• 承诺不再会为了个人利益运作任何项目而且会把名下物业移交国家

    He also pledged not to run any more projects for personal profit and to transfer his property to the state.


  • 某些情况下,机构经纪运作可能会跟他们所属银行利益相抵。

    In some ways prime brokers may also act against the interests of their own parent Banks.


  • 即使坚固支持者认为外界而言利益运作是不透明的。

    Even its staunchest supporters would accept that its interests appear murky to outsiders.


  • 没有令人信服理由证明美联储运作秘密之中美国人民最高利益

    There are no convincing arguments that it is in the best interests of the American people for anything the Fed does to be off limits.


  • 虽然高调说着有关改变华府运作方式,但是实际上欧巴马先生推出他的方案之前小心的和几个最有影响力的利益团体做了互动。

    For all his high-toned talk about changing Washington’s ways, Mr Obama was careful to co-opt the most powerful interest groups in advance.


  • 毕竟,弗运作实际上旨在服务于商界的利益而非96名居民利益

    After all, Vernon is really meant to be run for their benefit, not for that of the 96 residents.


  • 任何社会中,那些已经得到权利的人力图国家他们利益运作

    In any society, the people who already have power will try to get the state to work in their interests.


  • 是因为许多利益攸关方现在能够齐心协力按照统一方法统一运作方式开展工作

    This is because a multitude of stakeholders are now in a position to work in unison according to uniform methods and unified operational approaches.


  • 虽然这个模式一开始就有结构缺陷——一贯偏向利益 ——但运作150

    Though structurally flawed from its origins – and historically biased toward powerful intereststhis model functioned for 150 years.


  • 一方面,那些机构运作了如指掌的精英人士则得以借此机会使他们利益最大化。

    The elite, on the other hand, have a better understanding of these institutions and are therefore able to maximize their returns.


  • 只有彻底地重新审视机构运作方式,电子商务诸多利益才能得到保障。

    Many of the benefits of e-business can be secured only with a radical rethinking of the way in which the organization operates.


  • 汽车营销生态园一新的理念方式好地运作处理各方利益关系

    Ecological Park car marketing of this new concept and mode of operation very well, dealing with relations between the interests of all parties.


  • 一些中低档酒店运作中的目标不是实现经济效益最大化或者说个人利益领导利益等影响较大。

    Some mid and lower level hotels do not seek maximum economic returns as their objective. Rather, they are run in a way that is largely subject to personal and superiors' interests.


  • 盈余管理行为上市公司泛滥严重损害广大投资者利益,极大地阻碍我国证券市场的规范运作

    Earnings management is overflowed in the listed companies, so the interests of the investors is seriously harmed, which has hindered the standardized operation of the security market of our country.


  • 指导监督本部运作确定保安工作正确执行确保酒店利益范围安全

    To guide and supervise the department of operation, to determine the security work executed correctly, ensure the safety of the hotel within the scope of interests.


  • 在财务运作经理指导工作,负责食品物品收货控制库存管理按时核查库房情况及时反馈确保利益最大化。

    Under the general direction of the Operation Manager, responsible for the controlling receiving of F&B items and store inventories through timely feedback and reporting to maximize profitability.


  • 此外,昂立稚慧谷还聘请了专业经理人团队进行经营运作早教产品代理品牌管理完善细致培训支持体系确保幼教加盟代理商利益

    We have a specific management team that is responsible for sales, business operation and brand management. Our comprehensive support and training system ensure the benefits of franchisees.


  • 良好理财规划可以提高资本要素配置效率进而实现资本运作利益最大化可以提升我们家庭生活品质

    Good finance programming can raise the disposition efficiency of capital, then carry out the maximize benefits. It can also promote the quality of our family life.


  • 补充说,新的纽约人“认识到,法规行为利益公司员工投资者市场的来信,他们运作同时减少风险经商之道。”

    "He adds that New Yorkers" recognize that regulations act in the interests of companies, their employees, investors and the markets in which they operate, while reducing the risks of doing business.


  • 合同法第122条是关于民事责任竞合重要条款,该规定的实际运作并不能够充分保护当事人合法利益

    Article 122 of contract law stipulates the coincidence of civil liability, however, it cannot protect the party's legal interest fully.


  • 确保政策正常运作,研究员必须披露所有研究有关个人利益

    To ensure the proper functioning of this Policy, analysts are required to disclose all personal interests relevant to their research functions.


  • 第二主要介绍次级抵押贷款的证券化参与主体及其内在运作机制从而下文分析证券化链条上各主体间的利益冲突提供铺垫。

    Section Two explains the participants in the Sub-prime Mortgage securitization and the securitization operation mechanism, so that it can provide some basis for the coming analysis in the next part.


  • 国际组织其成员国对第三责任问题不仅影响着国际组织运作而且涉及第三方利益保护不法行为预防

    This topic has significance on the operations of the organization, as well as the protection of the rights of third parties and the reduction in violations of the law by deterrence.


  • 她们不是儒家文化权利运作受害者而是有份操纵一权利的既得利益者。

    Hence, they were not the victims of the movement of Confucian culture and authority but the vested profiters of manipulating the power.


  • 传统管理科学运作管理研究通常使用一些数学建模方法来研究供应链成员利性和协调冲突利益行为。

    Traditional modeling methodologies in MS/OM mainly focus on mathematical modeling and the analysis of conflicting goals between supply chain partners.


  • 企业社会责任公司在进行商业运作同时兼顾员工,社会以及环境利益,企业社会责任已经远远超出法律公司要求以及约束的范围。

    CSR generally refers to actions taken by firms with respect to their employees, communities, and the environment, which go beyond what is legally required of a firm.


  • 企业社会责任公司在进行商业运作同时兼顾员工,社会以及环境利益,企业社会责任已经远远超出法律公司要求以及约束的范围。

    CSR generally refers to actions taken by firms with respect to their employees, communities, and the environment, which go beyond what is legally required of a firm.


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