• 过程竞争重要功能在于发现知识,争胜竞争企业家发现主体。

    The significant function of process competition is knowledge discovery undertaken by rivalrous entrepreneurs.


  • 冲突竞争都是对立,对立定义社会实体相互损害过程

    Conflict and competition are both categories of opposition, which has been defined as a process by which social entities function in the disservice of one another.


  • 价格变量曾经视为过程主导因素现在属于产品、新业务结构技术竞争

    The price variable, once perceived as the dominant aspect of the process, is now subordinate to the competition of the new product, the new business structure, and the new technology.


  • 为了赢取选票过程竞争力,格党民主党必须得到社会最大群体——农民,和工人大力支持。

    To be competitive in winning votes, Whigs and Democrats both had to have significant support among farmers, the largest group in society, and workers.


  • 因此,追求优势竞争个“过程”,不是一个“状态”或“一次性行动

    Hence, competition for advantage indicates a 'process' rather than a 'state' or 'one-off' action.


  • 满足这些相互冲突要求,需要组织过程共同改进交付一个增加最大价值巩固竞争优势解决方案

    Satisfying these conflicting demands requires that the organization and process coevolve in order to deliver a solution that adds maximum value and delivers competitive advantage.


  • 它们间接影响:粮食作物竞争,额外开垦荒地种植需要还有提炼过程中的消耗能源——所有都会造成影响。

    But their indirect environmental "bads" -competition with food crops, the need to clear virgin land to grow them, and the energy costs of processing them-all cause anguish.


  • 开发过程中加入一定比例特性能够增加产品市场中的竞争但是它们往往不是客户要求或者期望

    A percentage of features, for example, are developed in order to stay competitive in the market, but are not necessarily used or desired by the customers.


  • 本能,是人类通过生存竞争和进化过程获得本能。

    Since this ability is instinctive, it is an ability that humans acquired through competition for survival and the process of evolution.


  • 这样附带利益通过世界不同地区建厂,在其他公司竞争项目过程中,公司压低了劳动力成本,而这是英国汽车厂商多年努力而未竟的目标。

    A side benefit is that it sets factories in different parts of the world in competition with one another for new projects, something carmakers have done for years to keep down Labour costs.


  • 只有在那之后此运用商圈的时候,营销商可以辨认出这个过程策略,可以较竞争对手更胜一筹。

    Only then can marketers identify the processes and strategies that, when applied to the business world, can provide a leg up on their competitors.


  • 同时支持启动了一项重建电子采购平台行动计划平台世行资助的国内竞争招标采购过程采用

    It also supported an action plan to revamp the e-procurement platform to be able to be used on Bank-financed national competitive bidding procurement.


  • 反对小组面试批评者认为这种方法有损人格,声称这种方式给本已困难重重的求职过程增加不必要的额外压力竞争

    But critics of group interviews find them demeaning and say they add unnecessary stress and competition in an already-difficult job-hunting process.


  • 加固建筑合同不出所料,签订过程没有竞争

    Contracts for making the buildings safe are, not surprisingly, being handed out without competition.


  • 马西坐在他自己办公室内谈论发现第一类似地球的行星过程友好友好竞争这是一可能居住生命的类地球行星。

    Marcy, 53, sat down in his office to talk about the friendly and not-so-friendly competition to find the first Earth-like planet that could harbor life.


  • 建立四个方面效能过程使Zara明显区别于竞争对手同事也自身提供了附加价值

    The efficiencies and processes developed in these four functions differ significantly from their competitors and stand out in providing additional value and profitability to Zara.


  • 雅虎,一度曾是聚合器当中毫无争议领头羊因为其他竞争懂得信息整合过程的价值。

    Yahoo! Once was the undisputed leader in aggregation, because it understood the value of human beings in this process better than others in its arena.


  • 在建设过程中,有时需要征用财产转移人口由于合同价值极高投标程序往往具有很强竞争

    Property expropriation and population resettlement is occasionally required, and the bidding process is often fiercely competitive, given the high value of the contracts.


  • 根据计划,银行被出售坏账银行不良资产则会被慢慢消化,以确保整个过程任何个银行都不会扰乱市场竞争

    The plan is to sell the good bank and gradually run down the assets of the bad one, making sure in the process that neither distorts competition.


  • 竞选过程出现唇枪舌剑式的交锋,但是克林顿参议员表示荣幸巴马竞争,也很荣幸地朋友

    There have been harsh words exchanged during the campaign, but Senator Clinton said she was honored to compete against Barack Obama and to call him friend.


  • 虽然这一过程会令部分人感到痛苦,然而它却使欧盟成为竞争整体,同时也将全球化所带来收益散布欧洲每一个角落

    The process, though wrenching to some, made the European Union as a whole more competitive and spread the benefits of global trade to every corner of Europe.


  • 组织内部进行观察的话过程变得更快捷廉价,而且同时公司的员工也会非常高兴地看到自己能够优先参与竞争

    Taking a look inside your organization first will make the process faster and less expensive while resulting in employees who are happy that they are being given a leg up on the competition.


  • 组织内部进行观察的话过程变得更快捷廉价,而且同时公司的员工也会非常高兴地看到自己能够优先参与竞争

    Taking a look inside your organization first will make the process faster and less expensive while resulting in employees who are happy that they are being given a leg up on the competition.


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