中的哈利·波特书里面角色一样脑袋额头上(不是泥巴……),而且呢,哈利·波特系列电影中的主角丹尼尔同龄。 果然无巧不成书

    The real Harry Potteralso has a scar on his forehead like the book character, and is the same age as Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who plays Potter in the movies


  • 今年打算吃饭睡觉吗,赫敏?”哈利问道罗恩一旁偷偷地笑。赫敏不理他们

    'Are you planning to eat or sleep at all this year, Hermione?' asked Harry, while Ron sniggered. Hermione ignored them.


  • 哈利试图争辩的话达斯利的儿子达力响亮的饱嗝打断了。

    Harry tied to argue back but his words were drowned by a long, loud belch from the Dursley's son, Dedley.


  • 另外赫敏成了哈利道德标准(“一部分想法总是用赫敏的声音在和他说话”)(601)。

    In addition, Hermione has become Harry's conscience (" the part of his mind that often spoke in Hermione's voice ") (601).


  • 同时,德尔·托罗因为同样原因婉拒了《传奇》(2007)、《鬼来电》(2008)以及哈利·波特混血王子》(2009)的执导工作。

    Also, Del Toro turned down I am Legend (2007), One Missed Call (2008), and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) for the same reason.


  • 报告表明尽管哈利伯顿公司确实将一些测试结果递交BP但是自己可能保留了一些数据

    The report also states that while Halliburton did pass on some of the test results to BP, it may have kept other data to itself.


  • 电影《哈利·波特死亡器》落幕时,加拿大年轻人只是告别系列电影而且结束童年时代的一个重要章节

    When the final credits roll on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, young Canadians won't just be saying goodbye to the franchise but closing a seminal chapter of their childhood.


  • 邓布利拍拍哈利哈利抬头看着老人,脸上露出了笑容现在怎么生邓布利多的呢?

    Dumbledore patted Harry's hand, and Harry looked up at the old man and smiled; he could not help himself. How could he remain angry with Dumbledore now?


  • 加拿大大城市不多,喜欢哈利法克斯,加拿大东海岸

    There's not many big cities in Canada, but I also like Halifax, which is on the east coast of Canada.


  • 一起哈利·波特第五部电影中担任临时演员。

    They also have featured as extras in the fifth Harry Potter film.


  • 哈利闻到身上散发出股冲鼻味儿混杂泥土味、味,以及——毫无疑问——血腥味。

    Harry could smell a powerful mixture of dirt, sweat, and, unmistakably, of blood coming from him.


  • 哈利,”赫敏,“怎么本书呢,那个魔咒——”?

    "Harry," said Hermione, "how can you still stick up for that book when that spell -"?


  • 这些小家伙们展示了华丽富贵的古装,甚至是一套《哈利?波特》电影中霍格沃茨魔法学校的制服

    The moggies also don spectacular period dress and even a Harry Potter Hogwart's uniform.


  • 不过于此自己只是有点窘迫,事后碰见哈利,他试图自己开脱,仅仅对他做了个没甚诚意的道歉(凤凰社)。

    He was only somewhat abashed, however, and later, when he met Harry, he tried to explain along with his half-hearted apology (OP).


  • 斯内!”哈利,“答应马尔福妈妈保护他,而且立过一个牢不可破誓言什么的——”。

    "Yes, Snape was offering to help him!" said Harry. "he said he'd promised Malfoy's mother to protect him, that he'd made an Unbreakable Oath or something -".


  • 梦见摩托车,”哈利突然想起自己,“飞呢。”

    "I had a dream about a motorcycle," said Harry, remembering suddenly. "It was flying."


  • 卢平带来的《预言家日报》桌上哈利面孔头版上呆天花板

    The Daily Prophet Lupin had brought was still lying on the table, Harry's own face staring up at the ceiling from the front page.


  • 好的。”卢娜愉快哈利匆匆钻进人群时,似乎听到又对特里劳妮教授腐牙阴谋,特里劳妮教授好像感兴趣

    "All right," she said cheerfully, and he thought he heard her, as he hurried off into the crowd, resume the subject of the Rotfang Conspiracy with Professor Trelawney, who seemed sincerely interested.


  • 好的。”卢娜愉快哈利匆匆钻进人群时,似乎听到又对特里劳妮教授腐牙阴谋,特里劳妮教授好像感兴趣

    "All right," she said cheerfully, and he thought he heard her, as he hurried off into the crowd, resume the subject of the Rotfang Conspiracy with Professor Trelawney, who seemed sincerely interested.


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