• 迈克一次也没有想过成为班里尖子

    Not once did it occur to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class.


  • 有很多持续长的段落一些开始以前几乎结束了包括短暂参军婚姻这些段落迈克·哈特曾旧金山当过街头音乐家

    AMONG the episodes in his life that didn't last, that were over almost before they began, including a spell in the army and a try at marriage, Michael Hart was a street musician in San Francisco.


  • 儿子迈克尔·威尔:“母亲一位了不起的女人,她怀着极大的热情幽默感走完没有一刻虚度。”

    Her son Michael Wilding said: "My mother was an extraordinary woman who lived life to the fullest, with great passion, humor, and love."


  • 迈克尔·杰克逊偶像

    Michael Jackson has been an idol for me all my life.


  • 泰勒参加了2009年迈克尔·杰克逊葬礼尽管杰克逊的动荡混乱,但是泰勒一直是力挺她的好友。

    Taylor at Michael Jackson's funeral in 2009. Despite Jackson's tumultuous history, Taylor stood by her longtime friend.


  • 尽管中受到种种非议不断,还是有44%受访者认为迈克·杰克逊的演绎才华成为当仁不让的流行之

    that surrounded Michael Jackson's life and career, 44% of respondentsthought that his talent for performing was the one element that mostdefined the late King of Pop。


  • 名年方二十明星上周据传挚爱——加拿大冰球明星迈克考姆瑞订婚

    The 22-year-old actress got engaged last week while on vacation with the love of her life, hockey player Mike Comrie.


  • 8个月迈克发布了一个网站希望网站那些感觉还贷困难的本科研究甚至更为年轻中学帮一点忙。

    Eight months later, Kopko has launched a website he hopes can help college and graduate students who are feeling the loan crunch as well as kids as young as middle schoolers.


  • 哈佛商学院博士zoe Chance市场营销学教授MichaelNorton(迈克尔·诺顿)发现的。

    Such was the finding of zoe Chance, a doctoral student, and Michael Norton, a marketing professor, both at Harvard Business School.


  • 总部位于纽约二维码扫描技术提供商s canbuy的首席执行官迈克·威尔斯坦承这种情形下,“多数公司都对营销活动的效果不满。”

    Mike Whers, CEO of Scanbuy, a New York-based provider of scanning technology, admits that in those types of cases "most companies aren't satisfied with the performance of their campaigns."


  • 迈克·格林回忆起2005年发的事情:当时妻子文本短信计划添加他们手机计划中,尽管来明尼苏达州mantako格林感兴趣妻子还是一意孤行,签订了协议

    Mike Green remembers back in 2005 when his then-wife asked him to add text messages to their cell phone plan. Green, of Mankato, Minn., had no interest, but his wife went ahead and signed up.


  • 迈克·格林回忆起2005年发事情:当时妻子让他文本短信计划添加他们手机计划中,尽管来明尼苏达州mantako的格林感兴趣妻子还是一意孤行,签订了协议

    Mike Green remembers back in 2005 when his then-wife asked him to add text messages to their cell phone plan.Green, of Mankato, Minn., had no interest, but his wife went ahead and signed up.


  • 麻省理工学院迈克尔·克雷默(Michael Kremer),因为在作为研究时所论文而赢得最初赞誉

    Michael Kremer, of MIT, won early recognition for two papers written as a graduate student.


  • 英国《卫报》1月13日报道,在法兰克福街头展出这些雕塑作品,是该市艺术学会为德尔艺术学校研究迈克尔·比特尔举办现代雕塑作品的一部分

    Unknown to the binmen, the sheets were part of a city-wide exhibition of modern sculpture by Michael Beutler, a graduate of Frankfurt's St?del art school.


  • 夏妮丝抽空黑人明星新闻”节目了聊,回忆了迈克尔杰克逊影响

    Shanice took time out to chat with The Black Star News, as she reflects on how Michael Jackson impacted her life.


  • 迈克的时候,那个笨拙的服务滚烫撒到了迈克背上

    While Mike and I were waiting for our food, this clumsy waiter spilled a bowl of piping hot soup on Mike's back.


  • 我们联名签署此申请者相信迈克尔·杰克逊终其全部无私地帮助改善全球儿童整个人类状况

    We the Undersigned, believe Michael Jackson has given of himself completely and selflessly in a lifelong effort to help better global conditions for children, and all of humankind.


  • 今年21岁迈克·舒尔茨纽约长岛通讯专业的名研究滑滑板小精灵跌倒了。

    Mike Schultz, a 21-year-old communications graduate in Long Island, New York, fell over while looking for Pokemon on his skateboard.


  • 菲律宾导演迈克·列,1947年马尼拉,出身电影世家祖母第一电影大亨

    Mike Leon, director of Philippines, was born in Manila in 1947, was born into a family of movies, grandmother is the first generation of the Philippines island movie tycoon.


  • 以前常常闷闷不乐迈克现在成了模范

    Once a boy who spent most of his time sulking , Mike was now a model student.


  • 迈克注意服务什么时候盘子端餐桌的。

    Michael and I did not know when the waiter put the plates on our table.


  • 研究迈克尔·塞格纳托维茨先是一些氧化物堆积表面,接着光学显微镜拍摄幅图片看上去像遥远星系一般

    After depositing some potassium niobium oxide onto a silicon surface, graduate student Michael Sygnatowicz used an optical microscope to take this photograph, resembling a distant galaxy.


  • 迈克尔·杰克逊几乎从事大众表演

    Jackson has spent almost his entire life as a public performer.


  • 大二迈克·登勒威公爵队取得最高分21,其中18来自下半场

    Sophomore Mike Dunleavy led the scoring for Duke finishing with 21, 18 of which came in the second half.


  • 在其他地方山姆杰西学习迈克尔斯可能处于危险之中寻找答案

    Elsewhere, Sam and Jesse look for answers after learning Michaels life may be in danger.


  • 动物保护协会乔治·阿马托研究迈克尔·罗素最早开始了研究圣文森特亚马逊鹦鹉的工作

    George Amato of the Wildlife Conservation Society and a graduate student, Michael Russello, initially started working with the st.


  • IACMR中国海外博士代表刘东获得华盛顿大学迈克尔·福斯特商学院2011年度冬季教学

    IACMR PhD student representative outside China, Dong Liu has won the Instructor of Winter Quarter 2011 Award at the Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington.


  • IACMR中国海外博士代表刘东获得华盛顿大学迈克尔·福斯特商学院2011年度冬季教学

    IACMR PhD student representative outside China, Dong Liu has won the Instructor of Winter Quarter 2011 Award at the Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington.


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