• 插图基尔达港看墨尔本

    Inset: The city from St Kilda Pier.


  • 但是,船舶一旦时就必须尽快使燃油标,并且持续使用该低硫燃油尽可能久的时间。

    However, they must comply as soon as possible after arrival in port, and must continue to comply until as late as possible before departure.


  • 维多利亚州首府墨尔本背景舵手静静的耶那河上划行插图基尔达港看墨尔本

    Melbourne, capital of Victoria, forms a backdrop, with the San Street Bridge, for a coxless four rowing on the tranquil Yarra River. Inset: the city from St Kilda Pier.


  • 奥尔险酿惨祸不过,三台加拉加斯的通勤火车相撞其中一台的驾驶员丧生另有几十旅客受伤。

    Just three days after the Puerto Ordaz near-disaster, three Caracas commuter trains collided, killing the driver of one of them and injuring dozens of passengers.


  • 名叫安瓦·法提赫拉曼·阿莫德·法阿拉,1978年1月23日出苏丹,在那里接受早期教育

    My full name is Anwar Fatihelrahman Ahmed Dafa-Alla. I was born in Port Sudan, Sudan on January 23, 1978, and got my early education there.


  • 特立尼和多巴哥首都西班牙郊区詹姆斯街头生活喜欢自称永不休眠城市”,通常都要喧闹凌晨

    STREET life in St James, a suburb of Port of Spain, Trinidad’s capital, that likes to call itself thecity that never sleeps”, normally blasts on until the early hours.


  • 福克斯生于田纳西州佛罗里路西(Port StLucie)长大。她一位成功模特,后来登陆荧屏,在2006年的电视剧希望忠诚》(Hopeand Faith)获得了固定戏份后。

    Born in Tennessee and brought up in Port st Lucie, Florida, Fox was a successful model before landing a regular stint in the television series Hope and Faith in 2006.


  • 卖方所租载货船只应正常合理时间内驶目的。不得无故绕行迟延。

    At the port of destination within the normal and reasonable period of.


  • MPSEZL是印度最大的私营运营商,而艾博特昆士兰散货公司所有,该座深水煤炭装卸码头,年吞吐能力5,000万

    Owned by the North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation, Abbot Point has a deepwater coal terminal capable of handling 50 million tons annually.


  • 爆炸发生临近黑海松古卡拉

    The blast took place at the Karadon mine near the Black Sea port of Zonguldak.


  • 而且肯定自由的泰尔那些半精灵也一样

    They talk down to us, as I'm sure the Teir 'dal do in Freeport about their half-elves.


  • 卖方所租载货船只正常合理时间内目的不得无故绕行迟延

    The carrying vessel chartered by the Seller shall sail and arrive at the port of destination within the normal and reasonable period of time. Any unreasonable aviation or delay is not allowed.


  • 据报道,委内瑞拉国内航班在奥坠毁至少33幸存

    At least 33 people are reported to have survived when a Venezuelan airliner on an internal flight crashed near the city of Puerto Ordaz.


  • 卖方所租载货船只正常合理时间内目的

    The carrying vessel chartered by the Seller shall sail and arrive at the port of destination within the normal and reasonable period of time.


  • 郯城县工艺品有限公司,位于山东省南大门青岛的西南面。

    Tancheng Delicacy Handcrafts Co., Ltd. is located in the south gate of Shandong Province, and in the southeast of Qingdao Port.


  • 围海工程结束岸滩调整平衡后,泊位逐渐正常自然回淤强度

    When the coastal reclamation is finished, the new coast will reach a new balance gradually, and the deposition in the dock will also return to the natural level gradually.


  • 最大城市东方省是最大波斯湾

    Dammam is the largest city in the Eastern Province; Dammam Port is the largest on the Persian Gulf.


  • 帕特森住宅墨尔本CBD大约4公里坐落阿尔伯特公园海湾郊区菲利普西基尔之间

    The Patterson Street residence is located 4km from Melbourne CBD, nestled between the bayside suburbs of Albert Park and West st Kilda on the edge of Port Philip.


  • 据澳大利亚联合通讯社报道,重160公斤价值4.1亿澳元海洛因在悉尼博特10个木门警方发现

    More than 160 kilograms of heroin worth an estimated street value of $410 million has been found packed inside 10 wooden doors at Port Botany, reported AAP.


  • 京珠高速中山码头、中山城区、珠三角轻轨铁路穿越过,四通八交通十分便捷

    Beijing-zhuhai expressway, zhongshan wharfs, zhongshan city and light railway across the pearl river delta, with convenient transportation is very convenient.


  • 我们委内瑞拉奥尔没有什么事情好做,孩子们更应该为了快乐多多阅读。

    Also for, for pleasure, especially here in Puerto Ordaz where there aren't very many things to do.


  • 特立尼那边曾经亲眼看到过的中桅船,可是跟我一起航行那个胆小的饭桶直要往后退,往后退,先生,他一直退到西班牙哩。

    I've seen his top-sails with these eyes, off Trinidad, and the cowardly son of a rum-puncheon that I sailed with put back — put back, Sir, into Port of Spain.


  • 年内内地取代日本成为本最大市场,来自内地的旅客人数230万人次,访旅客总数22%,比1996年下降0.6%。

    During the year, the Mainland overtook Japan as the top source market, with arrivals reaching 2.3 million, down 0.6 per cent on 1996. This represented 22 percent of Hong Kong's total visitor arrivals.


  • 地址车站和花园路,西邻保屯路和望路,南至苗江路,中山南路(上海市黄浦区)。

    Address: East to Nanchezhan Rd., Huayuangang Rd., West to Baotun Rd., Wangda Rd., South to Miaojiang Rd., North to Zhongshan Rd. (s) (Huangpu District, Shanghai).


  • 地址车站和花园路,西邻保屯路和望路,南至苗江路,中山南路(上海市黄浦区)。

    Address: East to Nanchezhan Rd., Huayuangang Rd., West to Baotun Rd., Wangda Rd., South to Miaojiang Rd., North to Zhongshan Rd. (s) (Huangpu District, Shanghai).


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