• 闪亮的回击光速一半速度上行传播,由于它的速度太快一张图象中不能捕捉这一过程

    The bright return stroke travels upward at around half the speed of light, and is too fast to capture in more than one image.


  • 图象传输过程中,我们希望尽可能减少传输数据量。

    In the process of transporting images we wish to transport less data.


  • 计算机生成图象及时直观地观察到低温谷物干燥过程中的有关现象规律而无需冗繁数据处理

    The relative phenomenon and law during low temperature grain drying process can be observed timely and clearly from the graph produced by the computer without any complex data processing.


  • 为了研究岩石加压过程破裂图象它的动力学性质,特研制了岩石破裂实验数据采集分析系统

    We have made the data collection and analysis system for recording microcracks in rock to study the three dimensional pattern of fracture and the dynamic properties of rock during pressurization.


  • 本文叙述利用光栅调制漂白医学黑白图象处理过程,并介绍了典型病例

    The process of black-white medical pictures by grating modulation decolorization method was described with analysing typical cases.


  • 本文图象信号作为非稳马尔柯夫过程提出自适应预测编码方案

    This paper presents an adaptive prediction coding scheme for the image signals regarded as a high order nonstationary Markov process.


  • 硬件设备、软件结构图象分析过程主要算法等方面系统进行分析

    In this paper, the system is discussed on its devices, software structure, analysis process and algorithm.


  • 为了正确检测出运动区域提出适应背景图象适应外界环境变化的跟踪过程

    To detect moving region , it advances an adaptive background image to adapt to the varying environment in the tracking process.


  • 利用电阻炉加热采用电子显微镜图象分析仪研究了液相线铸造a 356铝合金在二次加热过程中的组织变化。

    Using resistance furnace, the structure of A356 aluminum alloy casted by nearby liquidus semi-continuous was studied during remelting by means of electron microscope and image analysis apparatus.


  • 首先介绍编织复合材料预制件表面图象采集方式滤波技术以及平均编织角的测试过程

    This paper introduced mode of collecting, technology of filtering and measuring process about image of three dimension composite preform surface.


  • 本文讨论了催化剂表面SEM图象关于多重生长过程分形多重分形特性分析

    The multifractal growth process of the SEM images of catalyst surface is studied using fractal and multifractal theory.


  • 重要的是噪声抑制数据压缩过程同时进行,SAR雷达图象处理取得良好效果

    More importantly, it can integrate the noise reduction and data compression process, and yield good result on processing the SAR images.


  • 本文采用地质构造地震活动图象震源机制资料综合分析方法,对唐山地震序列主要构造过程进行研究。

    In this paper, the main tectonic process of the Tangshan earthquake sequence was studied by comprehensive analysis of geological structures, seismicity pattern and focal mechanism data.


  • 这些研究激光等离子体湍动提供了更为清晰的物理图象,以便更加深刻地理解等激元坍塌过程

    These researches provide a clearer physical understanding for the strong turbulence in laser plasma by numerical simulation, and make the plasmon collapse process more comprehending.


  • 黑白图象光学手段按其密度编成各种颜色方法有些报道,编码过程

    The optical methods of pseudocolor encoding of black and white picture based on density encoding some colour have been presented, but all methods required encoding process.


  • 运动目标检测跟踪紧密关联两个过程,跟踪始于检测,目标后续图象序列中的重复检测有助于目标的跟踪。

    These two processes are closely related because tracking usually starts with detecting objects, while detecting an object repeatedly in subsequent image sequence is often necessary to verify tracking.


  • 课题研究过程中,实验室建立了一个模拟实际工业现场图象定位实验系统

    During this research, in the lab we build up the experimental system of image detecting which simulate the condition of the practical field.


  • 图象放到种(照相)媒体过程

    The process of placing an image on a (photographic) medium.


  • 利用IISISAPI扩展接口,改变IIS服务器程序处理过程介绍了一种实时动态图象负载处理的有效方法

    A method of processing load of dynamic real-time images is presented, by using ISAPI Extension of IIS to change the IIS Server process procedure.


  • 图象匹配过程应用采样模板有效降低方法计算

    In the process of image matching, a sub sample stencil is used by this multi tracing vector estimation method in order to reduce the quantity of calculation.


  • 计算机模拟实现了每过程,结果这种图象存储提供一种新的实用技术

    This is carried out by the aid of computer analogue, leading to a new practical technique to store the binary images.


  • 采用非线性有限元算法(FEM)成功地模拟形状复杂零件淬火过程瞬态温度相变应力应变,获得直观的立体图象

    Three dimensional nonlinear and isoparameter FEM has been successfully used to simulate the transient temperature field, phase transformation, stress and strain of complex components during quenching.


  • 算法迭代过程中不再与加密原始图象进行比较而是用加密图象振幅分布的均匀控制迭代。

    This algorithm is controled by the amplitude uniformity of encrypted image rather than comparing the original image encrypted with calculated result.


  • 序列医学切片图象重建细胞过程中,对同一细胞在相邻切片中各剖面的配准关键一步

    In the process of 3 D cell reconstruction of serial sections through medical tissues, the registration of cell profiles in consecutive sections is a critical step.


  • 由于图象信息本身复杂性它们之间较强相关性处理过程可能出现不完整性和不精确性问题

    Due to the complexity and relativity of image information, it may be present itself problems of vagueness and uncertainty when processing it.


  • 前地震活动性异常图象与强震孕育过程有关反映区域应力场应力变化过程

    The abnormal patterns of the moderate earthquakes were related to the developments of the large events, reflecting the processes of the stress variations in the regional stress fields.


  • 本文系统动态图象复原阐述了复原主要技术过程

    In this paper, the main technical procedure of restoration for images degraded by a certain high-speed photographic system is described.


  • 阐述它们随机过程图象分析中的应用

    The application of percentile of function and ordered function to the random process and image analysis are briefly discussed.


  • 中强地震破裂过程一个非常重要研究课题,利用宽频地震学分析手段可以得到更加精细的破裂图象

    The rupture process of inteimediate and large earthquakes is a very important research problem. The rupture pattern could be seen in more detail by the analysis method from broadband seismology.


  • 中强地震破裂过程一个非常重要研究课题,利用宽频地震学分析手段可以得到更加精细的破裂图象

    The rupture process of inteimediate and large earthquakes is a very important research problem. The rupture pattern could be seen in more detail by the analysis method from broadband seismology.


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