• 工程格伦·说,团队使用一种新的测量方法包括寻找任何幸存下来外壳残余物确认金字塔最初边界位置

    Engineer Glen Dash says his team used a new measuring approach that involved finding any surviving remnants of the casing in order to determine where the original edge was.


  • 普雷迪普·库马尔·一位工程

    Pradip Kumar Das is an engineer.


  • 指出基信徒听到这些之后,一些理由感觉他在关于进展方面误导听析

    He noted that a Scientologist hearing this would feel, with some justification, that he had misled his auditors about his progress.


  • 不过虽然普拉世界上最有影响力设计之一,但丈夫贝特利似乎才是生意背后真正决策人

    But while Prada is one of the most influential designers in the world, it seems the real force behind the business is her husband Bertelli.


  • 噶瑟那怀疑绑架者来自声名狼藉第六,是联邦调查局吉斯坦的分部,负责调查有组织犯罪

    Nobody has seen him since. Subegat suspects the kidnappers came from the notorious Sixth Division, the federal department in Dagestan charged with investigating organised crime.


  • 照片拍摄于1838年,角度是从高处的扇窗子对准巴黎圣殿大道。 摄影采用全新盖尔摄影术,银捕捉到一位停下来鞋的绅士

    Shot from a window high above the Boulevard du Temple in Paris in 1838, using the brand new daguerrotype process, the plate captures a solitary gentleman who has stopped to have his shoes shined.


  • 那里,曼特兰沙漠教父们语录纳削的《圣安东尼传》,她发现自己不可思议地被感动了

    It was there, reading the sayings of the desert fathers and Athanasius's "Life of st Anthony", that Ms Maitland found herself most strangely moved.


  • 传统房屋建筑材料石头泥土稻草富有弹性冬季更能保暖加利福尼亚州工程西·多万如是说。

    Traditional houses are built of stone and mud, but straw is far more resilient, says California engineer Darcey Donovan, and warmer in winter to boot.


  • 马斯·天才设计-如果他们工作有效果-结合21世纪工程传统沙漠建筑到无碳效果。

    The genius of Masdar - if it works - will be combining 21st Century engineering with traditional desert architecture to deliver zero-carbon comfort.


  • 罗克韦尔柯林斯公司为上海来自拉皮兹工程组成15团队这个项目

    In Rockwell Collins' case, engineers from Cedar Rapids are working on the programme, along with a team of 15 in Shanghai.


  • (语言治疗)打电话给罗姆要跟我说话

    Linda (the speech therapist) calls me and says Rom wants to speak to me.


  • 心理治疗生活方式教练西·凯瑟:“首先了解你的男人,你要知道的喜好。”

    "I think you have to know your guy. You have to know who you're dealing with," psychotherapist and lifestyle coach Stacy Kaiser said.


  • 娜塔莉·波特曼穿的是罗——设计们颇有争议天鹅服装减少了几分看点。

    Natalie Portman is wearing Rodarte - the designers who somewhat controversially missed out on a costume credit on Black Swan.


  • 找到训练,从他们那儿得以联系发明者马里兰州塞斯的“支架的修复矫正”公司。

    She approached the trainers, who put her in touch with the inventors, Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics in Bethesda, Maryland.


  • 星河证券一名分析计算导致CPI增长力量

    Hao Daming, an analyst with Galaxy Securities, figures out two of the driving forces for the CPI growth.


  • 摄影成名开拓性探索记录佛罗里泉水以及各大电视网络提供了十多部影片

    The photographer was known for his pioneering exploration and documentation of Florida's springs and had produced and created more than a dozen films for major TV networks.


  • 登饭店集团(财富500强)经营龙虾橄榄花园饭店股票还是下跌乐5%,尽管公司收益超出了分析预期

    Shares of Darden Restaurants (DRI, Fortune 500), operator of Red Lobster and Olive Garden, dropped 5% despite the fact that the company's earnings beat analyst estimates.


  • 后来次,张艺谋拍《黄土地》,还是摄影有人录音韦必这些张艺谋这帮人听。

    When Zhang Yimou was making Yellow Earth, again as cameraman, someone who had made a recording of Wei's speech played it for him and his comrades while they were on location.


  • 他们聘请了尔斯·比林斯博士,他是阿尔伯塔大学扑克研究组顾问,同时也是一名博弈技术分析

    It employs Dr Darse Billings, a consultant with the University of Alberta's poker research group, as a technical games analyst.


  • 莱昂那多芬奇就是应邀进入宫廷几百位画家雕塑家建筑装饰艺术家之一,甚至据说•芬奇就是这位国王的怀抱逝世的。

    Leonardo da Vinci was one among hundreds of painters, sculptors, architects and decorators invited to his court-and is even said to have died in his arms.


  • 瑞银集团分析宇航集团法国首选企业名单中剔除,同时把该集团股票评级买入下调中性

    Analysts at UBS AG removed Zodiac from its French "top pick" list and downgraded the shares to "neutral" from "buy."


  • 现在经由农民花农垂钓者传播蚯蚓俨然成了地下工程它们正在改良明尼苏亚伯安大略湖地区的成片土壤。

    Spread today by farmers, gardeners and anglers, earthworms are obsessive underground engineers, and they are now remaking swathes of Minnesota, Alberta and Ontario.


  • 来自佛罗里动物摄影-尼德兰每年奔走上万英里,就为拍下一个个精彩瞬间。

    Animal photographer Ren Netherland from Florida, travels thousands of miles every year capturing these stunning transformations.


  • 这两位顾问是:美国营养协会发言人以及克利夫兰诊所基金会研发工程:辛蒂.摩尔食品技术机构的发言人以及康奈尔大学的研发工程:克里斯汀那.斯

    Our consultants: American Dietetic Association spokeswoman Cindy Moore, R.D., of the Cleveland Foundation; and Institute of Food Technologists spokeswoman Christina Stark, R.D., of Cornell University.


  • 麦克:“下一代工程哪里来是我们一个难题认知教育劳动力训练这些是要同时具备的。”

    "We've got a problem of where the next generation of engineers are going to come from," McDuffie says. "Awareness, education, workforce, and training all have to come together."


  • 漂亮古奇(Gucci)设计弗里·贾尼尼(FridaGiannini)的特点,很多广告一样简洁地这样事实城里一道新的非传统的战壕

    Its pretty, peaked shoulders are the hallmarks of Gucci designer Frida Giannini, and communicate as succinctly as any advertisement the fact that there's a new, non-classic, trench in town.


  • 漂亮古奇(Gucci)设计弗里·贾尼尼(FridaGiannini)的特点,很多广告一样简洁地这样事实城里一道新的非传统的战壕

    Its pretty, peaked shoulders are the hallmarks of Gucci designer Frida Giannini, and communicate as succinctly as any advertisement the fact that there's a new, non-classic, trench in town.


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