• 运用改进BP算法建立水泥强度预测模型

    Based on optimized BP algorithms, some prediction models are developed for cement strength.


  • 然后运用改进粒子群算法分派并优化配送线路。

    Secondly we propose a modified particle swarm optimization to arrange customers visiting sequences for every vehicle.


  • 高速公路项目设计方案优选首次运用改进价值工程方法

    The improved value engineering method is utilized for the first time in the optimization of the highway design plan.


  • 知识是加工信息一种通过信息运用改进行为?。

    A discussion is made about the influence of the digitizing, networking and intellectualization information on the editorial activities.


  • 通过引入模糊理论提出了电厂机组负荷分配模型运用改进遗传算法进行求解

    A model for the optimization load allocation among power generating units is proposed by using fuzzy theory and solve it with the improved GA.


  • 采用极限应变准则作为极限状态方程运用改进JC方法分析了地下隧洞稳定可靠度。

    In this paper the limit strain criterion is used as a limit state function and an improved JC method is used to calculate the reliability index of the stability of the tunnel.


  • 运用改进分蓄洪区平面二维水流数学模型计算湖北省白谭湖分蓄洪区洪水演进的情况。

    The flood routing in the flood diversion area of Baitan Lake, in Hubei Province, is calculated by the developed plane 2-d water mathematical model for flood diversion area.


  • 本文运用改进蒙特卡罗技术研究横向磁场氦气直流辉光放电阴极电子输运过程的影响

    With improved Monte Carlo technique, the influence of a transverse field on the electron transport parameters in the cathode region of a DC glow discharge is studied.


  • 采用相关技术包括增加单纯形寻优算子运用改进交叉算子自适应调整交叉率变异率等。

    The methods we proposed include adding deterministic simplex searching operation, improving the crossover operator, modifying adaptive crossover probability and adaptive mutation probability.


  • 运用改进模型测量细圆柱体直径,克服了传统测量模型衍射引起原理误差提高测量精度

    Theoretical error of customary model created by diffraction Angle is eliminated so that the measurement accuracy is improved when the diameter is measured with the improved model.


  • 混合优化策略首先根据规则构造集装箱堆栈目标状态然后运用改进广度优先算法搜索搬箱步骤

    The system builds firstly the objective state of the container stack on the principle and then searches for the steps of turning box using the non-conventional breadth-first search algorithm.


  • 二值图像运用改进的链跟踪方法,对链码跟踪结果运用先验知识进行处理,最后得到道路边缘

    For binary image, chain-code tracing is used, and some sequent processing is applied to above tracing based on some prior knowledge so as to get the points of road boundary.


  • 运用改进集中原理证明了在某些指数条件下非对称的临界非线性项仍能保证无穷存在性。

    The problem involves non-odd symmetric critical nonlinearity. Existence of infinitely many solutions of this problem is obtained with improved Compactness- Concentration principle.


  • 运用改进遗传算法优化极点配置方法线性二次型调节器方法倒立控制参数取得比较好的仿真效果

    The improved GA is used to optimize the parameters of pole assignment control and LQR control about inverted pendulum systems. And the better simulation results are obtained.


  • 然后运用改进自然地表红外辐射理论模型计算了一定范围复杂地表的红外辐射场,得到了较为真实地表红外辐射场分布

    Using an improved IR radiation field mode, the IR radiation field of some complex terrains has been calculated in limited ranges and the real IR radiation distribution is obtained.


  • 本文通过对大型水电站建设进行全面分析建立水电站建设工期风险评价模型运用改进模糊综合评价方法进行风险评价。

    This thesis analysis the whole construction of the large hydropower station, and establish risk assessment models, and then use the improved fuzzy synthetic discrimination to determine the weight.


  • 使用基于分布式母线,考虑经济约束优潮流(opf)模型利用伸缩约束条件进行模糊化处理运用改进遗传算法求解最优潮流。

    And then the OPF model is changed into fuzzy using the flexible restrictions, and is operated on by the improved Genetic Algorithms.


  • 安然语料库使人们更好地理解语言如何运用社会网络如何起作用使揭示基于电子邮件交流的社会群体的努力得到改进

    The Enron Corpus has led to a better understanding of how language is used and how social networks function, and it has improved efforts to uncover social groups based on E-mail communication.


  • 再次强调这个算法为了教学目的而设计的,如果运用产品构建上那么还需要进行更多改进

    Again it should be noted that this algorithm was designed as a teaching aid and further refinement is needed it can be used in a production setting.


  • 综合运用所有这些模式可以明显改进流程

    All of these patterns can add up to significant process improvements.


  • 事实证明企业运用改进现有技术方面行家甚至在高科技智能手机方面也是如此。

    They have proved expert at applying and improving existing technology, even the high technology of touch-screen smartphones.


  • 同样逻辑可以运用过程改进中。

    The same type of logic can be applied to process improvement.


  • 应该运用技术创造新的产品拓展更多的流通渠道以及改进客户、合作伙伴间交流

    Use it to create new products, tap new distribution channels, and improve communication with your customers and partners.


  • Informix 11.7中的优化可以显著提高查询事务性能已经物理更改运用POWER 7平台尽可能实现透明改进

    Optimizations in Informix 11.7 have dramatically improved query and transaction performance, and have leveraged physical changes to the POWER7 platform to make transparent improvement possible.


  • uTorrent广泛运用BT软件,今年早些时间升级2.0版本并且推出一系列特性带宽管理UDP支持其它改进

    UTorrent is a wildly popular BitTorrent client, earlier this year it updated to version 2.0 and brought a host of new features including bandwidth management, UDP support, and other improvements.


  • 即使CCS技术的绝大多数流程已经广泛运用其他产业表明其技术改进余地有限,它资本使用成本仍然与风电相似。

    That is roughly the same rate as for wind power, even though most of the processes in CCS are already widely used in other industries, suggesting that the scope for improvement is slender.


  • 即使CCS技术的绝大多数流程已经广泛运用其他产业表明其技术改进余地有限,它资本使用成本仍然与风电相似。

    That is roughly the same rate as for wind power, even though most of the processes in CCS are already widely used in other industries, suggesting that the scope for improvement is slender.


- 来自原声例句

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