• 如果我们计算气体混合过程变化,我们发现这个的。

    If we calculate the change in entropy during gas mixing, we will find that this quantity is positive.


  • 上面一个定义基本统一过程(BUP),RUP灵活改编版。

    The top one defines the Basic Unified Process (BUP), which is an agile lightweight adaptation of RUP.


  • 开始时,工作不是很大,就是个学习过程,最开头学习如何保养自己的双手,接着学习各种手的姿势

    It was a process. I had to first learn how to take care of my hands, and then learn all the types of poses.


  • 沃克斯薯片定碳足迹过程出其不意地显示出一个节约能源的有利可能。

    The process of calculating the carbon footprint for Walkers crisps revealed an unexpected opportunity to save energy.


  • 毫无疑问,脱盐会增加饮用水,可以增加有些工业过程所必需高纯水供给甚至还能增加高等作物(尤其是出口种植的作物)灌溉水的供给。

    It will undoubtedly add to the supply of drinking water, of the ultra-pure water required for some industrial processes, even of irrigation for high-value crops, especially if grown for export.


  • 随着数据增加过程变得越来越费时工作变得越来越专业

    As the volume of data increases, this process becomes more and more time consuming, and an increasingly specialized job.


  • 随着化学改变会是到这一条,以反应过程函数直线

    And as my stoichiometry changed, I would have a linear curve from here to there as a function of the process of reaction.


  • 规律地自己体重记录的减肥过程尝试每天锻炼3040分钟

    Weigh yourself regularly to keep track of your progress and try to get 30 to 40 minutes of exercise a day.


  • 一个不变过程这个我们可以实验

    It's the constant enthalpy process that we're looking at. This we can do experiments on.


  • 不再使用互斥时,可以调用pthread _ mutex_destroy来释放初始化过程分配资源

    When you're done with a mutex, you can release any resources allocated during initialization with a call to pthread_mutex_destroy .


  • 为了使得总工作最少我们有效利用现有WebLogicbuild过程

    In the spirit of doing the smallest amount of work possible, we leveraged the existing WebLogic build process.


  • 分子甲烷含有8个氢原子大约可生成分子H2,使得化学过程实际生成25%30%。

    Two molecules of methane, containing eight hydrogen atoms between them, will yield roughly one molecule of H2 – this gives an effective hydrogen yield of 25 to 30 per cent from the chemical process.


  • 糟糕的是,团队经常过于庞大,这是因为一个领域都有可能使用新的小型处理过程框架潜在增加工作

    Worse yet, the team often grows too large because every area that could potentially mount a work effort using the new, smaller process framework must be represented on it.


  • 如果本地邮件副本模型适合环境,那么本文最大限度地减少了实现中的问题工作管理过程

    If the local mail replica model is the most appropriate for your environment, this article should minimize the issues, effort, and administrative process of implementing it.


  • 这种方法不仅增加沼气收集而且能增大垃圾填埋场的容纳因为垃圾腐烂过程中体积会变小。

    That should increase not just the amount of methane collected but also the capacity of the landfill, since waste shrinks as it rots.


  • 考虑与日俱增日常事务事务动作存储过程和触发器改善数据完整性和管理很重要的。

    Given the increasing value and daily transaction volume, movement towards transactions, stored procedures, and triggers was crucial in order to improve data integrity and governance.


  • 意味着它们不再需要每个婴儿区域收集过程中进行处理,并且能够每个婴儿区域收集中幸存下来数据更小。

    This means that they no longer need to be flipped on every nursery collection, and the amount of data that survives each nursery collection is lower.


  • 小节中看到如何导入一个用于富裕公司示例业务处理过程模型接着文中所给出的“工作安排处理过程”的例子

    In this section, you will see how to import a sample business process model for a "Rich Company", following the workload scheduling process examples given in the previous articles of the series.


  • 因此可逆过程要求一些物理达到最大值

    So a reversible process leads to requiring certain quantities to be maximized.


  • 漫长孕育规则过程中,发行作为收入来源的指标,然而广告收入直线下降。

    During the long gestation period for the rules, circulation came to be valued as a revenue source, while AD revenues were plummeting.


  • 本文中我们已经提到一个模型COCOMOII等式,它把工作(成本)人员环境规模过程联系起来。

    One such model has been already mentioned in this article: the COCOMO II equation that links effort (cost) to personnel, environment, quality, size, and process.


  • 其实这两个过程中,同样事情描述任务评估工作、在时间表跟踪项目进度

    You're really doing the same thing in both cases: documenting tasks, gathering work estimates, and tracking progress with an eye on the schedule.


  • 热计这个过程没有改变

    Calorimeter doesn't change in this process.


  • 含碳较高的合金不同含碳的合金稍一些,锻造过程中,合金熔合在一起,就会形成极其漂亮的花纹

    Metal with low carbon level is soft unlike metal that contains much carbon. In forging the two kinds of metal are mixed forming the most beautiful pattern.


  • 他们对于处理过程实际项目中的管理费用如何扼杀小型工作这一问题提供了深入的见解。

    They provided insight into how the process had overhead in actual application that would absolutely stifle a small work effort.


  • 创建使用互斥过程仅仅是开始一个线程的过程稍微复杂一些

    The procedure for creating and using a mutex is a bit more complicated than the procedure for starting a thread.


  • 场硬仗,在汽车销售锐减过程中,西班牙成了领头羊需求每年30%的速度锐减

    It is fighting an uphill battle. Spain is leading car sales down with an annual drop in demand of almost 30%.


  • 科学家已经知晓北极圈减少而且最近数据证实一个长期过程

    Scientists have already shown that the amount of sea ice in the Arctic is falling, and the latest data confirms the long-term trend.


  • 基本上北半球植物生长过程会不断增加吸收南半球,情况则刚好相反。

    In general plant growth and consequently the amount of carbon plants store increased in the Northern Hemisphere and decreased in the Southern Hemisphere.


  • 减少来自执行过程中的测试报告允许使用同一测试套件中的不同测试操作程序。

    It decouples the test reporting from the execution, allowing you to use different TestRunners with the same TestSuite.


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