• 它们运行依靠优良古老干净人类能源——多余的卡路里一点体力活。

    They run on good old clean human energy - extra calories and a bit of elbow grease.


  • 小食能源-制定补充能量水平某人或许运行复苏疾病

    Refreshment energy - formulated to replenish energy levels for someone who's perhaps run down or recovering from illness.


  • 城建部门1.8兆瓦机器连接城市高压输电网(节省传输途中损失能源),因此这些机器需要清洁运行

    Utilities want to hook up the 1.8-megawatt machines to the grid in the middle of cities (to save the energy otherwise lost in transit), so they need to run clean.


  • 整个灌溉系统所有组分都有微型控制器,通过它将运行中的状态数据传输控制它们能源管理系统中。

    All of the irrigation system components have micro-controllers that transmit their status data to the energy management system that controls them.


  • 美国宇航局加州能源委员会对特最新一轮工作进行资助目标是获得项目试点和运行

    Both NASA and the California Energy Commission have helped fund the latest round of Trent's work, in which he aims to get a pilot demonstration up and running.


  • 除此之外地铁车辆引进新的刹车动力回复系统一系统减少了33%的能源消耗,从而使列车运行效率更高

    In addition to this great accomplishment, the subway cars themselves were made more efficient by introducing a new brake energy recovery system that reduces energy consumption by 33 percent.


  • 关注能源如何运行核武基地设施安全防卫委员会”,目前考察处理废料过程本身安全性

    The Defence nuclear Facilities safety Board, which watches how the Department of Energy runs its nuclear-weapons sites, is currently investigating the safety of the waste-treatment process itself.


  • 它们有意识通过提高街灯建筑能源使用效率降低能源使用量,运行公共设施具有很高的能源使用效率。

    They have consciously brought down their energy use through more efficient street lighting and buildings and being energy efficient in the utilities they run.


  • 委内瑞拉能源石油部公司运行情况发布2003年度统计报告。

    In Venezuela, the Ministry of Energy and Oil has only just released the 2003 edition of its annual statistical compendium on the company's performance.


  • 图片来源:DUK能源Edwardsport在建电厂成为世界一家采用捕捉储藏技术商业运行发电厂。

    Image: New plant under construction at Edwardsport, Ind. could become one of the first in commercial operation to undertake carbon capture and storage.


  • 测试列车运行终点的时候载有1011名旅客高速列车能源消耗一辆乘坐5人的汽车相当

    When it came to end-use energy consumption, a high-speed rail train with 1011 passengers was equivalent to a car with five passengers.


  • 压缩空气能源储存1978年起已经德国Huntorf稳定运行阿拉巴马州McIntosh也在1991年加入这个行列。

    Compressed-air energy storage plants have been operating reliably in Huntorf, Germany, since 1978 and in McIntosh, Ala., since 1991.


  • Ofgem发出警告除非完全改变现有能源供应商的运行模式,否则可以预见英国2015年,将发生发电厂数量天然气供应短缺

    Ofgem warned that the UK could start to see a shortage of power plants and gas supplies by 2015 unless the way energy companies operate is overhauled.


  • 计划外骨骼添加再生能源能力,使得平地运行耗损很少能源或甚至耗损能源

    He plans to add regenerative capabilities to the exoskeleton, so that it will require little or no power when moving on level ground.


  • 我们对于输电网稳定再生性能源适应性问题束手无策的原因我们始终对于太阳能电池板如何运行科技研究一片空白

    But one reason it's not clear how to adapt the electricity grid to the intermittency of renewables is we're still missing information about how technologies like solar panels behave.


  • 一间产生能源相当于300间电厂再加300间天然气以及它们运行消耗

    The infrastructure would displace 300 large coal-fired power plants and 300 more large natural gas plants and all the fuels they consume.


  • 2007年,国际能源机构号召2010年使20个CSS电厂运行——这一目标看来注定无法实现了。

    In 2007 the IEA called for 20 plants to be under way by 2010—a goal that seems certain to be missed.


  • 他们能源运行某种晶体至少如何出现

    They are run by some kind of blue crystal energy, I think, or at least that is how it appeared.


  • 由于受诸多因素影响,当前中国电力工业运行水平能源利用效率低。

    Because of many factors, operation of China's power industry and energy utilization efficiency are low at present.


  • 通过改造中央空调运行系统达到节约能源美化环境效果

    Through rebuilding central air-conditioning movement system, we achieved the effect of saving energy and beautifying environment.


  • 另外由于能源发电成本较高太阳能逆变器高效运行显得非常重要

    Plus, because of new energy cost is higher, the solar energy of the inverter efficient operation also appears very important.


  • 压机运行形成废油,由于收集困难,不仅浪费了能源而且造成较严重环境污染

    The waste oil resulting from an operating air compressor is difficult to be collected, thus not only wasting resources, but also creating serious environmental problems.


  • 双方承诺合作努力确保全球能源市场平稳运行避免全球大宗商品价格过度波动

    The two countries pledge to cooperate on efforts to ensure the smooth functioning of global energy markets and to avoid excess volatility in global commodity prices.


  • 压机运行形成废油,由于收集较困难,不仅浪费了能源而且会造成较严重环境污染。

    Waste oil produces in operation of an air compressor. This not only los - es energy sources but also seriously pollutes environment.


  • 拓展希望机遇取决于使美国经济保持运行和使美国的环境保持清洁能源稳定供应

    Extending hope and opportunity depends on a stable supply of energy that keeps America's economy running and America's environment clean.


  • 文章指出长期运行流量系统充分考虑这种区别所引起能源合理利用问题

    The paper states that in long term operating system under large flow rate such difference should be considered for reasonable energy usage.


  • 作者针对采暖锅炉实际运行情况分析了目前能源利用方面存在的问题,提出具体解决办法节能有效措施

    In allusion to practical running status of heating boiler, this paper analyzes problems of using energy, puts forward specific solving method and effective saving energy measurements.


  • 具有良好调度策略电梯系统能够有效提高运行效率节约能源

    So the elevator group control system, which has excellent scheduling strategy, can greatly improve running efficiency and save energy sources.


  • 现有大量配电线路提高经济运行水平,降低线损节约能源是有现实意义的。

    This is of practical value to promoting economic operation and reducing line losses in distribution lines and thus to energy conservation.


  • 现有大量配电线路提高经济运行水平,降低线损节约能源是有现实意义的。

    This is of practical value to promoting economic operation and reducing line losses in distribution lines and thus to energy conservation.


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