• 一个可能原因自由管理程序想要避免那种情况那种情况下,如果事务边界保持结果,就必须保持某些资源

    One possible reason is that the resource manager wants to avoid the situation, where it has to hold some resource locks if the result set is held across the transaction boundaries.


  • 这些紧紧围绕细菌的的多聚体形成边界明显的一称为荚膜

    When the polymer forms a condensed, well-defined layer closely surrounding the cell, it is called the capsule.


  • 文中以平面波源制作叠加剖面点源记录边界处理为例,说明方法处理效果是良好的

    The boundary treatments of both stack section made from plane wave sources and point-shot records prove this method excellent.


  • 过程原来混沌中的迭代轨道逐渐演变一个不连续边界归宿构成随机

    In this process the iteration trajectory in the aforementioned chaotic sea gradually changes to a stochastic web constructed by the end results of the image set of the discontinuous border.


  • 根据粗糙理论边界区域V -支持向量优点支持向量聚类算法进行改进。

    According to the border region of rough set theory and the merits of V-support vector machine, the algorithm of support vector clustering is improved.


  • 边界包含一个非空

    The boundary of a contains a nonempty open set.


  • 生产前沿生产技术无效性是联系在一起同时生产前沿又与生产可能边界很好的吻合起来。

    Production frontier contacts with the technical inefficiency, and it is also tallies with the boundary of possible production set.


  • 算法保证分形插值时边界连续性而且对于初始数据没有任何对称性限制

    The proposed algorithm guaranteed the boundary continuity and canceled symmetry restriction on the initial data set.


  • 选定信号边界信号星座成形用于降低星座的平均能量

    The shaping of a signal constellation by selecting the boundary of the signal set is used to reduce the average energy of the constellation.


  • 对于其中非线性约束采用活动约束概念,对于线性边界约束,则按约束优化方法中的梯度投影法作专门处理

    The active constraint set was introduced in the nonlinear constraints of the optimization, meanwhile the project gradient method was used to treat the linear boundary constraints.


  • 系统模型中包含参数移动边界建立热交换动态模型,以及压缩机膨胀稳态流动模型

    The system model comprises the dynamic heat exchanger model based on the lumped parameter method and moving phase boundary method, and the stable flow models of compressor and expansion valve.


  • 方法不但提高分割精度而且能够很好解决单一速度函数水平算法难以处理的边界缺口问题

    This method not only enhances the accuracy of segmentation, but also solves the bounder gap problem well, which is quite a puzzle for single level set algorithm.


  • 利用粗糙理论给出一种基于粗糙图像边界检测算法研究算法的基本原理、实现复杂度

    This paper gives an adaptive edge detection algorithm based on rough set, carries out some researches on the ba-sic theory, realization and complexity of the algorithms.


  • 首先给出边界公理定义,然后证明边界公理与公理的条件等价。

    This paper demonstrates what boundary axioms are and the condition under which boundary axioms equal the axioms of open sets.


  • 数据挖掘知识发现领域重要问题粗糙理论种具有模糊边界数据挖掘方法,它广泛应用决策系统分类规则提取

    Data mining is an important problem in KDD, and Rough set as a theory of set with fuzzy boundary is widely applied to infer classification rules from decision system.


  • 根据广义模糊理论提出用于DICOM数据动态边界检测算法

    According to theory of generalized fuzzy sets, the dynamic edge detection algorithm of DICOM Data was given.


  • 这里介绍了一基于指令模块主控体系结构,它指令的选择依照边界扫描规范从中提取出最基本的控制方式,具有指令扩展功能。

    We practiced a special structure of a BSM based on the instruction expanded design. The instruction set was chosen carefully by studying the Boundary Scanning test standard.


  • 因为改进了逃逸时间算法判别标准,因此,目标边界

    Because the judgment criteria on the escape time algorithm is improved, the object set is the boundary set.


  • 本文主要讨论线性拓扑空间固有代数边界性质

    The properties of the proper algebraic boundary point sets of the sets in topological linear Spaces were discussed.


  • 粗糙理论粗糙模糊理论中,上下近似边界求解决策属性约简它们核心内容

    In the rough set theory and rough-fuzzy set theory, computation of approximations and edge and attributes reduction of decision table is import part of them.


  • 算法引入了一个全新优化方法边界频繁产生结合起来。

    The algorithm introduces a novel optimization technique combining with border sets and generator representation.


  • 铝合金导线拉拔成型塑性变形数学模型复杂几何非线性边界非线性、材料非线性于一体。

    Drawing process of aluminum alloy wire has large plastic deformation, which mathematical model is complicated including geometric nonlinearity, boundary nonlinearity, material nonlinearity and so on.


  • 实验结果表明算法边界不清晰的数据可获得精确的聚类划分,同时具有很强噪声抑制能力

    The experimental results show that, the method is effective in clustering while dealing with undefined boundary problems, and is powerful in avoiding noise.


  • 这些性质水平水平及其相对内部、相对边界性质与它们之间关系表述的。

    These newproperties are expressed in terms of the properties of arid relationships between the levelset, the upper level set, the relative interior, and the relative boundary of the upper levelset.


  • 有关应用于程序安全边界更多信息请参见程序安全注意事项。

    For more information about security boundaries as they apply to assemblies, see Assembly security Considerations.


  • 算法使用较少内存空间平面散乱点边界

    This algorithm can cost few memory space for fitting the boundary.


  • 如果再仔细观察,就可以发现边界没有波纹线而是火焰一样闪光

    A closer look reveals that the borders of the set do not form crisp lines but seem to shimmer like flames.


  • 定义了使模型具有经济意义可行通过理论分析数值仿真相结合方法得到可行边界

    The feasible set is defined in which the variables economic senses exist and boundaries of the feasible set can be obtained by using combined methods of theoretical analysis and numerical.


  • 连续扩张边界连续映射具有若干与紧相同性质

    A continuous mapping on a sequential compact set that can be continuously extended to the boundary has the same properties as on a compact set.


  • 访问程序每一应用程序必须具有静态数据单独副本避免跨域边界引用静态字段中的对象

    Each application domain that accesses the assembly must have a separate copy of the static data, to prevent references to objects in static fields from crossing domain boundaries.


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