• 据说公司负债9万

    The company is reported to have liabilities of nearly $90 000.


  • 2001年2007年,布置一系列骗局中,从银行建筑商投资人那里套取总额18亿的资金。

    In a string of scams conducted from 2001 to 2007, Wang fleeced Banks, construction contractors, and private investors for a total of nearly 1.8 billion yuan.


  • 星期一人民币汇率上升6.8兑换一美星期五收盘价相比,上涨0.4%,几年来的最高值

    The yuan rose to about 6.8 to the dollar on Monday, up nearly four-tenths of a percent from Friday's close, and the highest level in several years.


  • 通常烟叶可以带来一万收益

    Normally, Li's three mu of tobacco earns him near 10, 000 yuan.


  • 2007年5月,他们了一辆二手大众途锐赚了10万,。同年他们北京开店,出售更高端的汽车品牌。

    In May 2007, they made a profit of nearly 100, 000 yuan from selling a second-hand Volkswagen Touareg, and later that year they opened a store in Beijing to sell higher-end cars.


  • 该法表示,李启明的父母向陈晓凤——这位20岁大学生事件中丧生——一家支付了46万7万美的赔偿金。

    The court said Mr. Li’s parents had paid 460, 000 renminbi, or nearly $70, 000, to the family of Chen Xiaofeng, a 20-year-old college student who was killed in the accident.


  • 几年平安信托已经扩大了房地产行业的投资规模,在10项目总共投入了1000万

    In recent years, Ping an Trust has boosted investment in real estate, with nearly 100 billion yuan invested in over 10 projects.


  • 浙江取代北京位居全国第二,居民平均收入为8015.11,与北京7094.10的收入相比超出

    Beijing, usually 2nd on the list, was replaced by Zhejiang, whose average was RMB8015.11, exceeding Beijing's RMB7094.10.


  • 杨燕花治疗痛,保险公司拒绝做出医药费理赔

    Yang spent nearly 10, 000 yuan ($1, 500) to cure a backache, but her insurance company refused to pay anything towards her care.


  • 并没有观察到显著区别在无传导阻滞症状病人中,牵涉中位神经的情况显著较少端肌无力存在这种情况

    Few significant differences were seen between groups, but involvement of the median nerve was significantly less frequent in patients without conduction block. This was also true of proximal weakness.


  • 细胞外基质成分是围神经网络组织,顾名思义它位于特定皮质区的神经树突周围

    The component of the extracellular matrix called the perineuronal net (PN), as its name implies, surrounds the cell body and proximal dendrites of selected cortical neurons.


  • 国际长途德律风的收费标准分钟8平易币。

    The price for IDD is the cost plus 8 RMB per minute.


  • 结论神经移植术修复幼年大鼠臂丛神经损伤运动感觉神经保护作用

    Conclusion nerve grafting has a protective effect on sensory and motor neuron survival after brachial plexus nerve injury in young rats.


  • 30年来许多专家学者矩阵进行广泛的研究取得了丰硕理论成果

    In recent 30 years, many experts and scholars were carrying on an extensive research about quaternionic matrix and got plenteous theoretical results.


  • 过去二十年中,人们先后观察30存在于神经膜上离子通道受到临床浓度麻药的调控。

    In the past two decades, at least 30 kinds of ion channels in the membrane of neurons have been observed to be sensitive to general anesthetics at clinical relevant concentrations.


  • 对于织物风格评价这一灰色系统评价问题,可以构造复合模型靠求解优度的方法评价织物。

    Grey system Theory, used as fabric hand evaluation system, constructing premium composite grey element model and obtaining the solution of premium degree can be used to evaluate the fabric hand.


  • 观察到一些神经它们细胞核很大,细胞膜锯齿状的皱细胞质含有少量的线粒体。

    And in the proximal area of the optic lobe, some neurons, which have a large nucleus and indented folded plasmalemma, are observed, and whose cytoplasm contains a small number of mitochondria.


  • 通过理论分析和有限计算可以看出,电容炸引信电容方程可以等效电极的电容方程来建立

    The formulation of the capacitance vs ground of the capacitance proximity fuze can be set up by the equivalent spheroid electrode.


  • 和诗坛不仅体繁盛,还呈现出明显的新特征,的次韵律诗就是突出代表

    One of the most prominent poets at that time is YUAN Zhen, whose regular verse in replying rhyme was quite influential then for its ingeniousness and variation.


  • 20个国家40合格钞票设计评选新西兰5钞票“轻松获胜”,获评2015年度最佳钞票。

    New Zealand's five-dollar note has been named the banknote of the year for 2015, a "clear winner" among nearly 40 eligible designs from a record 20 countries.


  • 为了研究连云港海域沉积物粒度中所蕴涵沉积信息利用分析模型对连云港岸海域108个沉积物样品粒度数据进行了反演。

    In order to obtain the sediment information of the grain size in Lianyungang Coastal Area, 108 grain size samples were studied by End-member Modeling.


  • 另外可用构造复合模型求解优度方法评价织物

    In addition, constructing the premium composite grey element model and solve for the premium degree can also be used to evaluate the fabric hand.


  • 另外可用构造复合模型求解优度方法评价织物

    In addition, constructing the premium composite grey element model and solve for the premium degree can also be used to evaluate the fabric hand.


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