• 美国提出达成和平协议的指导方针提出质疑

    He raised doubts about the American road map to a peace settlement.


  • 佛蒙特州公民通过提出建议支持他人建议控制他们市政事务直到他们通过投票达成共识

    Citizens in Vermont control their municipal affairs by putting forward proposals, or backing up others' suggestions, until a consensus is reached through a vote.


  • 尽管年轻人老年人对于充实人生应该达到怎样标准基本达成了一致,他们提出的实现方式却截然不同

    But while young and old mostly agree on what constitutes the finish line of a fulfilling life, they offer strikingly different paths for reaching it.


  • 尽管年轻人老年人什么构成了成功人生终点线这一问题上基本达成了一致,但他们提出到达终点线路径截然不同

    While young and old mostly agree on what constitutes the finish line of a fulfilling life, they offer strikingly different paths for reaching it.


  • 然而这个步法提出一个问题如果现在达不成协议那么什么时候达成协议?

    But that two-step approach presents a new problem: if there is no treaty now, then when?


  • 2005年,高通竞争对手用户提出申诉,但那时起,申诉者就陆续撤诉,因为他们中的一个高通达成和解方案

    In 2005 six of Qualcomm's rivals and customers lodged the complaints, which have since been withdrawn as each reached a favourable settlement with the company.


  • 一些欧盟官员如果一个可信停火协议提出,那么欧盟设法哈马斯达成谅解

    Some EU officials say that if a credible ceasefire deal is on offer, the EU will find ways of reaching understandings with Hamas.


  • 星期五达成协议包括上述计划提出削减内容。

    Friday's deal did not include controversial cuts proposed for those two programs.


  • 一主张1946年首次提出达成任何计划

    The idea was first proposed in 1946, but no plan has ever been agreed on.


  • 如果提出限制真实的各方共同愿望相互达成妥协然后协调工作解决问题通常产生一个令人愉快结果

    If the limits put forth are real but the parties share a mutual desire to reach a compromise, then a collaborative exercise in problem-solving will usually yield an agreeable outcome.


  • 未经本人同意,委托律师不得提出权利要求达成任何妥协。

    No compromise of my said claim may be made by said attorney without my consent.


  • 1864年,欧洲国家首次就战争期间掠夺问题谈判达成日内瓦公约;1899年,自海牙会议始,进行了一系列会议。 这些都对战胜者占有战利品提出限制

    The Geneva Conventions, the first of which was negotiated by European nations in 1864, and a series of meetings that began in The Hague in 1899, also set limits on the victor’s right to claim spoils.


  • 关于动物如何交流达成这种景象,许多理论提出来。

    Many theories have been put forward about how animals might communicate in order to achieve this.


  • 然而即使萨拉扎先生同意了科德角风电反对者可能还会继续法庭上提出挑战而且公司需要公用事业公司达成协议

    But even if Mr. Salazar gave the approval, opponents of Cape Wind wouldprobably continue to challenge it in court and the company would stillneed to strike a deal with a utility to buy the power.


  • 但是2005年阿巴斯因提出以色列达成协商和平以来这个组织很大程度上没有开展什么活动

    But the group has been largely inactive since 2005, when Mr. Abbas was elected on a platform of reaching a negotiated peace with Israel.


  • 先前消息称,协议可能参议院周六推迟考虑里德提出债务上限提案不久达成一项重要程序性投票推迟12小时

    Initial news of a possible deal came shortly after the Senate delayed consideration of a debt ceiling proposal by Reid late Saturday night, pushing back a key procedural vote by 12 hours.


  • 董会提议他们建立某种机制判断达成协议是否一个合理结果。我将接受他们提出的任何补救措施。

    I proposed to the Board that they establish some mechanism to judge whether the agreement reached was a reasonable outcome.


  • 这份中东协调员提出的“中东问题有关四方的建议”(以下简称“四方建议”)呼吁年后达成永久和平协议要求双方个月内提出领土安全问题的全面建议。

    The plan by Mideast mediators, known as the Quartet, calls for a peace deal in a year and asks both sides to produce comprehensive proposals on territory and security within three months.


  • 这份协商性质的论文中,我们提出数据共享目标以及达成这些目标的工作计划建议,激励受调查者行动起来,不要停留在立意很大程度上只有雄心的数据共享计划上。

    In this round table paper, we suggest goals for data sharing and a work plan for reaching them, and challenge respondents to move beyond well intentioned but largely aspirational data sharing plans.


  • 许多代表团裁谈会达成工作计划努力提出建设性方案

    Many delegations have made great efforts in formulating a program of work for the CD and tabled a number of constructive proposals.


  • 中方支持有关各方尽早国际原子能机构干事巴拉迪提出协议草案达成一致。

    A: China supports the efforts of the parties concerned in reaching an early agreement on the draft accord proposed by the former IAEA Director General Mohamed El Baradei.


  • 直接而非渺茫情况国会超级委员会提出预算计划上达成一致广泛的一致。这个超级委员会是债务上限未能通过后成立的。

    The immediate, rather slim, chance(5) is of a grand bargain on the budget emerging out of a congressionalsupercommitteeset up after the debt-ceiling fiasco.


  • 各国哥本哈根会议能否达成意义深远协议都表示悲观欧盟的建议正是在这一片悲观气氛的。

    The European move comes amid gathering pessimism on the chances of a meaningful deal at Copenhagen.


  • 布鲁塞尔会议代表行业提出讨论,希望可以eBay一样达成某些共识

    I have been having discussions in Brussels on behalf of the industry so that some sort of common sense should prevail, as it does on sites such as eBay.


  • 德尔曼,达成一个协议。我专栏提出回复我的信件

    I'll make a deal with you, Mindermann. I'll suggest it in my column, but you have to answer my mail.


  • 获得反馈早期获得上司计划反馈。并且针对有关项目如何进行达成一致上司提出变动灵活

    Get feedback. Get your boss's feedback on your plan early and reach an agreement on how the project will proceed. Be flexible if your boss makes changes.


  • 美国欧盟加拿大世界贸易组织提出申诉中国达成协定,放松金融资讯提供商控制

    The United States, European Union and Canada have reached an agreement with China to loosen controls on financial news providers following a complaint at the World Trade Organization.


  • 美国欧盟加拿大世界贸易组织提出申诉中国达成协定,放松金融资讯提供商控制

    The United States, European Union and Canada have reached an agreement with China to loosen controls on financial news providers following a complaint at the World Trade Organization.


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