• 这个完美的星期天早上所有船长他们的家人在一班尼克蛋一祈祷恰到好处”的吧。

    I guess on this perfect Sunday morning all the "captains" and their mates are home making eggs Benedict while praying for "just the right" wind.


  • 可是如果吹了就会变化所以就把棺木了土;不是靠林惇的!

    — he had hard work to stir me; but he said it would change if the air blew on it, and so I struck one side of the coffin loose, and covered it up: not Linton's side, damn him!


  • 另一MicroSIM插槽位于底部金属带中的缺口顶端电话和休眠按钮耳机插口和另外一个缺口,以及新的噪音麦克

    On the right side is the Micro SIM slot and another notch in the band at the bottom, and up top there's the power / sleep button, headphone jack, another notch, and new noise-canceling microphone.


  • 推动水域事实物理定律吻合,吹至建立安全通道的停止也会造成水流快速涌

    The wind moves the water in a way that's in accordance with physical laws, creating a safe passage with water on two sides and then abruptly allowing the water to rush back in. '.


  • 呼呼的好似个奏乐家,附和着一创造出一的意境。

    The wind blowing like a play, rain go along the side side to create a mood.


  • 沼泽谷另一的山峦隐隐约约回答传了过来——“哪儿?”倾听着冷杉中低吟着,一切只有荒原的孤独午夜沉寂

    The hills beyond Marsh Glen sent the answer faintly back — Where are you? I listened. The wind sighed low in the firs: all was moorland loneliness and midnight hush.


  • 复古碎花中长连衣裙配上棕色镂空及露出脚踝灰色短袜清纯的复古味十足。

    Vintage floral mid-dress matching a pair of brown hollow-out high-heel ankle boots with the grey sock trimmings perfectly flaunt a kind of pure vintage style.


  • 老鼠为什么洞呢?

    Wind: Oh, little mouse, why are you making a hole in Hill's side?


  • ,轻轻从窗前

    Across my window, wind was quietly flying away.


  • 尽量不要放在的地方,火焰偏倒,影响美观;蜡烛只往,使蜡烛燃烧失去平衡

    Do not place the candle under wind, the flame will shake by sway; over firing on one side will break the candle balance.


  • 精致翻领荷叶搭配,颇有几分学院,散发青春气息

    Delicate small lapel with falbala collocation, using somewhat institute wind, send out green breath.


  • 拉费尔对迪恩表现出了暴怒对抗的情绪,并且返回球员通道的时候还脚踢一个的麦克

    Rafael reacted furiously and confronted Dean before kicking out at a pitch-side microphone as he made his way towards the tunnel.


  • 海洋珊瑚礁则要不断接受海浪力量考验

    The coral on the ocean side is constantly being tested by wind, waves, storms — surges of power.


  • 推动水域事实物理定律吻合,吹至建立安全通道的停止也会造成水流快速涌

    The wind moves the water in a way that's in accordance with physical laws, creating a safe passage with water on two sides and then abruptly allowing the water to rush back in.


  • 采用有限元方法计算了点接式玻璃幕墙荷载作用下应力场讨论应力特性

    The stress fields of bolted glass curtain wall under wind load were studied by means of finite element method and the features of the stress states round holes in bolted glass were discussed.


  • 把空磁带放进录音机,把麦克送到

    I slipped the tape into the recorder and held the microphone to her lips.


  • 回到家中天气了,呼啸着穿过断壁冷杉林

    I'm home now. The weather has turned. The wind is howling through the fir trees on the edge of my bluff.


  • 轻轻窗前

    Wind is gently flying across my window.


  • 添加修改器后,你可以调整所有弹簧硬度可以让松弛弯曲随着摆动,或者地面搅动

    Once you add the Soft Body modifier, you can adjust the stiffness of all those edge springs, allowing your mesh to sag, to bend, to flutter in the breeze, or to puddle up on the ground.


  • 陕西省黄土地区工程实践来看黄土外,黄土工程特性与一般粘性基本相近

    From the view point of practice on the slope engineering in Shaanxi province, the engineering properties of old loess is close to that of cohesive soil, except new aeolian loess.


  • 刮过感觉到一股股寒流心底。

    Scratched from the face side of the wind, I felt a Unit of the cold hearts of straight bar.


  • 所述气孔、罩上手拉盘翻形成进气通道,构成噪声阻隔结构

    The air inlet holes of the hand disc, the flanging of the wind guide cover and the flanging of the hand disc form an air inlet channel, resulting in a noise separating structure.


  • 具有自动纸、、压痕、开切角功能;需要时还可增加透气孔及手提孔装置。

    This machine offers various functions such as automatic air suction for paper feeding, trimming, folding-mark pressing, slotting and scoring.


  • 如果日子里我们购物因为看到的时候,我头发打击

    If it is a windy day, we go shopping once a while, because I want to let you see my look when the wind disorderly blow my hair;


  • 自动,自动温度调控,24小时定时器。生产装置避免粉变弯,起泡。采用胶轮滚动上同时工作,操作简单快捷

    Automatic paper feeding and pasting, automatic temperature control, by using rubber wheel paper feeding and pasting two side can work together at the same time simply, quickly.


  • 妻子着‘司机号’司机号’开山坡卡车后面追着妻子。”主人。正

    I went running down the hill after my wife and after the truck with 'Operator One and Operator Two' behind the wheel, "the owner said, laughing."


  • 妻子着‘司机号’司机号’开山坡卡车后面追着妻子。”主人。正

    I went running down the hill after my wife and after the truck with 'Operator One and Operator Two' behind the wheel, "the owner said, laughing."


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