• 银河动物园过去天气行星猎手一样众包项目要求有若干个志愿者给出同样答案确保精确程度

    Crowdsourcing projects such as Galaxy Zoo, Old Weather or Planet Hunters require several volunteers to give the same answer to ensure it is accurate.


  • 过去一年里我们深夜新闻节目增加了全国新闻的播放时间减少天气预报地方新闻的播放时间。

    Over the past year, our late-night news program has devoted increased time to national news and less time to weather and local news.


  • 过去这个地区受到令人生畏地理条件极端天气状况的保护。

    In the past, the region had been protected by its forbidding geography and the extremities of its climate.


  • 重建过去气候变化极其困难因为欧洲北美几个世纪开始系统天气观测

    Reconstructing the climate changes of the past is extremely difficult, because systematic weather observations began only a few centuries ago, in Europe and North America.


  • 过去11里,只有年的天气不利于柑橘作物生长

    In only one of these last eleven years was the weather unfavorable for growing citrus crops.


  • 据联合国的一份新报告,在过去20年里,极端天气事件的数量急剧增加,这主要是由全球气温上升引起的。

    There has been a dramatic rise in the number of extreme weather events over the past 20 years, caused largely by rising global temperatures, according to a new report from the United Nations.


  • 零售商,他可以决定啤酒库存量多少。这不仅仅基于过去的销售记录可以基于天气预报社会媒体聚会闲聊以及体育比赛时间表

    A retailer, for instance, might decide how much beer to stock based not just on previous sales records, but also on weather forecasts, party chatter on social media and schedules for sports matches.


  • 所以尽管天气确实过去了好多,但这也许正是一种新的正常高温,伴随着其他极端天气状况。

    So, while it is indeed much hotter than it used to be, we may be witnessing a new normal in heat and other extreme weather.


  • 担心雨衣的款式天气因素现在已成过去,这归功于宝贝,这是一家国际高端时尚公司防水雨衣及配饰长年给带来干爽及时尚。

    Worrying about style and the weather is now old news thanks to Rain Dear, an international high fashion company whose waterproof coats and accessories will keep you dry and fashionable all year long!


  • 英国铁路天气一起并列属于标准的国家笑料不过并不影响过去十年里人们拥入火车

    Britain's trains rank alongside its weather as a standing national joke, but that hasn't stopped people flocking to them over the past decade.


  • 几乎能回忆过去的每个新闻经历过的每件事,就当时的具体日期天气情况他也记得。

    His extensive memory allows him to recall almost any news event and anything he has experienced, including specific dates and even the weather.


  • 夏天渐渐过去但是很多地方天气仍然炎热潮湿

    Summer is winding down, but the weather is still hot and humid in many areas.


  • 科学家如何今天气候遥远过去进行比较,也就是人类还无法用文字记录天气情况的早期?

    How can scientists compare today's climate to conditions of the distant past, long before humans started happily jotting down records of the weather?


  • 过去几年期间上海承受更多极端天气正常雨季却没有以及经历了几乎全球水平倍之多的温度上升

    During the past years, the city has suffered more extreme weather, missed rain during the normal wet season and seen a temperature hike almost four times higher than the global level.


  • 过去周里天气刮风下雨的。

    Well, we’ve had cold, wind and rain over the last few weeks.


  • 这些海鸥过去大连市渤海湾海域觅食。因为最近低温天气,海面覆盖厚厚的冰层,所以它们才转移觅食地。

    These sea gulls used to find food in the Bohai Bay sea area off Dalian city which was covered by heavy ice because of the cold weather.


  • 过去这年春天一个下午天气阴沉郁闷,外出办事感到心情压抑。

    Four years passed, and on a dismal spring afternoon I was running errands and found myself feeling depressed.


  • 我们他们保证,灾害天气已经过去就算出现类似的情况,对于游客来说也是一种快乐经历

    We reassured them that it's all over... and even if it happens again, it's quite fun for tourists.


  • 经历过去跳舞祈祷我们抵达了24世纪天气修改技术(至少舰迷航下一代》中的一个片段回想起的)。

    From the dances and prayers of the past, we get to the weather-modification technology of the 24th century (at least, that's what I recall from an episode of Star Trek: the Next Generation).


  • 过去如果我们遇到天气问题,我们尚且有大规模的粮食储备应急。

    In the past if we had problems with the weather, then we had huge inventories.


  • 由于有了种种技术,如今的天气预报确实过去准确

    With all its new technology weather forecasting is certainly more accurate than it used to be.


  • 过去几个星期旅行途中注意到这样的奇妙的树,它们的花开得不同寻常的密,这会是因为天气冷的缘故吗?

    I've notice a few of these wonderful trees on my travels over the past few weeks they all seem unusually heavy in blossom... could it be the cold?


  • 过去几个星期旅行途中注意到这样的奇妙的树,它们的花开得不同寻常的密,这会是因为天气冷的缘故吗?

    I've notice a few of these wonderful trees on my travels over the past few weeks they all seem unusually heavy in blossom... could it be the cold?


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