• 以前常阿迪朗达克采花。

    She used to pick flowers in the Adirondacks.


  • 西阿迪朗达克山脉中最高

    Mount Marcy is the highest mountain in the Adirondacks.


  • 很棒一周,可以阿迪达克山各式各样的旅馆里停留过夜

    It should be a great week, with overnight stops in assorted hotels in the Adirondacks.


  • 马西阿迪·朗达克最高

    Marcy is the highest mountain in the Adirondacks.


  • 这个宏伟的视图显示阿迪朗达克山雍容华贵。

    This magnificent view shows the multihued beauty of the Adirondacks, a mountain range located in the northeastern part of New York.


  • 有些例外几乎阿迪·朗达克山脉上的一切变了

    But with few exceptions, almost everything has changed in the Adirondacks.


  • 美国纽约州东北冰川位于尚普兰湖以南阿迪朗达克麓小丘上。

    A glacial lake of northeast New York in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains south of lake Champlain.


  • 居住阿迪·朗达克采取其余来自雪鞋等待以期云层覆盖云天首脑会议

    A resident of the Adirondack Mountains area takes a rest from snowshoeing and waits for a view from the cloud-covered summit of Mount Skylight.


  • Destito先生为例,他罗马附近,阿迪朗达克山脉丘陵地带一个小城市里长大

    Mr. Destito, forexample, grew up in nearby Rome, a small city at the foothills of theAdirondacks.


  • 一位电脑程序设计员纽约市到了宁静阿第伦达克电脑保持办公室之间的联系

    A computer programmer from New York City moves to the tranquil Adirondack Mountains and stays in contact with her office via computer.


  • 完美家庭娱乐轻松的浪漫之旅酋长一个奢华乔治饭店风景如画的阿迪·朗达克定居

    Perfect for both family fun and relaxing romantic getaways, the Sagamore is a luxury Lake George hotel, settled in the picturesque Adirondack Mountains.


  • 或许我们静静地坐在阿迪·朗达克山下舒伦湖边码头边上之时,或许老朋友那次尤其热闹聚餐之时。

    It could be while sitting quietly at the end of a dock on Schroon Lake in the Adirondacks. Or it could come in the middle of a particularly lively dinner with old friends.


  • 架飞机于早7:59起飞,向西飞行。刚刚越过阿迪·朗达克山便突然掉头向,开始纽约市中心地区俯冲

    The plane took off at 7:59 a.m. and headed west, over the Adirondacks, before taking a sudden turn south and diving down toward the heart of New York City.


  • 因为阿迪·朗达克山圆顶上,是一块老石头的表面,向上,拱起的速度周围其他地理元素都要快。

    You're climbing onto the Adirondack dome, an exposure of ancient rock thrusting upward, rising faster than anything around it.


  • 一个非常有趣的项目设计建筑师彼得·格鲁克合作伙伴阿迪·朗达克纽约附近乔治位于

    Pool Pavilion is a very interesting project designed by Peter Gluck and Partners Architects and located in Adirondack mountains, New York, near Lake George.


  • 黑河:美国纽约北部河流,源于阿迪·朗达克流程193公里(120英里)注入河湾安大略湖水湾

    A river of northern New York rising in the Adirondack Mountains and flowing about 193 km (120 mi) to Black river Bay, an inlet of Lake Ontario.


  • 地方——纽约以北约小时车程,我可以感受到阿迪·朗达克山特殊引力分别西延伸小时的车程。

    From where I live a couple of hours north of New York City, I can feel the peculiar gravity of the Adirondacks, which lie another two hours to the north and west.


  • 行业最后工厂8个月倒闭,该工厂位于纽约谢里尔,艾迪·朗达克历史可追溯到殖民地时期——80个工人失业

    The last factory in an industry stretching back to colonial times closed eight months ago in Sherrill, N.Y., a small community in the foothills of the Adirondacks, and 80 employees lost their jobs.


  • 邓布利多作为孤儿一家之主回到戈德里克那个夏天,巴希达·巴沙特同意家里接待侄孙,盖勒特·格林德沃。

    The very same summer that Dumbledore went home to Godric's Hollow, now an orphan and head of the family, Bathilda Bagshot agreed to accept into her home her greatnephew, Gellert Grindelwald.


  • 另一个这样容易满足朋友巴希达·沙特,著名魔法史专家,戈德里克许多

    Another such easily satisfied friend of the family was Bathilda Bagshot, the celebrated magical historian who has lived in Godric's Hollow for many years.


  • 最后我们遗憾通知听众们,戈德里克发现巴希达·巴沙特遗体,看样子几个去世的。

    Finally, we regret to inform our listeners that the remains of Bathilda Bagshot have been discovered in Godric's Hollow. The evidence is that she died several months ago.


  • 最后我们遗憾通知听众们,戈德里克发现巴希达·巴沙特遗体,看样子几个去世的。

    Finally, we regret to inform our listeners that the remains of Bathilda Bagshot have been discovered in Godric's Hollow. The evidence is that she died several months ago.


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