• 一个人要想真正达到万物皆空最高精神境界非常的,除非已修行几

    Answer: It is actually very hard to attain the highest release in one lifetime, unless one had already trained well in past lives.


  • 参加此次活动3500名书法作者互相比拼,看谁的水平最高,但是并不是所有达到写书法所要求专心境界

    Not all 3, 500 participants were able to achieve the sought-after state of concentration believed best for calligraphy as they competed for the best brushwork.


  • 一个人必须达到功夫最高境界

    Master: One must first master the highest level of kungfu.


  • 米拉·热巴因此期望能够达到最高境界真实体现

    Milarepa was thus the true embodiment of the highest that man can aspire to and attain.


  • 能够智慧填补闲暇时光文明最高境界目前很少有人能够达到这样水平

    To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached the level.


  • 自然流畅佛陀姿势形成了盛唐时期佛像的特征,历史学家无论是佛教还是艺术达到石窟文化的最高境界

    The natural, fluid poses of the Buddha's retinue characterize the High Tang period, when historians say both Buddhism and art reached their highest expression in the grottoes.


  • 因此达到最高境界难以任何其他人区别开来的。

    So, one who has attained the top state is difficult to distinguish from anyone else.


  • 无论哪一种达到最高境界时,总是敏感心灵激动流泪。

    Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears.


  • 科思把追求优雅生活作为最高境界力求一件产品达到艺术品标准

    Korth elegant life as the pursuit of the highest level, and strive to achieve works of art each product standards.


  • 道德修养达到最高境界认识我们应该控制自己的思想- - -查尔斯·达尔文英国生物学家

    The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control thoughts — Charles Darwin, English biologist.


  • 认为某些方面他们在《西斯复仇他们最高境界

    And I think, in some kind of way, they reached their apotheosis in 'Revenge of the Sith.


  • 壁炉上整个屋子、水、火、俱全达到风水最高境界

    Burn a pot of water on the true fire fireplace, the whole house gold, wood, water, fire, soil is five lines of complete, come to a the tallest state that the geomancy learns.


  • 仔细地倾听恰到好处回答我们达到谈话艺术最高境界。 罗什富科。

    To listen closely and reply well is the highest perfection we are able attain in the art of conversation.


  • 这个过程中只有真正做到主观情感融入原创作品中,实现”的完美结合才能达到声乐表演最高境界

    In this process, only when put our main feeling into the original works combining it with the "form", can we get to the highest state in vocal music performance.


  • 这些难忘事件永远鼓舞我们我们牢记思想身体精神所曾达到最高境界

    These memorable events will remain to uplift and remind us of the farthest reaches of the human mind, body and spirit.


  • 道德境界体现了最高道德价值“至核心价值,儒家的“都是达到至高的道德境界

    Moral state reflected highest moral value, with "to be apt to" for its core value, of the Confucianist "benevolence" or "sincere" etc is to reach supreme moral state.


  • 总之实现自我使个人身体精神能力达到最高境界

    In short, for the realization of self, that is, the individual's physical and mental, the ability to achieve the highest level.


  • 但是是当时达到最高境界了,而且通过其他悠闲自得的方法(时间允许的范围内)弄的书肯定糟。

    But it was the best that I could have done at that time, and a more leisurely method (within the time at my disposal) would almost certainly have produced something worse.


  • 鲁迅杂文思想艺术成就很大程度上代表现代中国散文已经达到最高境界

    The achievements in arts and the idea of Lu Xun's essay, can be understood, in a quite great degree, represent the highest realms of the development of contemporary Chinese essays.


  • 渴望达到最高境界金融实力地位随着身体辉煌正在事情已经严重影响他们的身体,心理和情绪健康

    The hunger to reach the zenith of financial prowess and status along with physical magnificence is making people do things that have grave repercussions on their physical, mental and emotional health.


  • 真正达到薄如如玉镜、最高境界

    Really reached a thin paper, white jade, as bright as a mirror, sound as the top of the pops up.


  • 各位新年快乐,世界早日脱离金融风暴,达到如下世界和谐最高境界

    Hope the world can be as harmonious as this picture and get rid of the crisis as early as possible!


  • 艺术家个人通过艺术形式实现自我解放,形成自己独特艺术风格达到了艺术的最高境界

    Art individuals create art form not only been informed of the interpretation or a set of its own unique artistic style qualification to be known as the highest realm of art.


  • 艺术家个人通过艺术形式实现自我解放,形成自己独特艺术风格达到了艺术的最高境界

    Art individuals create art form not only been informed of the interpretation or a set of its own unique artistic style qualification to be known as the highest realm of art.


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