• 成为RICS执业公司”使BDGH八达国提供了一个真正竞争优势我们能够展示世界公认专业精神、保障信心

    Being 'Regulated by RICS' sets BDGH apart, providing a truly competitive advantage. We can demonstrate a measure of professionalism, security and confidence that is recognized throughout the world.


  • 结果表明36个组合只有2组合稻米品质指标全部颁优质稻谷标准3级以上2个组合的米粒长宽比在2.9以上

    The results indicated that only 2 combinations reach three grade quality standards in the 36 indica hybrid rice combinations, the length-width ratio of the 2 combinations were greater than 2.9.


  • 联合世界粮食计划署证实工作人员尔富尔北部遭到绑架。

    The U. N. World Food Programme confirmed the abduction of eight of its workers in northern Darfur.


  • 2011年,苏丹陛下文莱鲁萨兰Yang Di-PertuanNegaraUBD25周年庆典宣布学者 UBD 的引言

    His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam in his titah during the UBD 25th Anniversary Celebration in 2011 announced the introduction of The Chancellor's Scholar UBD.


  • 不过这些协议很少能因为必须满足所有东盟家,部分成员之前已经第三自己双边协议了。

    But these agreements rarely add up to much, as they must satisfy all ASEAN members, some of which already have their own bilateral deals with the third party.


  • 土耳其并不承认希腊-塞浦路斯共和作为该岛合法代表因此我们不会接受他们作为对话者”,特奥卢先生如是说。

    Turkey does not recognise the Greek-Cypriot republic as the legitimate representative of the island so "we would not accept them as interlocutors", said Mr Davutoglu.


  • 苏哈托分别埃及印度尼西亚带入阵营前,这不结盟运动创始成员之一。

    Before Egypt and Indonesia were brought into the American camp by Sadat and Suharto, they had been two of the four founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement.


  • 西班牙没有找到黄金他们1545年找到了瓜试图排干。

    The Spaniards didn't find El Dorado, but they did find Lake Guatavita and tried to drain it in 1545.


  • 联合儿童基金会,这232名年龄在1520岁青少年扣押布隆迪首都布琼布拉以北军营布鲁马塔军营。

    The United Nations Children's Fund says 232 children between the ages of 15 and 20 had been held at the Randa and Burumata camps north of the Burundian capital, Bujumbura.


  • 拉谟大学克里斯·戴维森这个酋长撰写了一部史书,把比作“海绵经济”,即为吸取外资而服务。

    Chris Davidson of Durham University, who has written a history of the emirate, describes it as a "spongelike economy", designed to absorb foreign money.


  • 车臣东面吉斯坦与车臣西面印古什1991年后虽未宣布独立实际上处于一种内战状态

    Neither Dagestan, to the east, nor Ingushetia, to Chechnya's west, claimed independence after 1991, but both are in a state resembling civil war.


  • 只要还活在世上,库什内先生就坚持这项工作,并且努力卢旺黎巴嫩尔富尔等也如此。

    Mr Kouchner took the job with his eyes open, and has tried to make his own way over Rwanda, Lebanon and Darfur.


  • 哈马德称为“彩虹酋长”,阿布·比酋长王族成员

    Hamad, also known as the "Rainbow Sheikh" is a member of the Abu Dhabi Ruling Family.


  • 接近破门机会来自门将维克托·巴尔德斯失误,阿比尔后场回传,巴尔德斯停球太,斯坦科·维奇断球

    The closest Inter came was courtesy of a mistake from the goalkeeper, Victor valdes, whose touch on Eric Abidal's back-pass was precariously heavy. Dejan Stankovic's shot was weak.


  • 根据渣打银行的数据,去年海湾合作委员会成员外资流入15%-40%。

    The broad-money supply grew last year at an annual rate of 15-40% in GCC countries, according to Standard Chartered.


  • 承诺要向视英巴基斯坦反恐盟友卡梅伦澄清事实。

    Mr. Zardari had promised to set the record straight with Mr. Cameron, who called the two nations allies in fighting terrorism.


  • 格林·纳喀麦隆伯利兹多米尼加共和这些在债务违约之后表现差劲乌拉圭违约后的繁荣当中得不到多少安慰

    Grenada, Cameroon, Belize or the Dominican Republic, which fared poorly after defaulting, can take little comfort from Uruguay's post-default boom.


  • 海利根姆会议这个问题讨论不仅涉及集团,而且还涉及其它CO2排放印度

    The Heligendamm discussions on the issue involve not only the G8 but leaders from other top CO2-emitting countries, such as China and India.


  • 联合粮农组织记录过去十年里每年消失森林面积一千三百万公顷,相当于整个英格兰地区,其中大部分由于热带雨林开垦为耕地。

    In the past decade, the FAO records, around 13m hectares of the world's forests, an area the size of England, have been lost each year. Most of this was tropical forest, razed for agriculture.


  • 石油丰富的海湾阿拉伯捐助非洲基础设施方面发挥很大作用,在过去平均每年承诺额5亿美元。

    Oil-rich Gulf states and Arab donors are also playing a substantial role in African infrastructure, committing on average $500 million every year over the past seven years.


  • 之后,萨奥尔一行前往距海利根45公里的维斯玛,来自的74位青年代表将讨论目前世界所面临主要问题主会场遥相呼应

    Later the group will go to Wismar, about 45 kilometers from Heiligendamm, where 74 youths from the G8 countries are debating the main problems facing the world, in parallel to the main summit.


  • 尔福尔联合维和部队报告5月份有大约600苏丹西部地区交战,这是最近几年死亡代价最高一个月

    The UN peacekeeping force in Darfur reported that about 600 people died in fighting in the western Sudanese region in May, the highest monthly death toll for several years.


  • 联邦2500万公民GDP总和将1.6万亿美元,成为世界12经济体之一20集团中占有一席之地。

    The union would have 25m citizens and a combined GDP of $1.6 trillion, making it one of the world’s 12 biggest economies and entitling it to a seat at the G20.


  • 联邦2500万公民GDP总和将1.6万亿美元,成为世界12经济体之一20集团中占有一席之地。

    The union would have 25m citizens and a combined GDP of $1.6 trillion, making it one of the world’s 12 biggest economies and entitling it to a seat at the G20.


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