• 研究人员发现我们大脑通过阻止我们过分关注过去细节来帮助我们做出决策

    The researchers found that our brains facilitate decision-making by stopping us from focusing too much on minor past details.


  • 或者诸如写作教书研究之类的更具艺术性利他性的工作相比商业似乎过分地实际,以致于缺乏识上的激励

    Or it might be that business appears to him to be toodown-to-earth to be intellectually stimulating, compared with more artistic orseemingly altruistic pursuits such as writing, teaching or research.


  • 研究表明,比起错误中汲取教训连续企业家真的只是失败之后以前更加轻易的过分乐观。

    Our research shows that instead of learning from mistakes, serial entrepreneurs are just as apt to be overoptimistic after failure as before.


  • 人类基因组计划完成10周年一片庆祝声研究科学家记者应对过分夸大基因组的作用而感到内疚。

    Amid celebrations of the 10-year anniversary of the Human genome Project, a team of researchers says both scientists and journalists are guilty of hyping the potential of genome sequencing.


  • 但是一定有更健康排解方法:据一项最新研究表明比赛写出自己的过分担忧的行为可以降低焦虑的程度。

    But there might be a healthier quick fix: writing. Because new research reveals that writing about your specific worries just before a performance can reduce the risk of blowing it due to anxiety.


  • 但是过分酗酒天3杯更多酒精摄入,许多研究一致证明此种行为可以引起血压升高。

    But excessive drinking-three or more alcoholic beverages a day, most studies agree-has also been proven to send blood pressure climbing.


  • 不论理由是什么,这项研究显示,结婚的夫妇应该交换戒指的同时,交换一下自己过分乐观的印象。

    Whatever the reason, the study suggests that couples should exchange rings—and rose-colored glasses.


  • 协会的一位研究顾问KennethMcGill说:“我们对于商务旅游消费不能过分乐观复苏真实的而且似乎已经深入人心。”

    "We're not overly bullish on business travel spending," said Kenneth McGill, a research consultant for the group. "the recovery is real."


  • 这个建议很合理,理由有很多经常锻炼各种疾病的风险大大降低,特别是心脏方面,他们得患癌症、糖尿病其他病症的几率较低,不过过去几年肥胖症的研究显示:锻炼对于减肥作用过分夸大了。

    They less often develop cancer, diabetes and many other illnesses. But the past few years of obesity research show that the role of exercise in weight loss has been wildly overstated.


  • 除此之外,Califf博士其他高级管理者承认出现有关于研究成果的质疑时,他们过分看重了Nevins博士和判断

    Moreover, Dr Califf and other senior administrators acknowledged that once questions arose about the work, they gave too much weight to Dr Nevins and his judgment.


  • 先前研究表明励志书籍有时候过分强调心理学上的虚构情节。

    There is evidence from previous studies that self-help books sometimes perpetuate psychological myths. Paul (2001) points out some common ones.


  • 食品成分鉴别食品来源追溯研究子生物学方法得以改进

    The identification of food ingredients and the origins of foods through traceability studies have also been enhanced by molecular methods.


  • 我们自己相信类学系统基因以及DNA电脑研究整理解释自然,我们能够了解自然,使一切都整齐分类相符

    We allow ourselves to believe we can under-stand nature by organizing and explaining it through systems of taxonomy and computerized studies of genes and DNA, fitting everything into neat categories.


  • 一旦完成描述纳入研究的特征后,你就可以过分得出结果

    Once you have described your included studies, you can begin analysing the results.


  • 但是单一食品营养为目标研究可能过分估计了影响,而没有考虑到消费品的替代作用。

    However, studies that focused on a single target food or nutrient may have overestimated the impact of taxes by failing to take into account shifts in consumption to other foods.


  • 过分28年来数据研究表明:每次阿拉斯加州提高酒精的饮料酒精所引起与之相关死亡人数就会减少

    Each time the state of Alaska raised its alcoholic beverage tax, fewer deaths were caused by or related to alcohol, according to the study that examined 28 years of data.


  • 科学家认为当前必须进食辣椒血压之间流行病学联系,对这项基于老鼠研究加以确认。

    The scientists said the study on the rats now needs to be confirmed by analysing any epidemiological association between eating chilli peppers and blood pressure.


  • 过分呼叫模式研究推断哪些联络人朋友准确率高达95%。

    Analyzing calling patterns, the investigators were able to infer which contacts were friends with 95 percent accuracy.


  • 研究人员这些数据发现,不论哪种类型双胞胎,受到环境伤害面部皮肤吸烟年龄增长、体重超标很大关系

    From these data, the researchers noted strong ties, outside of twin status, between smoking, older age, and being overweight, and having facial skin with evidence of environmental damage.


  • 许多研究认为治理对于SOA成功重要性再怎么强调都不过分——实现一种服务方法潜能,必须对SOA进行治理。

    Most researchers agree that the value of governance to the success of SOA cannot be overstated - SOA must be governed in order to realize the potential of a services approach.


  • 这项研究析巨量出版过的,同行评鉴过的心理学论文找到了证据可以证明研究对象样本的狭小这个样本反常之处。

    The study's method was to analyze a mountain of published, peer-reviewed psychology papers. It found evidence both of a narrow research base and of the eccentricity of that base.


  • 正如大量创造性研究抱有偏见一样它们总是过分关注个体心里状况

    Just the way most creativity research is biased by its overwhelming focus on individual psychology.


  • 事实上大多数学校过分偏重理论知识,原因观念有关,研究排名经费脱不了干系。

    In fact, most schools concentrate heavily on academic theory, for reasons that have as much to do with research rankings and funding as they do with ideology.


  • 互联网帮助下,专业人士可以任何人提供数据用于研究,其中不乏欢迎这种享数据而获得免费劳力办法的人。

    The Internet allows professionals to make their data available for analysis by anyone, and some are happy to take advantage of the free Labour this promises.


  • 科学证据显示过去的分心导致疼痛缓解研究人员希望确定的力量不仅注意力来缓解痛苦

    Scientific evidence has shown in the past that distraction causes pain relief, and researchers wanted to make sure that love was not just working as a distraction from pain.


  • 影像技术科学家可以实时研究人体微剂量新药反应

    Using molecular imaging techniques, scientists are studying how humans respond to "micro-doses" of innovative drugs in real time.


  • 影像技术科学家可以实时研究人体微剂量新药反应

    Using molecular imaging techniques, scientists are studying how humans respond to "micro-doses" of innovative drugs in real time.


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