• 冰岛米达尔斯冰原:火山科学家收集·菲亚·德拉冰盖喷发火山灰样品以便分析

    Myrdalssandur, Iceland: Volcano scientists collect samples of ash from the Eyjafjallajokull eruption for analysis.


  • 同理,谷歌选择了俄勒冈州哥伦比亚叫做达尔斯村庄建立新的数据中心

    For similar reasons, Google chose to build a new data centre at the Dalles, a Hamlet across the Columbia River in the state of Oregon.


  • 他们聘请了达尔斯·比博士,他是伯塔大学扑克研究组顾问,同时也是一名博弈技术分析师

    It employs Dr Darse Billings, a consultant with the University of Alberta's poker research group, as a technical games analyst.


  • 片位于米达尔斯冰盖北部熔岩原是用来追踪地面形变监测点之一,这里地面的形变可以被视为卡特火山喷发前兆

    This lava field just north of the Mýrdalsjökull ice cap serves as one of many monitoring sites to track ground deformation that could serve as a signal of an impending eruption of Katla.


  • 挪威达尔斯开发本市举办大赛这家公司获得第三。他们的开发方案是:建筑物轨道上移动,城市可根据需要组装。

    The firm has won third place in a contest to to develop a the Norwegian city of Åndalsnes with a plan to create a configurable city that rolls buildings around on rails.


  • 尽管地区改善空气质量方面取得良好效果,但市长路易·马丁内·还是反对地区作为竞选活动重点。

    Mayor José Luis Martinez Almeida made opposition to the zone a centrepiece of his election campaign, despite its success in improving air quality.


  • 佛罗里大学盖恩分校研究社会态度凯特·拉特利夫领域似乎两个阵营,一个是关心开放科学阵营,另一个则对其漠不关心

    Kate Ratliff, who studies social attitudes at the University of Florida, Gainesville, says that it can seem as if there are two camps in a field—those who care about open science and those who don't.


  • 伊拉克德国的兰施图然后了现在里德贝塞海军医院

    From Iraq, I flew to Landstuhl, Germany and then on to what is now the Walter Reed Bethesda Naval Hospital.


  • 他家住附近的赫德罗卡巴亚诺。

    His family is in Jerez de los Caballeros near Badajoz.


  • 图片提供者:加拿大科舍省哈利法克达尔豪西大学生理学和生物物理学系奥利弗·布劳巴赫(Oliver Braubach)。

    Credit: Oliver Braubach, Department of Physiology &Biophysics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. (3rd place)


  • 玛蒂莱杰(西莱杰米歇威廉姆女儿

    Matilda Ledger (daughter of Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams)


  • 影子大臣乔治·2月2日坚持表示如果保守党获胜接替阿利·林的职位,一些措施今年开始实施

    His shadow chancellor, George Osborne, insisted on February 2nd that some measures would start to take effect this year if the Tories win and he takes over from Alistair Darling.


  • 电视辩论中,怀特提出质疑时,微笑贝琪已经做测试和他的竞选经理.格拉科克应该也去做个测试。

    When White hit me on television with his challenge, I smiled and said Betsey and I had already taken a test and he and his campaign manager, Darrell Glascock, should follow suit.


  • 哈利法克附近加的附近的嗒弗·威,这两个试点区并不在市区英国电信表示积累类似环境下铺设光纤经验

    Two of the experimental areas, Calder Valley near Halifax and Taffs Well near Cardiff, are not urban, and BT says it will be "looking to learn lessons from deploying fibre in such environments".


  • 港险酿惨祸不过,三台加拉加通勤火车相撞其中一台的驾驶员丧生另有几十旅客受伤。

    Just three days after the Puerto Ordaz near-disaster, three Caracas commuter trains collided, killing the driver of one of them and injuring dozens of passengers.


  • 关于尔斯动机对于蒙来说,是个威胁,她回来朋友死报仇的,因此你们不能她。

    On Jules' Motivations: she is a threat to Damon, she is also coming back to avenge her friend's death, so you can't really blame her for that.


  • 这件事迫使达尔开始调查一个导致男性数百万多于女性世界社会因素。

    This compelled Hvistendahl to investigate the societal implications of a world with tens of millions more men than women.


  • 周六节目,依然是西蒙··摩根阿曼·登担任评委见证各种各样竞争脱颖而出进行的卖力表演

    Saturday night's show, which featured Simon Cowell, Piers Morgan and Amanda Holden back on the judging panel, saw a wide range of ACTS compete to advance in the competition.


  • 对不起达尔就是为什么失去

    Sorry, Hvistendahl, this is where you lose me.


  • ·,罗德·达尔遗孀愉快地看到《了不起狐狸爸爸》各种奖项竞争中成功

    Liccy Dahl, Roald Dahl's widow, said she was tickled that "Fantastic Mr. Fox" was succeeding on the awards trail.


  • 无论是首相戈登·布朗或是财政大臣阿利··林(见下图)不是受欢迎人物选民来说经济主要担忧点

    Neither Gordon Brown, the prime minister, nor Alistair Darling, the chancellor (finance minister, pictured) are popular figures and the economy is the main concern for voters.


  • 他早期著作2004年出版海岸:1990- 2003的边缘加州”中,达尔先生已经有了前瞻性并且的观点已经在施瓦辛格时代实现

    In a previous book in the series, "Coast of Dreams: California on the Edge, 1990-2003", published in 2004, Mr Starr has already come almost up to date and begun his take on the Schwarzenegger era.


  • 汉尼·法理德教授新罕布什学院计算机科学家他的博士研究生埃里克·基对修片进行了调查。

    Professor Hany Farid, a computer scientist at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, and his PhD student Eric Kee, have been investigating photo retouching.


  • 英国女演员蒂·温顿获得最佳配角奖。惊悚片《迈克·克莱顿扮演一个铁石心肠的公司律师

    Britain's Tilda Swinton was named best supporting actress for her role as a ruthless corporate attorney in the thriller Michael Clayton.


  • 英国财政大臣阿利·太·已经将个税的最高税率等级提高50%,而且石油酒精香烟

    The chancellor, Alistair Darling, raised the top income-tax rate to 50% and also increased duties on fuel, alcohol and tobacco.


  • 华盛顿州最繁华市区,骑警提•皮邦德正站环形路的前面,想方设法经过的司机多往环形路行驶。

    [font=Verdana]IN DEEPEST Washington state, trooper Dusty Pierpont stands in front of a roundabout trying to persuade motorists to like them.


  • 邀请达尔州长尼副州长奇德勒州务卿率团访华。

    Consul General Gao also invited Governor Jindal, Lieutenant Governor Jay Dardenne and Secretary of State Tom Schedler to visit China.


  • 去年,在记者哈拉·贾伯面前,·玛描述是:虔诚

    Last year, Ismail described Sadah to journalist Hala Jaber as pious.


  • 加拿大哈利法克·达尔·大学研究小组发现了一种绿藻发育中的火蜥蜴细小胚胎的入侵。

    A team from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, discovered that a green alga invades tiny developing salamander embryos.


  • 阿什莉·蒂达尔饰演的角色蓓·伊万毕业闪亮的粉色长袍来弥补在毕业舞会没有舞伴的事情(弟弟可能合适)。

    Ashley Tisdale's character, Sharpay Evans, makes up for not having a PROM date (bringing her brother might not be appropriate) by buying a pink sparkly gown for graduation.


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