• 提出质量定义从属性约简近似质量两方面衡量约简效果

    The attribute reduction quality, which includes reduction ratio and approximate quality, is defined to scale the reduction effectiveness.


  • 算法具有多边形约简算法相同优良近似质量固定数据缓冲区空间内在线运算。

    The quality of approximation is as good as polygonal boundary reduction, and it can process the data online in a constant buffer.


  • 应用粗糙理论计算相同层次两两评价指标近似质量根据差的大小确定指标重要性,并通过实例证明模型合理性正确性。

    In the model, approximate quality difference of two evaluations in the same level is computed by rough sets, and the importance degree is determined by difference. The model is validated by instance.


  • 你们中的任意一个知道近似高出多少么,如果这个质量这个大的话?

    Do any one of you know approximately how much higher it goes, if this ball has way higher mass than this one?


  • ,“核能煤炭重要替代物中长期唯一能够近似规模提供同等质量电力的新能源。”

    "Nuclear is an essential alternative" to coal, he said. "it's the only one that can provide the same quality of electricity at a similar scale in the medium and long term."


  • 冷却一百亿年后大型气态巨行星的半径非常近似木星质量越高,半径略微缩小

    After 10 billion years of cooling, large gas giants are all very nearly Jupiter's radius, but more massive objects are slightly smaller.


  • 提供花样质量随函所样品人造丝手帕样品。

    Please furnish us with your own samples of Rayon Hand-kerchiefs closest in designs and quality to those we enclose here.


  • 提供花样质量所附样品的人造丝手帕样品

    Please furnish us with your own samples of Rayon handkerchiefs closest in designs and quality to those we enclose here.


  • 为了提高决策系统分类质量,探讨了种在数据仓库基于粗糙逼近近似度量挖掘分类规则策略

    In order to improve the classification quality of decision system, a strategy of data mining classification rules based on rough approaching approximation measurement in data ware is proposed.


  • 产品质量相同近似,人们一般倾向购买带有好的品牌名称的产品。

    If two products are of the same or similar quality, consumers will tend to buy the one bearing a good brand name.


  • 针对其光学直接带宽度发生使用量子限域和有效质量近似方法得到了解释

    The optical direct bandgap taking blue shift can be explain by quantum confinement effect effective mass approximate method.


  • 随后使用这种近似分析方法讨论了在非理想功率控制、语音激活不同服务质量系统容量

    And then the approximate analysis that takes into account imperfect power control, activity factors and different quality requirements is used to analyze the system capacity.


  • 本文讨论不良质量成本COPQ概念内涵,并讨论了如何用FMEA方法其进行近似计算,最后通过一个简单的例子说明该方法的应用。

    In this paper, the concept and meaning of cost of poor quality are discussed, and a FMEA method is proposed to calculate approximately the value of COPQ.


  • 认为扩张皮肤生存质量较正常皮肤下降,并近似延迟作用

    We conclude that external skin expansion does not affect the quality of the expanded skin, and its effect is similar to delay technique.


  • 一些简化假设基础找到液滴质量近似解析

    The approximate analytical solution on the burning rate of droplet mass is also found on the basis of some simplified hyPotheses.


  • 讨论了相对论近似黑洞引力场质量标量粒子有限运动

    Finite motion of massive scalar particle in gravitational field of a black hole with weak relativistic approximation is discussed.


  • 通过实验筛选出该产品最佳合成工艺条件提高产品的质量收率染料色光达到近似微黄,收率提高10~15%。

    Optimum reaction conditions were determined by experiments, under which the color of dyes reached approximation to slight yellow and the yield was increased by 10-15%.


  • 分布质量模型仃限分析基础,上提出种用以求解弹性机构稳态新的迭代近似方法QDA方法)。

    A new approximate iterative approach, QDA method, for the steady solution of flexible mechanism is put forward, based on the finite element analysis on the distributed parameter model.


  • 详细讨论了不同近似计算程度情况下有效质量温度特性

    The temperature characteristic of the effective mass are discussed in detail at different approximation calculation level.


  • 为了保障各种网络业务所需服务质量需要这些数据流之间进行近似公平带宽分配

    For the provision of various quality of service, bandwidth should be allocated fairly among these flows.


  • 第2中,在查阅资料、理解循环流化床原理基础根据质量能量平衡方程建立了近似控制数学模型

    In chapter 2, based on the investigation of references and the principle of CFB, a approximate temperature mathematic model is established according to both mass and energy equilibrium equations.


  • 发现近似平坦生长前沿有利于单晶质量提高

    It is found that the nearly flat growth front is in favor of improving the crystal quality.


  • 保证绘制质量近似相同情况下,方法原始集的点数减少约40%。

    Using the new method can reduce 40% of the original points, meanwhile, ensures the similar visual appearances.


  • 对于提高野外资料采集质量处理中压制干扰波提供了一个理论模型近似

    A theoretical modeling approximation is offered for both improving field data acquisition and suppressing noises in indoor data processing.


  • 形式近似服务标准满意度调查方法背后,品牌服务质量客户满意度结果却大相径庭。

    However, the service qualities of and customer satisfactions for different brands differ greatly in spite of similar service standards and survey methods of customer satisfaction.


  • 有效质量近似利用微扰理论研究矩形量子线电子空穴基态能量

    Within the effective mass approximation and the perturbation method, the electron and hole ground-state energy in a magnetic field in the rectangular quantum wire are calculated.


  • 提出了通过架构上附加质量配重实现空间连杆机构摆动力近似平衡方法

    A practical method for approximate shaking force balancing of spatial linkages is proposed by attaching counter weights to frame pivoted links.


  • 利用费米气体模型区域密度近似分别计算粒子能级密度,通过单粒子能级密度求得中等质量碎片(IMF)的内部函数

    The single particle level densities, calculated with the local density approximation and Fermi gas model respectively, are used to obtain the partition functions.


  • 有限元有效质量近似特征值问题

    The eigenvalue problem with the effective-mass approximation is solved by means of the finite-element method.


  • 提出了通过架构上附加质量配重实现空间连杆机构摆动力近似平衡方法

    A practical method for approximate balancing of shaking force and shaking moment of spatial linkages is proposed by attaching counter weights to frame pivoted links.


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