• “与传统观念进一步矛盾是,我们发现女性男性工作家里压力小,”研究人员之一萨拉·马斯克写道

    "Further contradicting conventional wisdom, we found that women as well as men have lower levels of stress at work than at home, " writes one of the researchers, Sarah Damske.


  • 六月份,统一党的领导人肯尼领导受到了严重的质疑—现在再一面对着相同的压力

    In June its leader, Enda Kenny, survived a leadership challenge-and he is once again under pressure.


  • 美国激进主义者NelsonPeltz最近购买了能3%股份后Rosenfeld女士采取行动压力

    The pressure on Ms Rosenfeld to make a move increased when Nelson Peltz, an American activist investor, recently bought 3% of Kraft.


  • 中国改善就业压力非常大,中国劳动力人口近8亿,每年新增就业人口就1200万,相当于3个爱尔兰总人口

    We are also facing huge pressure of employment. China's Labour force totals 800 million, every year 12 million more jobs should be created, as of 3 times of the population of Ireland.


  • 最近的一项企业推迟3偿还贷款政策减轻他们业绩压力

    A recent policy to let companies delay loan repayments for up to three years relieves the pressure on them to perform.


  • 北京上海等地,祭扫人数历史新高,给城市公共交通带来了不小的压力

    The Qingming crowds in Beijing and Shanghai also reached record high, putting pressure on the cities' public traffic.


  • 压力之下切尔西第55分钟追回一分。弗洛朗·马卢得以突入禁区,斜射传球给丹尼尔·斯图里奇其破门。

    Chelsea's pressure told in the 55th minute as Florent Malouda was allowed to advance into the box and his cross-cum-shot was tapped home by Daniel Sturridge.


  • 卢旺引渡回刚果稍微减轻卡比拉压力,同时有助于向对持怀疑态度刚果民众兜售卡加梅组成的联盟(表面上看起来有些邪恶同盟)。

    Mr Nkunda's extradition by Rwanda to Congo could take some heat off Mr Kabila and help him sell a seemingly unholy alliance with Mr Kagame to the sceptical Congolese: a tricky task.


  • 利尼瑜伽绝对自然地缓解压力不错选择。

    Kundalini Yoga is a great way to relieve stress naturally.


  • 中国已经下令全国2d《阿凡》,据说部分原因为了帮助本土电影减少竞争压力

    Chinese authorities have ordered the 2d version of "Avatar" pulled from screens across the country, reportedly, part of the reason is to reduce competition for China's homegrown films.


  • 巴尔罗说,“如果攻读硕士学位时间压力引起失衡那么你需要判断一下这样代价是否值得。”

    If obtaining a master's degree causes an imbalance due to time devoted to education and potentially more stress at work, then one will these costs are worth it.


  • Inkamala女士忍受着一些原住民压力担任法庭翻译控诉男性谋杀案审判中互译英语阿兰语。

    Resisting pressure from some of her own people, Ms Inkamala has worked as a court interpreter, translating between English and the Aranda language in murder trials against men.


  • 一项大规模高速运输轻轨交通系统定于2011年动工但是预计2020年乘客数量每天40万人次,因此即使高速运输系统投入使用也很难缓解拥堵压力

    Construction of a mass rapid-transit railway is due to start in 2011, but with the number of passengers expected to reach just 400,000 a day by 2020 it will hardly ease the congestion.


  • npr新闻·乌拉比报道这个社交网络巨头面临压力,一些组织警告脸书,要求其禁止仇视女性页面

    NPR's Neda Ulaby reports the social networking giant has come under pressure from groups warning it to ban pages that promote hatred of women.


  • 自制压力我们没有必要跟着时间走,只需跟着心态能力走,随缘尽力问心无愧,其他的,交给

    Don't homemade pressure, there is no need for us to follow the time, simply follow the mentality and ability, revel, trying, as life, have a clear conscience, other and handed it to day.


  • 渗透层渗流具有非西特征启动压力梯度研究低渗透储层开发过程中问题基础

    Research on characters of non-Darcy flow and starting pressure gradient of low permeability reservoir were foundation of reservoir production.


  • 瓦伦效应启示我们过分关注事件结果往往使心理压力增强从而导致最后失败

    Wallenda effect enlightenment we too much attention to the outcome of events, often can make the psychological pressure is enhanced, thus leading to the final failure.


  • 但是如果我们下降海底深度33英尺处我们身体所承受压力平方英寸就会再增加15

    But if we descend into the sea to a depth of 33 feet, the pressure on our bodies increases by 15 pounds extra per square inch.


  • 根据西公式相对渗透率曲线毛管压力曲线的表示式,提出了一个描述机理及其影响因素简化数学模型

    This paper presents a simplified mathematical model for describing the water block mechanism and its influences, based on Darcy's formula and relative permeability curve and capillary pressure curve.


  • 西定律表明油井地层压力井筒井底具有相关性

    Darcy's law indicates that formation pressure of an oil well has some correlativity with wellbore fluid producing volume and bottom hole flowing pressure.


  • 渗透油藏渗流时存在启动压力现象,渗流特征遵循西定律

    The low permeability reservoirs have the start-up pressure, and the seepage flows do not obey the Darcy's law.


  • 受到伊朗核计划不断带来国际压力的影响,法国能源公司停止伊朗运送石油

    French energy company Total says it has stopped petrol deliveries to Iran, amid growing international pressure over Iran's nuclear programme.


  • 弗格森承认由于父亲缘故背负了更多压力普雷斯顿成功

    Darren Ferguson has admitted there is additional pressure on him to succeed at Preston North End because of his father's success at Manchester United.


  • ·米勒伦敦一位母亲知道这种压力

    Linda Miller, a mother of three in London, knows all about such pressure.


  • 德国默公司的压力位移监控器比较装置不但能够完全实现监控功能而且每套装置节省成本三万元左右

    Compared with Germany Staiger pressure and displacement monitoring instrument, the device could realize monitoring function completely, and the device cost drops by about thirty thousands Yuan.


  • 渗流速度渗透水压力线性关系符合宏观尺度渗流西定律

    The relation between the specific discharges and seepage pressures are linear and consistent with the Darcy law in macro-scale.


  • 渗流速度渗透水压力线性关系符合宏观尺度渗流西定律

    The relation between the specific discharges and seepage pressures are linear and consistent with the Darcy law in macro-scale.


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