• 浴室优质花岗岩柜台水槽一个玻璃罗马淋浴

    The master bath has nearly new high grade granite counters with dual sinks and a glass block Roman shower.


  • 餐厅体验地址上海市浦东区芳1188喜玛拉雅中心B1-152(国际博览中心)。

    Restaurant address: Himalaya Center B1-152, Lane 1188, Fangdian Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai (near Shanghai New International Expo Center).


  • 军团加斯的消息传到自由乡的时候,阿凯德利用手中充足补给尽可能帮助那些希望逃离此地的

    When news reached Freeside that Legion forces were approaching new Vegas, Arcade did his best to help people escape with adequate supplies.


  • 来,天文学家已经发现了400颗行星恒星

    In recent years, astronomers have found nearly 400 new planets with stars.


  • 这项研究中,70%工作人员恶化呼吸问题

    Almost seventy percent of the workers in the study had a new or worsened breathing problem.


  • 该项研究表明一个台式电脑生产过程中要产生碳排放量

    The study showed that a single new desktop machine created emissions of almost half a tonne during its manufacture.


  • 一项数据显示全球艾滋病疫情导致数十国家预期寿命大幅下降有些国家寿命减幅30年。

    A new data shows that the global AIDS pandemic will cause a sharp drop in life expectancy in dozens of countries, in some cases declines of almost three decades.


  • 毫无疑问几十年来制造业遭受重大打击进一步贸易协议引发了一些关于冲击是否影响制造业的问题

    Without question, manufacturing has taken a significant hit during recent decades, and further trade deals raise questions about whether new shocks could hit manufacturing.


  • 研究人员们使用仅仅超出可见光谱端的红外辐射测试他们“黑材料”。

    The researchers tested their new black material with near-infrared radiation, just beyond the red end of the visible spectrum.


  • 以色列不顾美国巴勒斯坦当局提出冻结定居点建设要求计划有争议东耶路撒冷建造700户公寓住宅。

    Israel plans to build nearly 700 new apartments in disputed East Jerusalem, defying demands by the United States and the Palestinian Authority for a freeze on settlement construction.


  • 这个五亿能够接入因特网的国家里,许多条目和网络相关的。

    In a country where some half a billion people have Internet access, many new terms are Internet-related.


  • 虽然观测人员花费了大约15确认目前所探测500颗行星,但是的行星发现的速度一定会更快

    Although it has taken investigators roughly 15 years to confirm the detection of the nearly 500 planets known so far, the pace promises to pick up rapidly.


  • 计划希望通过先登上天体然后登陆火星虽然不会重返月球,但金钱仍然真正麻烦。

    And money is still the real issue for not returning to the Moon in the new proposals of going to NEO's and then Mars.


  • 思考一下吧,未来半数就业岗位需要拥有高中以上的教育程度。

    Think about it. Over the next ten years, nearly half of all new jobs will require education that goes beyond a high school degree.


  • 希望能够迁就金融顾问工作,住在单位一些的地方,不要再每天上下班单程小时这么辛苦,可是房子无法脱手

    She would like to move closer to her new job as a financial consultant, cutting the daily commute from an hour each way to something less onerous. But she cannot sell her home.


  • 我们对月异技术进步已然司空见惯;而几十年才出现现象需要智力技能的技术呈现飞速发展

    Rapid advances in technology are nothing new; what is new in recent decades is rapid advances in the kinds of technology that require intellectual skills.


  • 国际自然保护联盟将这个深海物种列入危名单,报告,英格兰水域以前从未发现过这个深海物种。

    Listed as near threatenedby the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the deep-seaspecies native had previously been unknown in Greenland waters, the newreport says.


  • 今年巴基斯坦病例显著增加目前全世界病例总数的四分之一

    This year, Pakistan is experiencing a significant increase in new cases, and now accounts for nearly a quarter of all cases worldwide.


  • 对于一些著名蜘蛛巨型金丝,是物种发现追溯到19世纪

    But for some well-known varieties, such as the giant golden orb weavers, the last time a new species was discovered was in the 19th century.


  • 这个世界充满教条

    The world has become very full of new dogmas.


  • 上证综合指数周四下跌3%至2677.65点。一年还没有几天,就已经下跌了7.5%。

    The Shanghai Composite dropped nearly 3% to 2677.65 and is now down 7.5% in this young New Year.


  • 广谱红外勘测探索卫星(简称智慧”)于2009年发射升空,已检测了超过500个地天体,其中123个属于科学发现。

    Wise, the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer launched in 2009, examined more than 500 Near-Earth Objects (NEOs), 123 of which were new to science.


  • CEO生涯中,我们会员显著增长了25%,收入倍,完成了120个活动

    During my two years as CEO we increased our membership an extraordinary 25 percent, doubled our revenue, and implemented nearly 120 new initiatives.


  • 研究表明几十年来全球变暖已经对全世界粮食生产造成了损失,并将食品价格抬高了20%。

    Global warming has already harmed the world's food production and has driven up food prices by as much as 20% over recent decades, new research has revealed.


  • 有些公司小心翼翼开始尝试业务; 而思科则开始了半数兴行业,包括光纤网络无线设备以及互联网科技

    Some companies would have begun gently, with one or two; Cisco went for half a dozen, including optical networks, wireless equipment and internet telephony.


  • 实验结束时,完全躺上的小组合成肌肉减少50%,离心始终正常速度合成着肌肉。

    By the end of the study, synthesis of new muscle in the total bed-rest group had dropped by almost 50 percent, while the centrifuge group kept making muscle at a normal rate.


  • 研究测试了100个孕妇胎儿特殊刺激反应情况下,“刺激”,

    The new study tested how fetuses in nearly 100 pregnant women responded to a specific stimulus, in this case, a "vibroacoustic stimulation, " which is a very low sound that makes a vibration.


  • 研究测试了100个孕妇胎儿特殊刺激反应情况下,“刺激”,

    The new study tested how fetuses in nearly 100 pregnant women responded to a specific stimulus, in this case, a "vibroacoustic stimulation, " which is a very low sound that makes a vibration.


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