• 史蒂希特、麦康伯乔丹普斯走,私下商量事情

    Off to one side, Sticht, Macomber, Jordan, and Kreps huddled to discuss something.


  • 真是聪明女人。”文医生穿上大衣

    "She’s a shrewd woman," said Dr. Craven, putting on his coat.


  • 草地田野我们主人农夫房子

    On one side of the meadow was a field and on the other was the house of our master, Farmer Grey.


  • 然而布·女士叫到一建议别出心裁的。”

    However, Ms. Leibfried took me aside and suggested I do something "a little different."


  • 保守党领导人也是茵费尔德先生朋友卡梅隆自由者这一

    The Tory leader, David Cameron, a friend of Mr Reinfeldt’s, is also in coalition with the liberals.


  • 保守党领导人也是茵费尔德先生朋友卡梅隆自由者这一

    The Tory leader, David Cameron, a friend of Mr Reinfeldt's, is also in coalition with the liberals.


  • 热刺队中场球员斯·贝尔观战

    Spurs midfielder Gareth Bale was also courtside to take in the action.


  • 学生们研读弗洛伊德爱伦·坡的著作,观看希区柯克恐怖电影讨论恐怖片中性别阶级家庭处理

    Students read Freud and Poe and watch Hitchcock and Craven, all while discussing the horror genre's treatment of gender, class, and family.


  • 巴萨拥有阿尔维斯喜欢参与进攻认为萨吉作为发挥重要作用

    Barcelona have Dani Alves, who very often takes part in their attacks. I think Emilio would make an instant impact on the other side because he is a better crosser.


  • 儿子立时暴跳,一吼叫着一竟向红彤彤熔炉去!

    The boy fly into a rage immediately.He rushed towards the hot furnace, yelling on his mouth.His father caught him.


  • 橄榄球已经儿子佛迪完全到一,还总是用可怜巴巴的“不能在家里流行女孩吗?”之类的理由,甚至是我的女儿艾米丽亚也喜欢看那些节目。

    Rugby classes have kicked out of my five-year-old Freddie some of that namby-pamby “Can’t I stay in and watch Pop Girl?” stuff; even my daughter Emilia claims to enjoy it.


  • 不是完全不同吧,这里看起来像是天堂。”特跳进水中这样着。

    "Not totally different," Trevor said, jumping into the water. "It's like a paradise."


  • 学生们一研读弗洛伊德爱伦·坡著作,观看希区柯克和克恐怖电影,一讨论恐怖片中对性别阶级和家庭处理

    Students read Freud6 and Poe7 and watch Hitchcock8 and Craven9, all while discussing the horror genre's treatment of gender, class, and family.


  • 厨房里,名来自北方战士一名图阿族人水槽挽着袖子聊天,一

    In the kitchen, a northern fighter and a Tuareg man chatted over the sink, sleeves pulled up, while washing dishes.


  • 她注视着格乌斯先生绕过来,郑重地夏莫斯先生致敬,然后从箱里选出一张纸片。

    Graves came around from the side of the box, greeted Mr. Summers gravely and selected a slip of paper from the box.


  • 广场整个西亚式商业大厅柱廊已经完全碎裂坍塌了,成废墟下面掩埋着好几十卡巴拉商人访客

    On the far side of the plaza, the entire colonnade of a Tiresian-style commercial hall had crumbled , burying dozens of Karbarran traders and visitors under tons of debris.


  • 莉莉咖啡谈论着这间咖啡店

    Lily and Li Lei are drinking coffee and talking at a coffee shop.


  • 不能挑战法币颠覆全球支付行业,一不请自来关注暴跳如,就因为父母没敲门就进卧室大发脾气的少年一样。

    You cannot challenge fiat currencies and disrupt the global payments industry while reacting to any uninvited scrutiny like an adolescent whose parent has opened the bedroom door without knocking.


  • 叹气看上去那么一本正经,那么高尚,那么神秘。以至秒钟,迪真的以为高谈阔论美好的事情。

    As he said this he sighed and looked so grave and noble and mysterious that for a second Digory really thought he was saying something rather fine.


  • 林肯开格比,肩膀这么,扔到一如同口袋面粉

    Lincoln pulled Grigsby off, raised him shoulder high and threw him aside as though he were a sack of meal.


  • 知道卡夫喜欢坐在咖啡店的桌子沉浸在报纸,报纸青蛙的,卡夫而说完全外语,她一点也看不懂所以格希望也许“这样的字眼显示卡夫关心。”

    "He knew that Calffie does not like him sitting at a table sinking into reading papers in a frog's language, which is foreign to Calffie. So Froggie used word" maybe "to show his care for the calf."


  • 萨姆说:“知道的,商店里不到这种鱼钩。”克·赫德萨姆握手,对会心一笑

    "You know, you can't buy that fly in a store," he said, as he shook Sam's hand and gave him a knowing smile.


  • 巴塞尔连续——亚历山大(进球)球,出乎意料地使得巴塞尔领先卡里克当时还是抱着扳平希望的。

    The Swiss side scored three times in successionAlexander Frei (two) and Fabian Frei with the goals – to take Basel into a surprise lead but Carrick said he remained hopeful of an equaliser.


  • 方法背侧石膏固定治疗骨折术后早期功能锻炼

    Methods: Fixing treating the Colles Fracture with wrapping sides plaster, Function exercises at the early period after operation.


  • 昨天了,可是这样不侥人你将来娶一个鼻息老婆每天晚上枕头吹喇叭

    I was tired yesterday. But if you are going to be so unforgiving, heaven will punish you with a wife who snores like thunder. She'll blow a bugle by your pillow every night.


  • 终于有了回音——令人惊讶是,回声近在咫尺,高亢嘹亮一样充满孤独凄凉。一时间叫喊声此起彼伏,片喧腾。是狼群!阿尔瓦斯一微笑点着头,朝声音方向走去进入森林黑暗之中。

    Finally an answer comes, surprisingly close and loud, the same sad sound rising to exultation: the howl of a wolf. álvares smiles and nods, then walks toward the sound, into the darkness of the trees.


  • 德克纳普可能也会在一监督球队,现在如果庞贝训练基地,你将发现托尼球员们混到块来灌输想法

    Redknapp would perhaps stand off a bit and oversee proceedings but if you go to Pompey's training ground now you will see Tony in among the players putting his ideas across.


  • 德克纳普可能也会在一监督球队,现在如果庞贝训练基地,你将发现托尼球员们混到块来灌输想法

    Redknapp would perhaps stand off a bit and oversee proceedings but if you go to Pompey's training ground now you will see Tony in among the players putting his ideas across.


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