• 首先顶点进行分组采用逐次改进近似最佳售货员回路

    At first, the groups division is made on the apex, then applying a successive improvement method to find out an approximate optimum return trip for saleclerks in every individual group.


  • 经典FIR数字滤波器设计方法进行研究基础上,提出种基于近似最佳一致逼近原理的FIR滤波器设计方法。

    After investigating into the design of classical FIR digital filter, a method of FIR filter design based on proximate best uniform approximation is proposed.


  • 直到1995年发布的半本,箱子里还是排序所以最佳适合策略只是近似的。

    Until the versions released in 1995, chunks were left unsorted within bins, so that the best-fit strategy was only approximate.


  • 即使大众传媒没有交集的文化中女性腰围与最佳比例也是在0.7左右,近似于沙形状生育有关

    Even in cultures without access to mass media, the optimum waist-to-hip ratio for women is around 0.7, which corresponds most closely to an hourglass shape, and is linked to fertility.


  • Wilson,(各种类型近似的)最佳适合方案实际负载相对于其他一般方法像是最先适合)趋向于产生最少分段

    As shown by Wilson et al, best-fit schemes (of various kinds and approximations) tend to produce the least fragmentation on real loads compared to other general approaches such as first-fit.


  • 这种算法在分解中利用多边形近似寻找所有可能分割线,结合血细胞圆形假设确定最佳分割线。

    Polygonal approximation is used to find out all the possible split paths. And the optimal split path is chosen according to the assumption that blood cells are in round shapes.


  • 最佳对应管束水力当量直径近似等于内沸腾的气泡脱离直径。

    The optimum tube spacing equals approximately to the departure diameter of the bubbles during a pool boiling.


  • 研究证实二次缺陷形成初始温度近似代表辐照绿柱石最佳热固温度点。

    The research also indicates that the temperature resulting from the secondary defects may represent approximately the optimum temperature for the thermal color concentration.


  • 给出色散大色散光纤通信系统近似实现接收机最佳传递函数电路型式

    The circuit types approaching the realization of the optimal transfer function of the receiver in low- and high-dispersion digital fiber-optic communication systems are given.


  • 通过实验筛选出该产品最佳合成工艺条件提高产品的质量收率染料色光达到近似微黄,收率提高10~15%。

    Optimum reaction conditions were determined by experiments, under which the color of dyes reached approximation to slight yellow and the yield was increased by 10-15%.


  • 本文提出了平均比特最小意义下最佳线性用户信号检测器给出了求解这种最佳线性多用户信号检测器的近似方法——训练单层感知器

    This paper presented a optimum linear multiuser detector in terms of minimum mean bit error rate, and given a approximate method of solving the detector - method of training single perceptron.


  • 对于定积分近似计算中常使用经典SIMPSON公式介绍一种新的简洁证明方法并给出误差最佳估计

    We introduced a new and simple proof of the classical SIMPSON quadrature formula which is frequently applied in calculating definite integrals and best estimation of error is obtained.


  • 文中聚焦系统给出最佳归一化离焦表达式相应ETF近似公式。

    For sharp-focusing system, the expressions for the position of optimum image plane and its corresponding ETF are also given.


  • 利用参数最佳线性无偏估计量最佳线性不变估计量,估计出可靠度近似置信下限

    The approximate lower confidence bound for the reliability of the component is obtained by using Best Linear Unbiased Estimate and Best Linear Invariant Estimate for parameters.


  • 最佳尺度剖面上,水合物表现尺度背景中的近似平行于海尺度

    Moreover, the gas hydrate layer on optimal-scale section shows a high scale zone of paralleling bottom in the low scale background.


  • 最后本文以四种译本,具体阐述如何利用最佳近似原则评估译文的得失。

    At last, taking the four versions of Jing Ye si as examples, this paper illustrates how to apply the principle of optimal approximation to evaluate different versions.


  • 本篇论文应用了辜正坤教授最佳近似原则,探讨古诗的难点变通补偿策略。

    This paper applies Professor Gu Zhengkun's principle of"Optimal Approximation"to the translation of classical Chinese poetry into English and proposes the proper compensation means.


  • 尽管巴菲特账面价值(股价)增长奉为衡量实力最佳指标,但他强调只是内在价值”的粗略近似

    While he touts growth in book value and not share price as the best measure of his prowess, Mr Buffett stresses that it is but a crude approximation of "intrinsic value".


  • 最佳映射使互操作送拆收器可以没有精确匹配的情况下选择近似匹配字符

    Best-fit mapping enables the interop marshaler to select a close-matching character when no exact match exists.


  • 最佳映射使互操作送拆收器可以没有精确匹配的情况下提供近似匹配字符

    Best-fit mapping enables the interop marshaler to provide a close-matching character when no exact match exists.


  • 由于方案基于近似线性最小均方误差估计准则而设计的,因此是一种理论上最佳跟踪方案。

    As the scheme is designed conforming to the criteria of approximate linear least-mean-square error estimation, it is theoretically quasi-optimal.


  • 由于方案基于近似线性最小均方误差估计准则而设计的,因此是一种理论上最佳跟踪方案。

    As the scheme is designed conforming to the criteria of approximate linear least-mean-square error estimation, it is theoretically quasi-optimal.


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