• 艾伦那位充满活力运动伙伴每天早上打电话起床一起去步行

    Allen's energetic exercise buddy gives her a wakeup call every morning for their daily hike.


  • 开始根除脊髓灰质炎运动体现公共卫生伙伴关系力量产生巨大长久的效益。

    Since its inception, the drive to eradicate polio has been an expression of the power of public health partnerships to do great and lasting good.


  • 但是来自悉尼基思辛普森六个伙伴却兴高采烈,他们身穿迪斯尼狂热者开领运动短袖衬衫上面压着澳大利亚地图的米老鼠的耳朵

    But Keith Simpson and his six friends from Sydneyall Disney fanatics sporting matching polo shirts that show Mickey ears over Australia’s map — couldn’t have been happier.


  • 今年麻疹倡议其它伙伴机构在世卫组织支持下,组织了旨在为320万儿童进行免疫接种运动

    Organized with support from WHO, the Measles Initiative and other partner agencies, this year's campaign aimed to immunize 3.2 million children.


  • 运动从来不建立信任伙伴关系最佳时机,但可能会有效增加大会的离心力

    Since campaigns are hardly ideal times to build trust and partnership, this could well increase the centrifugal forces acting on the assembly.


  • 世卫组织及其合作伙伴正在评估最初大规模免疫接种运动影响包括安全性有效性

    WHO and its partners are currently assessing the impact of the initial mass immunization campaigns, including their safety and efficacy.


  • 世卫组织及其合作伙伴目前正在评估这些初始阶段大规模免疫运动带来影响包括安全性效力

    WHO and its partners are currently assessing the impact of these initial mass immunization campaigns, including their safety and efficacy.


  • 运动恶劣天气进行比赛时,有可能会被飞盘击中或者是打伤自己其他伙伴

    Players choosing to compete in poor weather conditions risk being hit with the Frisbee and injuring themselves or other players.


  • 世卫组织控制结核伙伴关系合作正在领导全球运动扩大使用直接督导下短程化疗一国际建议结核战略

    WHO, in collaboration with the Stop TB partnership, is leading the global drive to expand the use of DOTS, the internationally recommended strategy to fight TB.


  • 作为一项预防措施,世界卫生组织联合儿童基金会正在帮助卫生部其它卫生合作伙伴开展预防破伤风麻疹方面疫苗接种运动

    As a preventive measure WHO and UNICEF are supporting the Ministry of health and other health partners in vaccination campaigns against tetanus and measles.


  • 然而尽管这样,美欧战略伙伴关系又极其失衡就跟胳膊出奇肥大健硕的举重运动一样畸形,美欧关系只是独大军事这条“胳膊”,而且还是过分独大了。

    Yet the partnership is strangely unbalanced. Like a misshapen weightlifter who exercises only one arm, the partnership bulks up its military limb, perhaps even overworks it.


  • 通过颁发一年度,控制结核伙伴关系Kochon基金会希望表彰鼓励那些加速控制结核战役运动前列人。

    By awarding this annual prize the Stop TB Partnership and the Kochon Foundation wishes to recognize and encourage those at the forefront of the campaign to accelerate the battle to Stop TB.


  • 还要感谢奥林匹克运动那些秉持奥运理念支持我们工作的合作伙伴们。

    I also thank all our partners in the Olympic Movement who believed in the idea and supported it.


  • 上个月我们律师事务所伙伴搭档支持下发起“2006多给予运动”。

    Last month, with the support of several other associates and partners at my law firm, I created the Give a Little 2006 Campaign.


  • 童军伙伴国际童军运动份子所有的童军都应遵守相同的童军规范。

    To become aware that one is a member of an international movement and that all Scouts share the same fundamental principles of Scouting.


  • 同时呢,跳伞可以当做运动人生体验很多伙伴体验跳伞,可能只是一次自己人生清单上打

    At the same time, skydiving can be regarded as a sport and life experience, a lot of small partners to experience skydiving, may be just once, in his life will make a tick on the list.


  • 艾弗森列为公司运动伙伴形容所有投资者公司。

    Iverson is listed as one of the company's "athlete partners," all described as investors in the company.


  • 联盟初期一些非正式会议(如伙伴员工午餐,与联盟伙伴公司经理运动)已经我们伙伴公司那里获得商情。

    In early stage of this alliance, some informal meetings (e. g. lunch with partner's employees, sports with partner's managers) have been set up to acquire market information from our partner.


  • 这样就可以知道什么最佳伙伴商业运动冥想艺术等等! !

    This way you'll know what is your best partner in love, in business, in sports, in meditation, in arts and so on!


  • 最近行星运动说明今天机会伙伴回赠某些东西表达多么感激过去的一切。

    The current planetary movement means that today there is a chance to give back to your partner something to show how much you appreciate all that they have done for you in the past.


  • 青岛作为第29北京奥林匹克运动伙伴城市,2008年举办奥运会帆船比赛,并于2006年2007年成功举办了奥运帆船比赛试训赛。

    Qingdao is the partner of Beijing in 29~(th) Olympic Game. Olympic Sailing will be held in Qingdao at 2008. Qingdao International Regatta Test Events have been held at 2006 and 2007.


  • 地球创始会员国停止气候混乱指望运动一个官方合作伙伴地球。

    Friends of the Earth is founding member of Stop Climate Chaos, whose I Count campaign is an official partner of Live Earth.


  • 还有人找到小伙伴一起健身运动有趣的事情以及友情联系起来。

    Another has recruited a friend to join her for gym workouts, combining exercise with fun and friendship.


  • 英孚正式成为广州2010年第16亚洲运动合作伙伴

    EF to partner with the 16th Asian Games Guangzhou 2010.


  • 没有这种记忆泡沫床垫运动传递睡眠合作伙伴

    There is no motion transfer from sleep partners with this Memory Foam mattress.


  • 观看林勇伙伴从空中飞过,会使纳闷运动是不是并不太危险

    Watching Li Yong and his friends fly you wonder whether the sport is not dangerous.


  • 观看林勇伙伴从空中飞过,会使纳闷运动是不是并不太危险

    Watching Li Yong and his friends fly you wonder whether the sport is not dangerous.


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